Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:)

Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Agree with Sam most of the stuff I watched on Netflix is in 5.1 sound and 1080p. Please check the settings and the content you are playing.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Yes I checked, it is multi channel PCM but still the sound is poor to my ears. I feel it is highly compressed though not sure if dolby permits it below certain bitrate. I did a search on google and it seems I may not be not alone. May be sound also gets compressed along with video when the bandwidth does not suffice. I had 4 mbbs at that time. Will check the settings again.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Its certainly not PCM, its DD (and hence yes compressed). My AVR shows as DD, though if it had been PCM it gives you more so reasons to like it....

Never the less, I have out of the few streaming services have tried HULU, VUDU and Amazon instant. Netflix was the best, followed by VUDU. HULU was the worst maybe coz it was a trial. Infact Netflix and vudu maybe is the only one that also have some titles with 7.1 audio.
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Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Have been playing around with streaming services for sometime, thought will provide some updates....

My internet connection is 8 mbps from Airtel with 175 GB FUP. Very expensive but reliable and rock solid speed. I have Asus RT AC66u Router and a cisco router in the living room as wireless bridge connected to my PS3, Roku and other devices.

I have amazon prime membership, I shop a lot from Amazon when they reached out to me with a special price ($30 less) I couldn't resist the temptation.

Setup 1:

I was using StrongDNS for sometime which was costing around $5 a month. It was ok but the speed was not great. Still i was getting 1080p from Netflix but amazon prime was terrible. Barely got 480p but no buffering though. I was using my PS3 for streaming.

Setup 2:

I came across UnoDNS from Unotelly and what can i say they are too good. For the same $5 month package not only i was getting great speed but also tons of options. For example their dynamo module can let you change which country's Netflix you want to watch - US, UK, sweden, mexico all in all 13 countries. Great thing about netflix once you subscribe you can use in any country. They have too many options like this, like making google playstore to US.

Amazon was better i was getting 720p but HD was not consistent. It kept dropping the resolution. Others like Hulu was ok and worked as expected.

Setup 3:

Couple of days back got Roku 3 from US. It was a toss up between Roku and Amazon Fire TV. Fire TV has better spec and I have amazon prime membership. After lot of thinking i went with Roku since they have more channels than Fire Tv. Idea is to get a VPN connection to unlock other channels not covered under UnoDNS and UnoDNS cover lots lots of channels. Tried VyperVPN by far the best tried so for, the speed dropped only to 6.5 mbps from 8 mbps.

Since the power adapter rated at 120V for roku i got another one from Amazon advertised for Roku 3. Setup was very easy but to be other the safer do the setup with US VPN. Had to give a US address and used my old address there. Used paypal as the payment option.

No wonder Roku has so many good reviews I can see the PQ difference between PS3 and Roku. Roku is much better and it was able to hold HD streaming consistently. The time to switch between SD to HD was much better than PS3. Amazon prime was wayyyy better than PS3. Netflix looks much better than PS3 and Roku is quite fast not as much as Fire TV but fast. All in all its a great purchase.

Wanted to get HBO Go but none of my friends in US have it. Came across HBO Nordic , paid streaming service from HBO in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway. UnoDNS supports this and might subscribe to it sometime.

Traveling and writing this in a hurry excuse any typos :-)
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Thanks makes my decision to get Roku 3 even more determined ..... :)
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

manny9, I also recently got a Roku3, but my experience with Netflix has been very different. The video buffers all the time to the extent that it is unwatchable. The same videos don't buffer on my laptop at all.

My setup is similar to yours but with a few differences:
- 8 Mbps Airtel connection that is otherwise stable and high-speed
- SmartDNSproxy for DNS
- Low-end TP-link router (Roku on ethernet)

Any ideas what could be going wrong in my case?
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

@rayban, i think the culprit is the DNS service. Why don't try the 8 day free trail in UnoDNS ( and see if you are facing the same issue, no credit cards needed. I connected Roku 3 via wireless as well and was streaming 1080p without any buffering in Netflix.

Netflix is the best in IMHO in terms of streaming of all the providers. I tried Sky news/Huff Post and was buffering a bit , so went the changed the video setting in Roku to 720p and no buffering and to be frank not able to make out the difference.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Is it only me?
Almost any title I search esp. most of the top rated animated movies are not available!

