Hi. Actually did not get what you are trying to say.. Do you have a problem with acoustic portrait only as a brand Or with all 90K and higher gear ?
Hiya, Arj,
Nice to hear from you. Neither, mate, not in the least. I dont have any problems with Acoustic Portrait at all. On the contrary, I hold Siva and his creations in very high esteem. Just that 90K for a mere DAC is very tough to swallow. It may be very good, no doubt, but I wouldnt put my money on it and would be quite concerned if any of my friends did so.
Let me give you another example, since I drew a simile' with BOSE.
Bose products dont sound bad at all but they are not worth half the price that they come at. However, Bose doesnt market its products with an "audiophile tag" but more often than not as a "lifestyle product". The said marque is now more of a marketing phenomenon than a technological one.
As regards having anything against 90K and above products, well, that does indeed sound very far fetched to me. No, I have nothing against that either, only that if I spend 90K on a product, I would surely expect to get my money's worh, thats all.
Case in point is that, I was telling the Captain the other day, that I wish I could have bought his AP combo which is on sale as of now. Those of us who know will bear witness to the fact that I am not known to say things that I dont mean. Just that I have exhausted my cash reserves and can't afford it due to many an audio product in the pipeline.
However, if you loan me 50 K for a year, interest free, I ll buy that combo right way if its not already sold. 

I dont mean to ruffle any feathers or show anyone in poor light, nor get into vicious argument(s).
But I do have a right to speak my mind
(w/o demeaning anyone, least of all someone whose work I do admire a lot)
and I do believe thats all I have done.
The thread is about the AP Swara pre-power combo and as is evident, I havent said a word against either of those products. Enough said. Period.
PS - I really like your signature, very thought provoking, I must say. Nice, indeed.