My LCD Died :( -- Any Plasma < 40K Full HD ... available??

I am another Sony victim, with my Sony bravia showing dead pixels (the white smudges) within 2 years. But my Samsung LCD which was procured in 2008 is still running strong. I am not saying Samsung is better than Sony, but it is always a lottery. One difference is that Sony was purchased locally whereas the Samsung was brought from Dubai. That raise a question whether we are getting quality stuffs in India or not. Are we victims of third quality electronic products dumped at us, with an exorbitant price compared to world market?
Just a thought...
Just realized that I have this same model @sam9s. It has been five years now and the TV is still going strong (in fact I find the tonal balance lot better than my other year old Samsung series 5 model).

Check with the repair guys offline and try to workout something. Mostly its the motherboard that gets screwed up than the panel.
Due to heat build up with less air circulation and also the fact that none bother to blow clean it once its wall mounted.

Also dust is the number one enemy of modern electronic equipments. So use your vaccum cleaner around the rear openings to remove dust from the inside regularly. Cleaning inside by opening the cover is not advisable unless you know what you are doing.
Hi all,

I know this is an old thread, more than, one year, but I thought I have a moral responsibility to update. Its been one year and I was not able to purchase any LCD/LED after my LG 47" Died after within 4 years. As I mentioned I was not inclind to spend more than 25-30 on a TV giving the short span nature of the technology (irrespective of the brand) ...... Anyway this is what I finaly purchased ...

SANSUI 40" Full HD sky40fb11fa for 29500 store price ...... Main selling point for this for me was 3 year complete warrently (including panal), which not even samsung/sony was providing. Only 3 brands I could find which were providing 3 years full replacement warrently .... one sansui, videocon and Haier. I compared sansui with samsung with my personal 1080p content playing and believe me I could not find any difference in PQ, infact sansui's blacks seems better ...... anyway you can checkout the link for more details ....... and thanks to all of FM who pitched in the thread to provide their valuable advice ...
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Well for all the Plasma supporters my Plasma VT 20 bought 4 years back is out of the guarantee period but still going strong, no issues with IR, burn in etc, brilliant picture.
In fact my LG 32" LCD bought 7 years back died last night but I guess that was the max I could get out of a LCD panel.
It is all about luck.

It has completely nothing to do with the brand, model or anthing else. If one is lucky, one gets a good LCD/LED/Plasma TV which keeps working like a charm. Otherwise god only knows!!!

Anyway no manufacturer wants us to keep on hanging to our televisions. They love it when we change panels every 2-3 years, for that is how we keep their coffers continously filling! So built in obsolence comes into play.
Wise decision if you ask me is to spend as less as possible and do not go for all those fancy features, I think the higher brands, they charge for features and brand name, coz PQ for me in a 40" was more or less same ..... Go for warranty as much as possible infact spend few bucks extra and if possible get extended warranty, that way money spend would be much more worth than spending it on greater size and xyz features ......
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Wise decision if you ask me is to spend as less as possible and do not go for all those fancy features, I think the higher brands, they charge for features and brand name, coz PQ for me in a 40" was more or less same ..... Go for warranty as much as possible infact spend few bucks extra and if possible get extended warranty, that way money spend would be much more worth than spending it on greater size and xyz features ......

REAL words of wisdom! Exclusivity never pays, it costs both ways, owning as well as maintaining.
But even with warranty there is a catch:

Usually warranty is given based on the longetivity of the product. So for example if a TV is expected to fail after 1.5 years, then a warranty of 1 year is given, so that they can say that it is out of warranty and charge you for repairs!
yes .... thats true, that is the reason prefer brand that has the confidence to provide more warranty and if possible extended warranty as well. Some times lower brands do this coz they know even if their product is at par in PQ with higher brands they still cannot compete with them in Brand Value/advertising and features, For these brands the only way to push the consumer to purchase is by providing better warrenty and after sales support. That is the reason Videocon, Haier, Sansui, etc provide 3 years warranty and very very decent after sales support. My TV sansui was delivered the very next day (that too coz it was already 9 PM+ when I closed the deal) and the technician came the same day to install the product and gave me the confidence if anything goes wrong I can call him and he shall be available within 24 hours to address the issue .....
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Just thought to update that even at this price point the inclusion of ARC and HDMI-CEC is a surprising welcome and works nicely as intended. Since Chromcast uses HDMI-CEC I feel very convenient just to cast the video I wanna watch and TV changes the HDMI input automatically. If TVs switched off it powers on as well and switches to the correct HDMI input. I wish TataSky and Roku 3 also had supported CEC, I wouldn't have to touch the TV remote at all .... :)
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HDMI ARC & CEC included in this TV is really nice.. Could you please confirm again if it comes with 3 yrs standard warranty.... Do you have any mention of 3 yr warranty on the card?
Hi Sam, some pictures would be nice. With front, back and TV switched on. Get the remote too so that we can see what they give for Rs 29,500.
HDMI ARC & CEC included in this TV is really nice.. Could you please confirm again if it comes with 3 yrs standard warranty.... Do you have any mention of 3 yr warranty on the card?

Yes yes, it does have 3 year warranty not only on the panel but the entire product. That was the main selling point. The service guy that comes to install the TV will stamp the warranty card for the same.
Hi Sam, some pictures would be nice. With front, back and TV switched on. Get the remote too so that we can see what they give for Rs 29,500.

Hi Vinod,

Well I dont believe in sharing pics to judge TV PQ as lots of variables comes in to play. But none the less as per your request, below few pics. But trust me when I say this, I compared this TV absolutely side by side with a same 40" samsung latest series TV with all settings neutral and I seriously could not find any difference. samsung was prices at 47000.

There was this curved LED by samsung as well I think 55" and there I was clearly able to see that the PQ was better, but then that was around 2L ..:D

Remote is just avg with poor quality plastic, but I guess they had to cut corners somewhere. TV built quality is nothing to complain about.

Anyway here the snaps and a small video as well while TV playing youtube





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Thanks Sam.

I understand the variables that come into play, however, pictures give us a better view of things. :)

The saying a picture speaks for a thousand words is right. The quality looks pretty good for the money you have paid. Even the remote, even though plasticy seems to be well laid out.

I am able to get a rough idea and can recommend the same TV for my friends on a tight budget.

Looks cool by the way.

I am not able to watch the Youtube video, says it is private.
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err I dont know how the hell did the video go private :)....... anyway changed the settings ......Please try now and let me know if you can view it ....
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