Beauty and the beast
Finding Nemo
Kung Fu Panda
Little Mermaid
Snow White
Nightmare before Christmas
How to train your dragon
Ice Age
and a lot more...


I thought I would use the auto subscription (which I failed to cancel) to entertain my little daughter, what a disappointment. :mad:
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Well it has ...

1. Mulan
2. Paranorman
3. Cars
4. and it does have "Nightmare before x-mas"
5. The croods
6. Cloudy and meat balls 2
8. Ben 10
9. Escape from planet earth
..... and lots more ... :D

I am sure your kid would not be disappointed with these as well.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

I don't think you will Disney movies in any streaming service IMHO, but did see some Mickey mouse club house episodes. You need look for other alternate ways to get them :-) If you have Roku , try PBS kids its free and the kids will love it.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

You can change country in smartDNS as well. Under services. I have not tried that but yes If I change the country to say canada I can see Netflix canada there .....

Unfortunately it doesn't work yet. Got a reply from their CS saying it'll be implemented in a few months. You can however use netflix in your PC browser using smartdnsproxy though.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Is anyone having issues with SmartDNSProxy now?

On android, I am getting the error message "This title is not available in your country. Please try different title" message.

On Chrome when I play a title, I am getting a blank page.

On IE, it changes the URL to non supported country URL

It is working fine on Windows 8.1 metro app though.

When I contacted the support, they say everything is working for them at their end.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

facing the same issue with Unlocator too. Looks like this is an issue from my ISP end?
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Working fine for me .....
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

Thanks Sam. Yes, it is my ISP issue as it is working fine for me on Airtel 4G but not on ACT. I have raised a complaint with ACT. I hope they understand what the issue is and fix it soon.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:


DSPSmartProxy is working for my ACT. I have Cisco linksys router and I have setup dns setting on router only. I can access netflit through my apple tv, laptop, iphone..

but recently they hiked price from 20 usd per year to 34 usd per year, so thinking to take adfree.. that is only 2 usd per month
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:


DSPSmartProxy is working for my ACT. I have Cisco linksys router and I have setup dns setting on router only. I can access netflit through my apple tv, laptop, iphone..

but recently they hiked price from 20 usd per year to 34 usd per year, so thinking to take adfree.. that is only 2 usd per month

Is Netflix working for you on ACT broadband? It is not working again since Friday.

On 11th July, I had this issue. I raised a complaint and god knows what they fixed and it started working again on 12th July.

But this time it is not working yet.
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

hey guys, i just got a netflix a/c ..

just want to know a few things

1) should i get paid vpn / or dns pack?

im gonna be using it between three laptops and
three phones (pandora/spotify) in my house
my sister / my wife and me

also have a ipad mini retina - might get a roku or appletv later (wife has a mac)

i have the airtel 8mb connection + ac68u router with a tplink modem 8817
if someone can guide me into what i need to do to be able to watch neflix on these / (only one will be watching it at a time mostly) but need it working on all the devices - so far ive just been watching via hola on chrome - and it drops connection so im sort of fedup with it. need a proper solution (one time hopefully)
Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

HOLA should not drop connection, it does not for me, even though I am on a pathetic 4mbps connection that only provides like 2.5/3mbps at given time, even then Netflix works perfectly on HOLA.

Anyway DNS is what I prefer, which ever DNS you choose (I use smartDNSproxy) you need to enter the DNS entries provided by that vendor in to your router and every device connected to that router will be using that DNS, so every device will have netflix. There is a downside to this as well, few sites might not open via that DNS like if I remember correctly Google Playstore webpage does not open for me, thankfully playstore on my HTC One Android opens ..... so you see ...

How to configure DNS is explained very clearly on smartDNSproxy website itself.
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Re: Netflix, my experience...amazing service!!! can be accessed from INDIA as well..:

thanks sam - I've registered at unotelly and got it working so far its been great, no issues. but to everyone who is using dns + pc ... isn't ur indian ip shown to netflix and wouldn't they ban u ? i thought thats why vpn was needed but so far I've had zero issues with changing the DNS -and working great on all the laptops. more trials to go for the free one week trial.. ill probably end up purchasing it
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