What input did you use for 1080i source ? HDMI ??
I am pretty certain that resolutions above 720 don't play from USB
Looks like my previous post on playing 1080i videos in LH90 created some confusion.
No, LH90 can't play HD (1080p/ 1080i) files directly from a USB HDD. In my case - I had connected by Sony Handycam with internal HDD (HDR-SR7) that had a few 1080i HD videos that I had recorded. I used a HDMI cable to connect the HDMI-out of the handycam to one of the HDMI input ports of LH90 and played the videos from the handycam. As I mentioned, this handycam is currently my only source (& player) for HD videos.
Regarding the comparisons between LG LCDs/LED-backlit LCDs vs. similar Samsung (& Sony) models - I don't think we will ever agree on which is better than the other. However, just as most of you guys agree that LG's LH90 is better than Samsung's & Sony's LCDs and edge-LED-backlit LCDs (that are available in India) in terms of PQ (& beyond doubt in terms of the features) - I think all our judgements/comments should be purely based on what we see while comparing partcular set of models across brands. Reading posts from majority of active members, it sounds like there is a general conslcusion that Samsung (& Sony) LCDs are way ahead of LG ones in terms of PQ. I think this is incorrect.
Just to take the above point further - I found it odd that most people talk highly about Samy's B550 & Sony's V & W series, but not too much about Scarlet & Jazz from LG. My understanding is - and not only by reading reviews and comments, but by actually reviewing and auditioning most of the models across brands currently available - if one has to rate the LCD/LED-backlit models primarily based on PQ:
Among the CCFL-backlit LCDs:
1. Sony's Z series models are probably the best
2. Samsung's B650 & Sony's W series are right on top, following the Z series
3. LG's Scarlet, Samsung's B550/530 are the next best ones and it is close to impossible to conclude which one is better
Among the LED-backlit LCDs:
1. Sony's X series RGB-LED based one is probably the best (this is debatable though)
2. LG's LH90 (being full-LED and not edge-LED and with local dimming) is next best
3. LG's SL90, Samsung's B7000/ B6000 are the next best ones - and I have compared the LH90 & the SL90 side-by-side with the B6000 and found both of them (LH90 & SL90) to be better than B6000.
Now, you either have to fotget about the budget/ price-range part and spend 50-75k more for the Sony Z series or X series (in comparison to similar-spec-ed LCDs from Samsung/LG) for better technology & PQ and the brand value, Or
If you don't care about all those comments on limitations about the edge-LED techonology, but really like the brightness of the picture these edge-LED models have besides their brilliant looks, settle for LG's SL90, Or
Look for Samsung's B650 which has equally good (maybe better) PQ and undoubtedly superior feature-sets than similarly (actually higher) priced Sony W series - unfortunately, you won't find any B650s in the market now - so you may have to setlle for Sony W series only, Or
Start comparing the next best ones - LG's Scarlet vs. Samsungs's B550 - here again, I personally would rate the Scarlet higher than B550, because I saw nothing great about B550's PQ in comparison to the Scarlet and as you all know Scarlet surely has much better features than the B550.
So when experts say great things about Samsung's B650 or Sony Z series or the X series - I fully agree. But when they extend that impression and judgement to conclude that all/most Sony & Samsung LCDs are better than all/most LG ones - I think it is a very unfair and biased opinion. I saw some comments on SL90 from people who generally concluded that SL90 is nothing great - that Samsung's B6000/7000 has better contrast - and pointed to multiple reviews. I read most of those reviews on SL90. While most of those reviews say that the SL90's PQ/black-level is not the best among the edge-LED models, those also mention about a lot of positives about it (e.g. excellent SD picture processing). And bear in mind that Samsung's B6000/B7000 are not considered as the best edge-LED models, it is samsungs B8000/B8500 models (& some Sony models) which are really considered to be the best. Again, that tells me that we are making general conclusions and judgements while commenting that SL90 can/will not be as good or better B6000 ...
To summarize - I think we should stop making general comments about Samsung/ Sony LCDs being better than LGs - rather compare model by model and then comment/ conclude.