My Living Room renovation pics..- Lot of pics- so execuse me.

congrats srinisundar,

The setup looks great.

Don't forget (If budget allows) to put some acoustic panels/carpets for some better acoustics also.

Thanks Mandeep, I have put a small carpet covering 8x8 feet in front of AV section and hope it should be Ok.. However dont have idea of putting acoustic panels, since my ceiling height is already less than normal height and i can try it for my dedicated setup which i am planning by december.

May be i can do first aid package for few places where some experts tell after listening to my system.

Great finish! yes. What are those double screens? Why do you need one screen behind another?


Thanks gobble:)
6 years used with that like brother and sister, so unable to loose that / Dont have guts loose that is the main factor- keeping as backup if motorized screen failed to work. / Can afford to loose and dedicate that place to big size LED/Plasma/LCD TV if purchased in future.
Nice one Srini - Looks fantastic. I love the green color finish, very similar to the rack in your Daughter's room. Nicely done. Looking forward to have a watching session.

BTW what is that Router table doing there - It's a bit a eyesore there. Can you please try and move it somewhere else (May be in to the office room itself)

Good to see u back( not that back)in forum after a dedicated break to your family.

I dont have office room anymore in my house...:sad: already lost that room to my daughter :cool: bringing back all my items to living room is the only option left out ( may be desktop will land here too)
Thats an excellent HT setup srini.Congrats. One can see how much planning you made before going ahead converting the living room into HT room. I can't even imagine to pulling something like this myself.

Now you surely will have a great experience with your BD collection.

thanks idlebrain!!! waiting for your so called GIFT. Want to watch LOTR & Maghadeera
Now "THATS" what I call sharing pics Sri........very neat looking setup......color scheme is good, placement of equipment is innovative........just one thing ....if my opinion means anything :) .... make sure you get rid of every loose wire showing up in the pic, that should be the final touch and woudl make the setup look perfectly clean.......congratts ...........Man when am I going to start....:D

Thanks Sam,,,

Yes my pending job is something to get rid of loose wire( one is PJ screen wire, which i forgot to plan earlier), moreover i have to change my speaker wires too, venkatesh has ordered some THX certified wire from USA and it is on the way. Have to place some collectibles too with the AV setup.
Wow Srini - fantastic buddy. You have posted more detailed pics since I visited the thread in the morning. The lighting is cool too and nice color combo. Will drop in next time I am in Chennai.

Now I know how suspended cabinets are made. Thanks for the detailed pics.
I dont have much to contribute, but I want to express amazement about the fact Avidyarthy could judge the dimensions of the room he has never visited by looking at a pic!!:clapping:

Avid - are you an architect or a professional in the visual arts? :ohyeah:

Hey Gobble, I don't think even an architect or a professional can make out measurements from a photograph. I think one can arrive at an fairly accurate measurement by counting tiles (considering they are available in standard sizes). Even I wondered when I saw avidyarthy's post and Srini's correction, then figured this out.

No offence intended to anyone:).
Hey Gobble, I don't think even an architect or a professional can make out measurements from a photograph. I think one can arrive at an fairly accurate measurement by counting tiles (considering they are available in standard sizes). Even I wondered when I saw avidyarthy's post and Srini's correction, then figured this out.

No offence intended to anyone:).

One easy measurement criteria would be the 2nd screen (110") which would be 8ft max by width and the area left at both the side (from the pic it could never be more than 1ft on each side.)
Hey Gobble, I don't think even an architect or a professional can make out measurements from a photograph. I think one can arrive at an fairly accurate measurement by counting tiles (considering they are available in standard sizes). Even I wondered when I saw avidyarthy's post and Srini's correction, then figured this out.

No offence intended to anyone:).

But you need to know if it is a 12" tile or a 15" or 24" one you are looking at. The tiles on my floor are roughly 15.5 not 15 or 16" :eek:

Hi srinisundar,

Thanks for posting the pictures of your HT setup from start to completion. It really is useful for those who have to convert their living room into a HT!

Yeah Santhol, you are partly correct here.

I do sometimes take help of my surroundings .... say, any average door has to be 7' high and 3' wide. Similarly, on site, I can make use of my arm ... have fixed on a perfect measurement of a 'foot' from my elbow to a point on my palm. Yes, definitely tiles, but only those which are 2' x 2' used universally in the server/data centre rooms.

And, oh yeah, the most important .... experience. The more you see, you have to have the attitude to absorb .... on estimations. This applies to not only 'sizes' but also 'costs' of items. Obviously, it does not apply to electronics but predominantly metal / plastic hardware. Look at the equipment, do a 3-dimensional visual analysis, hit on the specific density of the material of construction, have an approx. idea of the raw material cost in kgs, apply your own conversion cost (that comes again by experience), put in a viable profit margin and ..... lo ..... you come up with a fairly good final price acceptable to a seller. As per my 'expert' bargaining-oriented wife, I get by 'on the spot' 90% of the times. That's pretty good by any standards, I know.

So, every time my wife goes shopping for ..... clothes, utensils, 100s of types of other goods, bags, fabrics.... you name it .... and shows me the 'contrabands' to check the prices ..... get it right MOST of the times.:p So, she insists on my presence during her splurging sessions :mad:, in the Delhi heat and dust and chill ... and ..... my poor salary.

But you need to know if it is a 12" tile or a 15" or 24" one you are looking at. The tiles on my floor are roughly 15.5 not 15 or 16" :eek:

Nice arrangement Srini. Would like to visit when everything is ready and if you are ok with it.

Warm Regds / Shailender

Anytime you can drop in with prior intimation and almost everything is setup except few wirings which i will be doing later.

Very neat setup in the limited space, now i could imagine what you will do if you get a dedicated room for HT, I wish you get ur dream room very soon to set up your HT gear.
BTW i have a spare room which is exactly 10 feet wide but the length is only 12 or 13 feet, after seeing your thread i am thinking to convert that in to a small ht room.
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