Nintendo Wii as a fitenss gadget

Hi Ashish,
does wii sports comes as a standard game with the cosole or I need to buy it separately. Just called up a random shop where I buy dvds they are saying the package says its included but I am not too sure.
Hi Ashish,
does wii sports comes as a standard game with the cosole or I need to buy it separately. Just called up a random shop where I buy dvds they are saying the package says its included but I am not too sure.

If its the sports edition or whatever they call it as I don't remember it now, so this Wii Sports Game comes along with the console for free.
If you DVD guy is saying that its included with the game then it might be the same version of the console that I bought and the game was included with it.
Hi Ashish,
does wii sports comes as a standard game with the cosole or I need to buy it separately. Just called up a random shop where I buy dvds they are saying the package says its included but I am not too sure.
Yes Wii Sports is included part of the console. There is one more called Wii Sports Resort which is a separate buy and needs Motion Plus accessory (the game comes with one) for playing it.

Wii Sports is fun. Have fun playing.
Wii typically comes with Wii Sports game in its package. There are country specific versions - US version is the one that is most commonly imported by individuals, Gulf version sold by most retailers here, the Korean one that is the preferred choice in the likes of National Market, etc.
Just couple of days back, saw a news article - it seems that in the US, the latest ebony package includes the Wii, Remote, Nunchuck, Motion Plus accessory, both Wii Sports as well as Wii Sports Resort games at 199 USD.
Wii Fit is great with the balance board and since there is a variety of games available, you can keep rotating them to avoid boredom. The key with any exercise routine is change.. so just use Wii as one of the options on a couple of days in the week.. and works well.
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