My Living Room renovation pics..- Lot of pics- so execuse me.

Hi Srini. Awesome setup. Congrats and have a musical time. :)
Seriously man, what do you do for a living? ;)

Thanks Raghu,,,,

I just made some serious purchase after 4 years.. So kept low for 4 years and now came with a bang... I am not earning extrodinary, just usual:) but putting more into this:p
Hi srini,

The next Chennai HFV meet venue and agenda are ready:

Venue : Srinisundar's Residence,

Agenda : Srinisundar's Signature


My latest setup with wire management, still have to do... somehow the camera is not working properly and it have blurring image, will post later with good pics.





Nice development. I think the carpet can be spread in 'landscape' mode as it was one year back. May be it will absorb some reflections.
looking very clean now. Do you intend to keep two fs? My dream too but mine is a living room so 2 fs is not possible.
your thiels are very close to the side walls.
looking very clean now. Do you intend to keep two fs? My dream too but mine is a living room so 2 fs is not possible.
your thiels are very close to the side walls.

Thanks Anm....want to keep 2 FS / dont want to trouble Thiel for movies so keeping my Jamo for movies.

Daily Thiel is moving every bit by bit- side/front/back - to capture right place:p
Had some free time last week and thought of doing some housekeeping(re-arranging + wire management which never ends).

Recently bought Nikon D3200 made to to take some neat pictures(not meant photos- housekeeping)

Fiddled my camera to take some nasty shaking shots with different setting and one came like this like music flowing in my room.


Before housekeeping


After housekeeping




My new addition Krell 400xi


Replaced my Jamo centre to Epos M8i which is sitting in box for long time


Played some fancy shots with my Nikon D3200

Some more pictures / As usual Jamo surrounds kept in end and will be moved in front while watching movies / Added to the chain with Bryston BDA-1 DAC.








With carpet back in position

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Room looks more like a retail AV outlet ..... :p
Put up a placard outside your floor (if, residing on the upper floors) ... SALE .. SALE .. SALE, the latest in Hi-Fi from around the world. Audition .. cash .. carry terms! No credit please. :p

BTW, howz the Krell match with them Theils? Can it swallow the Krell + Krypton TLs? Pity, Capt Rajesh could not make it during his brief halt over in Delhi, otherwise he could have given 'the' much-awaited verdict. :D
Room looks more like a retail AV outlet ..... :p
Put up a placard outside your floor (if, residing on the upper floors) ... SALE .. SALE .. SALE, the latest in Hi-Fi from around the world. Audition .. cash .. carry terms! No credit please. :p

BTW, howz the Krell match with them Theils? Can it swallow the Krell + Krypton TLs? Pity, Capt Rajesh could not make it during his brief halt over in Delhi, otherwise he could have given 'the' much-awaited verdict. :D

Yes, sometime think that i am the crazy one who has all country equipment in an stereo chain, not one is of same brand, so naturaly the matching is missing.:lol:

Yes, i should seriously think of disposing of some items. SALE" SALE..whoever want anything let me know:p:p

Yes, if captn could make the visit he can judge both Krypton/Thiel combination with Krell. Initial thought with direct connection with thiel it lacks the body and it is thin as stated in reviews. But combination with Bryston DAC made it live. Have to play for sometime with other sources and change in cables:p. Let Rajiv who has heard this combination can put exact audiophile terms and suggestions.
Tips for photography in low light condition.

1. Buy a tripod.
2. Set ISO levels to the minimum possible 200-400 as higher iso images have more artefacts.
3. Turn off flash.
4. Use 2 second delay after clicking to prevent the slightest camera shake while clicking.
5. Focus and capture.

The capture time should be around a second or two if it is prolonger move to the next higher iso setting.
I find theils good with movies as well, so you may consider removing the Jamos.
When buying thiels, my idea too was to have just one pair of speakers in the living room. If I wanted two sets of speakers, I would have taken lyrita harmony and kept my JBLs.

However, right now I am switching amps each time I want to listen to music.

This should be fixed once my active GR Research sub comes into play. I am using my stereo NAD C375 as subwoofer amp :) I hope that would burn it in enough.
Tips for photography in low light condition.

1. Buy a tripod.
2. Set ISO levels to the minimum possible 200-400 as higher iso images have more artefacts.
3. Turn off flash.
4. Use 2 second delay after clicking to prevent the slightest camera shake while clicking.
5. Focus and capture.

The capture time should be around a second or two if it is prolonger move to the next higher iso setting.

Thanks for the tips, hardly few day ago bought.. so trying all the tricks and tips from like you guys. Happy to shoot, but bored initially to transfer to PC and check all the results at frequently. Hope i will be confident of taking pics without testing the result atleast within 6 months or so.:)
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.