...but when it is done by an Indian in India there is so much scepticism around his product...
I don't think I've seen anything but praise for AP, and I don't feel that trittya's comment was about anything other than price. Would he not have said the same if this was one of those "6-moons-approved" products?
What is completely transparent in this context ? It consumes all the bits ? All DACs do.
Not sure that that is entirely correct --- but, every time such a question occurs it sends me scurrying on technical web surfing, trying to understand stuff that I find very interesting but very hard to understand (maths failure, for a start

I think that transparent is taken to mean
it doesn't change the music --- whether assessed by ear
or by measurement.
When I saw and heard AP, nobody was talking about prices (or else I missed it) so I was able to listen without such mental interferences. OK, it wasn't covered in a black cloth, one assumed expensive from the look of it, but the numbers were not there to influence me in deciding that it sounded wonderful. I can quite understand that anyone buying into AP might want to do so completely. Assuming the necessary bank balance, there are many factors that influence whether a cheque gets written or not.
square_wave said:
If you still believe that all DACs will sound the same...
I don't! I don't know why anyone should say that. I don't own a stand-alone DAC, but I
know that not all sound cards sound the same, so I would hardly expect DACs, being 50% of the same thing, to do so.
I don't have any stand-alone DAC, so I obviously I don't have nwavguy's DAC. This might change next year, as I am interested in the DAC/Headphone-amp combination. His philosophy interests me, and that is often the starting point for actually buying a product. His products are within my possible budget: however much I rave about my experience of them, AP's products are not. Also, as a sound-card man, my material dreams tend to have brand labels like RME and Lynx. Or the $2,000 Phonitor headphone amp. Who would pay $2,000 for a headphone amp? Well... I would, if my bank balance got magically multiplied by ten :lol:
I'm happy (so far

) with my sound card, but I am not happy with its built-in headphone amp, and that is the reason why a separate DAC/amp combination beckons.
I believe that all bits are the same. Certainly not all implementations are the same, and categorically the analogue circuitry side cannot be identical. It is possible that even the protocol implementation on the digital side may differ. This is said to be why DACs may sound different with S/PDIFF or USB input: this is entirely believable.
So, I actually see a DAC/sound-card as having the potential to be as individual as a turntable cartridge, which also translates something that makes no noise into actual sound, although please don't jump on me for what I know is a very imperfect comparison of grooves to bits!