Hi Sachin,Hi Dev. Each of those experimental changes can potentially lead to improvements in sound, but it can be a long journey. I am still not clear what’s the ‘magic’ you are missing. Is it the openness? The floating of higher frequencies? Or the microtones and hence nuances in the singing? Or the timing (faster bass)? Or the immediacy? Any or all of these (and some other aspects) can be magical to the ears. And depending on which of these you find missing, you could carefully narrow down on the speaker cable, ICs and power supply to try out. I’d also add the jumper cable (from woofer to tweeter if not biwired) as well as equipment isolations to the list. Over the last couple of years I have been through all these, with gradual and sometimes spectacular improvements, finally reaching the point where I feel eager and delighted to put in each CD in the system. Your journey might not be as long, and it may be just one or two of these things that could do the magic for you.
Another factor here could also be your choice of amplifier. The Primare sound is very peculiar. I have tried the A30.2 in my system and found it to be what I’d call a very correct (nothing is really suppressed), but cold sound. It didn’t warm my heart like my (much cheaper) Audiolab 8200A does for me. I missed the emotionality significantly. Also on subsequent reading on the net, I realised that is a characteristic of Primare sound. Some love it, while others, though maintaining high respect for what it does (like I do), don’t go for it. I do not know how your speakers are. But I’ve heard the Primare played with Energy speakers, which were very bright and energetic and they kind of complemented better.
It’s quite possible that the Primare sound is perfect for your listening preference. But may be you could reconfirm that before you embark on the long journey of optimising your rig. By trying your speakers with other comparable amplifiers with different signature if you could borrow them from friends/fellow FMs?
I think you are right. I have struggled to describe what’s missing in my set u. The word “magical” is imprecise and confusin. But I am less eager to listen than I was before I started with the Primare+Triton 3 combination. Also my listening sessions are much shorter. I did take some days off in between, but it was the same when I returned.
I am going the speaker power cables, power supply upgrade route now.
Since you have been down this path, In your experience which of these helped make a noticeable difference?
i am putting off the conclusion that it’s the Primare sound that may not be to my liking for now As I got the i32 recently.
I still have my old Peachtree Nova and will try it out.