Nintendo Wii as a fitenss gadget


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
Hi Guys,
I believe there are some nintendo wii users in the forum. I am exploring the idea of getting a Wii and using wii fit or your shape to do some exercise in a entertaining way. I have tried the treadmil with television combo but I find it boring and not too motivational. Does anybody has any experience with wii fit. please share your views.
hehe that old bug, staying fit and keeping at it. sigh i'm going through it too, trying to be motivated to do some walking every day. no experience with the wii however to share i used to listen to music while walking in the park. a treadmill can certainly test you! staring at the same point in space for minutes on end :D. yeah finding something to keep you motivated is indeed a pain! all the best! :thumbsup:
I am a Wii user but not yet bought the Wii Fit board. I find even the Wii Sports game good for the fitness as it makes us move our hands in the same fashion as if you are playing the actual game and in the process you sweat as well as feel tired after a good playing session.

Last I enquired at Palika Bazar and I was offered the Wii Fit Board with the original game for 5800.
Hi Ashish,
what sort of games can you play in wii sport? Do you play wii in your projector or television? Actually this idea of gaming is fascinating. I want to do outdoor sports but I just can't since it too hot and humid outside.Btw how much does a wii cost and what is the best model to go for ?
Hi Ashish,
what sort of games can you play in wii sport? Do you play wii in your projector or television? Actually this idea of gaming is fascinating. I want to do outdoor sports but I just can't since it too hot and humid outside.Btw how much does a wii cost and what is the best model to go for ?

I play Tennis, Bowling, Baseball and Boxing on the Wii. I play it on a 42" Projection Television which is kept in my Living Room so that my kids as well as all other members of my Family could play it too. I live in a joint family and I have 2 younger brothers so whenever we find time then we play Tennis or Baseball or Bowling to compete with each other and we have a lot of fun that way.
My Wii console is a modded one to play even the copied DVD games onto it and in all it costed me 18K when I bought it a year back.
I think that you should buy the Wii Sports pack as it comes along with a free game i.e Wii Sports.
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That's sounds like a lot of fun. I really enjoy playing games with human opponent rather than against computer. Are you suggesting something like this eBay India: Nintendo WII Console (E/V) + 15 Game + 39In1 Sport Pack (item 350337528210 end time 13-Apr-2010 19:38:18 IST)

It seems to have lot of accessories to add more realizm into the game.
When you play tennins do you truly think you get atleast 60% exercise if you have played the real one. I think microsoft is also develooping some gaming technology like that which is due to come.
hehe that old bug, staying fit and keeping at it. sigh i'm going through it too, trying to be motivated to do some walking every day. no experience with the wii however to share i used to listen to music while walking in the park. a treadmill can certainly test you! staring at the same point in space for minutes on end :D. yeah finding something to keep you motivated is indeed a pain! all the best! :thumbsup:

Come on Steven. You want me to believe that Mr Bond is pulling so many rabbits out of his hat with so little exercise. Q must have given you a secret gadget. Come on share it with us.:D
@ Mahi - As Ashish has quoted Wii is more fun if played in groups, It can be boring after a while if you keep playing alone.
@ Mahi - As Ashish has quoted Wii is more fun if played in groups, It can be boring after a while if you keep playing alone.

You have a point teky. I have my little nephew visitng me quite often. He is a small guy about 7 year old but he is fun to play with , with the rule I can't win.:)

I also have another friend of my age with whom I play cricket and tennis in my xbox 360. I can have some good games with him.

But my main goal to get Wii to get some physical exercise as well as entertainment. Which I don't get from XBOX 360.
You have a point teky. I have my little nephew visitng me quite often. He is a small guy about 7 year old but he is fun to play with , with the rule I can't win.:)

I also have another friend of my age with whom I play cricket and tennis in my xbox 360. I can have some good games with him.

But my main goal to get Wii to get some physical exercise as well as entertainment. Which I don't get from XBOX 360.

Hmm, Could you hold on for couple of months.

I'm sure you've heard about Natal coming to Xbox 360 this holiday season, I believe every single game available on Wii may be ultimately ported onto the Xbox & PS3 platform. It just avoids you from owning yet another console and not to metion the cables & power bricks.

