Due to audioscsiencereview’s bad reviews on Hegel, naim, regas and so on the resale value on these stuff has taken a huge hit. And day by day more and more people are switching camps/getting educated about what to look for in audio. So, consider getting something which is decent in measurements and sounds good to your ears at the same time to avoid disappointment in few years. Colored sound would give an immediate satisfaction but once you start noticing that amps filter in everything you hear you would want something different. A transparent amp on the other hand would be boring at first, but once you start noticing the differences in different recording styles of different artists without filtering by the amp, you would be forgetting more About the gear. Over the years, I have used lot of hifi targeted amps like atoll, gold note, holfi, creek and several niche brands. Every time when you hear it for the first weeks you will be flattered, then the excitement dies as that particular coloring is intrusive to the music all the time. It used to be easy to flip them when you don’t like it but now if you put any of them on sale,anyone who looks for a used amp who knows how to “google search” would land in the audiosciencereview’s page would be reluctant to buy them regardless of their positive reviews. Nobody wants a product which is bashed by 100s of random guys on internet.
They say end of the day, trust your ears but I would say, trust your ears only after you do your homework. Otherwise the moment you discover some of the flaws, then there is no way
Running a 1 Khz sine wave through a component, and then measuring distortion is no way of measuring at all. And he always mentions that he didn't listen to it, or use it as intended.
Reviewers listen to stuff, and then the good ones measure to corborate their listening. But he is different, I guess he is just as dumb and deaf as me.( check my signature

Take this, he measures the Dspeaker antimode 2.0 and gave it a horrible verdict. The dspeaker is designed to do bass correction, and it does a stunning job at that, as I can personally attest, as I use one. The default bass correction range it is designed for is 150hz. But he wants to run a 1000 hz signal through it. He never even tried how it sounded with doing what it is intended for which is in the bass range.
Second case, he gave positive verdict on the minidsp SHD. And if one follows that thread enough, it is respondent with his bhakts claiming that, this is all the dac one ever needs. Anyone spending a penny more on anything else is stupid . That the powwr induced distortion is below audible limit. And I have one at hand too, bought on the faith of his review, that is before I came across his DSpeaker review, and realised what a chump he was. Anyways, I fire up the minidsp SHD, and the first thing I notice is the typical lean and bright ( I call it grainy ) sound, I always associate with ESS chip dacs, when someone has crimpred at spending on the analogue output stage. Second, the room filling soundstage I had immediately shrank. But that's still fine, considering it's price point, but when I start throwing tough tracks at it, it completely looses instrument separation. Everything sounds like one bloody mess between the speakers. ASR still doesn't know how or what to measure. The ability of a dac or amp or speaker to render individual notes in separation, when the going gets busy, is what differentiates one box from the other.
Pitch black background, which the minidsp SHD definitely doesn't have, due to its noisy SMPS power supply even when running off my power regenerator. Purity of tone, which it again doesn't have, due to the cost cutting analogue output implementation. And instrument separation which it again doesn't have on complex tracks, means it works best as a door stop

(And pitch black back ground, purity of tone, instrumental separation, sound staging and imaging are what we seek in a component upgrade )
The Chinese toppings and SMSL's can build dacs and amps that can measure the best at 1000 hz, to get top ratings with ASR, but there is tons more to audio than that. So I would still advocae listening first. Just my 2 cents