Yeah! The Dynaudio Audience seem to be very difficult to match.On my Audience 122 I finally got decent sound with Cyrus 8 VS 2 and Chord cables.But the Cyrus ran out of steam beyond the 11'0'clock position.Sometimes I want to play really LOUD.Cyrus did not give me that option.A Bryston B100 SST/MF A5/Krell S300i/PLINIUS 9200 would drive the Audience well but that means paying twice or more for your amp over what the Dyn's cost.The Dyn Audience 72 on sale by Spidey is decently priced.But it would need amps like I have mentioned above to sound good.
Have purchased the Bryston BP 6 Pre Amplifier.A DREAM.Last two days I have been listening to music for something like 16 hours a day.Six hours hours of sleep and two hours out of the house excluded.Currently listening to Hey Nineteen,Steely Dan,Stunning!
Should I buy Bryston 3 B SST Squared (150 WPC at 8 Ohms) .First choice but expensive.
Musical Fidelity M6 PRX (260 WPC at 8 Ohms).More affordable.
go for the 3bsst.... it is really worth it. and the bp6 is matched to it perfectly...