Don't get me wrong - But if you still want to enjoy it just go ahead and buy it.
from what i've read the fitness benefits of the Wii are marginal at best...why don't you just join a gym?? or play tennis/squash/badminton
Hi Psychotropic,
well I really like to play tennis and badminton but its too hot and humid in Calcuuta so I can't do it. That's why I am looking for some indoor options.Gym is not my cup of tea since I don't find it interesting.Wii seems to be a good bet.
haan but dont' expect it to give anywhere near the fitness benefits of running/gymming/sports....that's'll have the fitness benefits of a gentle walk or at the very best that of a brisk walk....

Hi Psychotropic,
well I really like to play tennis and badminton but its too hot and humid in Calcuuta so I can't do it. That's why I am looking for some indoor options.Gym is not my cup of tea since I don't find it interesting.Wii seems to be a good bet.
I know. My currenlt level is zero physical activity so whatever it offers atleast better than nothing.Its like KKR's performence in IPL even if they finish 7th its some imrpovement from last year.:)
Mahiruha - I have been using the Wii for more than a couple of years now. It has a place of uniqueness when it comes to consoles. But I dont think it quite cuts it as a fitness equipment. At least for me.

Yes it makes you sweat and it gets the family as a whole going. It is NOT for hardcore gamers. Controls are not precise and 100% predictable. And motion sensor technology being the way it is, there are always short cuts that players find out to invest minimum effort for maximum results. You will find that a snap of the wrist sends the ball longer than a full blooded swing with all your shoulder behind it - even in baseball or golf! :)

If you have a family of 4 or more (regardless of age), its a fun gadget. Downside (apart from what I mentioned earlier) is that it gets tiring - pun intended - earlier than the other consoles.
Mahiruha - I have been using the Wii for more than a couple of years now. It has a place of uniqueness when it comes to consoles. But I dont think it quite cuts it as a fitness equipment. At least for me.

Yes it makes you sweat and it gets the family as a whole going. It is NOT for hardcore gamers. Controls are not precise and 100% predictable. And motion sensor technology being the way it is, there are always short cuts that players find out to invest minimum effort for maximum results. You will find that a snap of the wrist sends the ball longer than a full blooded swing with all your shoulder behind it - even in baseball or golf! :)

If you have a family of 4 or more (regardless of age), its a fun gadget. Downside (apart from what I mentioned earlier) is that it gets tiring - pun intended - earlier than the other consoles.
Hi vortex,
have you tried wii fitness?Atleast the video I saw in youtube looks very encouraging. It is aimed solely for fitness training. I fully agree with you that with baseball or golf it won't be the same since you just don't have the wood or metal in your hand.

The video

YouTube - Wii Fit Plus Review
That's sounds like a lot of fun. I really enjoy playing games with human opponent rather than against computer. Are you suggesting something like this eBay India: Nintendo WII Console (E/V) + 15 Game + 39In1 Sport Pack (item 350337528210 end time 13-Apr-2010 19:38:18 IST)

It seems to have lot of accessories to add more realizm into the game.
When you play tennins do you truly think you get atleast 60% exercise if you have played the real one. I think microsoft is also develooping some gaming technology like that which is due to come.

Yes its always fun to play against human opponents than a computer and I surely had to buy another Remote as well the Nunchuk to do that, which set me back by another 3500 bucks. Also the link to the ebay page shows the sports kit but I don't have that and also its excesssivley priced, I am sure that you will have fun with the Wii alone and without that extra and cheap looking kit (made in China offcource).
About the exercise part I can tell you that after an hour of play you get all sweaty as well as your muscles tire out, it feels like you have been lifting weights, and its like the harder you move you hands physically to play a shot the better it gets in the gaming world too.
Any idea which shop sells Nintendo Wii in Calcutta.? Does any of the big retail chain have tie ups to sell Wii.
I have not tried Wii fitness, Mahiruha. Right now I am not that excited with the Wii..

I love playing sport rather than just exercise. So I am not sure that would be down my alley although I can understand why many, many others may enjoy this.
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