My Living Room renovation pics..- Lot of pics- so execuse me.

Tube amps sure are ravishing to look at! The SS amps have a staid boxy look ......... have to stop looking :p else, I might end up breaking my promise!

You are right. I never thought i will land up in tubes so fast , itz almost only two years of starting my (actual) stereo journey.:cool:
You are right. I never thought i will land up in tubes so fast , itz almost only two years of starting my (actual) stereo journey.:cool:

You have Tube Guru Rajiv by your side, so obviously you will be guided the right way, no 2 ways about it ;)

Hope you are enjoying your new found love for tubes & continue to do so for long time, so that the upgraditis fewer gets cured to an extent :ohyeah:

You have Tube Guru Rajiv by your side, so obviously you will be guided the right way, no 2 ways about it ;)

Hope you are enjoying your new found love for tubes & continue to do so for long time, so that the upgraditis fewer gets cured to an extent :ohyeah:


Thanks Denom and you are absolutely right about Rajiv.:)

Yep there will be no upgraditis fever for stereo, but will be experimenting/spending money for acoustic treatment of my Living room to enjoy fully. But for HT there will upgrade and by end 2013 will be going for 3D PJ;)

For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!