Pansonic XT50 owners thread

How come you are able to get no pixellation watching sd channel from your tv at a distance of 6-8 feet, whereas other members who have been using 50xt50 have reported they have pixellation if they watch less than 10-12 ft distance.

don't know,just completed 25hrs,as some have mentioned in other threads reliance digital DTH provides upsclaing, i am using SUN DTH may be they offer the same i don't know i am not an expert.Even LG Plasma tvs have resolution scaling,anyway happy with xt50:lol:
don't know,just completed 25hrs,as some have mentioned in other threads reliance digital DTH provides upsclaing, i am using SUN DTH may be they offer the same i don't know i am not an expert.Even LG Plasma tvs have resolution scaling,anyway happy with xt50:lol:

Please post photos of your tv showing sd channel. Eventhough arnprasad has posted photos, but i want to see how nice your tv looks without pixellation at 6 feet distance having sun dth connection.
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Bought P42XT50D from Flipkart on 11 Nov 2012 at 46688 with HT offer. Main reason the HT offer was not available on Brand Shop any more. During Diwali they were offering laser printer that too at around 1-2K. Anyways it was delivered on 19 Nov 2012 along with the HT. Flipkart did not deliver the wall bracket for installation and its a week and they are still not sure who is suppose to provide it.

With no option got it installed on stand yesterday . After reading some forums have changed settings to the following

Contrast - 35
Color - 35
Sharpness - 35
Brightness - 3 clicks to left
Zoom1 - Since my son watches POGO which has two black bars in Just mode

Can someone please validate if these are good settings for first 100 Hrs? Also I am not sure how to check the TV Usage. Checked the link given in this thread but unable to decide should I try US Model or UK Model.

So if someone can confirm the same that will be really helpful.

Will explore further and will let you know my feedback.


Bought P42XT50D from Flipkart on 11 Nov 2012 at 46688 with HT offer. Main reason the HT offer was not available on Brand Shop any more. During Diwali they were offering laser printer that too at around 1-2K. Anyways it was delivered on 19 Nov 2012 along with the HT. Flipkart did not deliver the wall bracket for installation and its a week and they are still not sure who is suppose to provide it.

With no option got it installed on stand yesterday . After reading some forums have changed settings to the following

Contrast - 35
Color - 35
Sharpness - 35
Brightness - 3 clicks to left
Zoom1 - Since my son watches POGO which has two black bars in Just mode

Can someone please validate if these are good settings for first 100 Hrs? Also I am not sure how to check the TV Usage. Checked the link given in this thread but unable to decide should I try US Model or UK Model.

So if someone can confirm the same that will be really helpful.

Will explore further and will let you know my feedback.


First, congrats for buying your TV and it is truly an excellent set.
As far as the Picture settings are concerned, you have got it right except for Sharpness. Generally videophiles would prefer keeping sharpness to a much lesser value or even at 0. This is to make sure that no cosmetic video processing should hinder the PQ. For brightness, you can keept it at 0 itself.
Main thing is the contrast and you have it crrectly set. May be you can increase color a little bit based on your preference.

For the usage time, there are enough number of threads/posts on that in this website. You can go through them and it looks to work as those threads/posts have been posted and verified by people who own Panasonic plasmas. If you are still unable to see the usage time, please let me know and I can help you.
Hi Owners, please post your reviews? I think many of you have been using the set for almost a year. How's ur experience been? Can this be an investment for next 4-5 years? Please provide your opinion and suggestion?
hello experts,
Please advice what settings should i be using on 42xt50 during the 1st 200 hours? Am sure now days burn is not an issue but still i wanna take required precaution.
Please suggest.

Can anyone point me to the current price of XT50 in Bangalore? @arnprasad Are you registered with Metro? I'm looking to purchase soon and any price pointers / recommendations will help. Currently I'm looking at prices hovering around Rs60K online but am wary of buying online.

Additional 3D glasses


I have couple of 3D glasses > ER3D4MW which I havent used. I have four with my TV so wanna dispose 2 of these.

Any takers? Also note, these were used only couple of times.

I am the only user of TV at home so 4 glasses does not make sense.

What say...If this is not the place where should I post.??

I have couple of 3D glasses > ER3D4MW which I havent used. I have four with my TV so wanna dispose 2 of these.

Any takers? Also note, these were used only couple of times.

I am the only user of TV at home so 4 glasses does not make sense.

What say...If this is not the place where should I post.??

Post this in "For sale by owner" section.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
Hello everybody

I was in search of a 50" plasma within a range of 60,000 INR and naturally was surfing the net for all the information and reviews i could find.
My search led me to this very helpful site Hifivision.My requirements were simple, Good picture quality and a trusted product with atleast 3 years of warranty. 3d was just a plus.

Thanks to all the members, I went through almost all the posts i could find on Panasonic Xt50 model before finalising on it.It is a very nice product for the price at which it is offered.

There is One thing I would want to share which i could'nt find much talk about..
The media playback capability of the TV...I love to watch Movies on TV via HDD. It easily reads my 1TB HD, but definitely lags in playback of some formats such as mp4 (size under 1.5 gb) and fails to pick up subtitles too!!
This really puts me off a few times as i am unable to enjoy the easy connectivity options i.e via usb.

In today's time when plasma of every other brand such as samsung, LG can easily cruize through, if this is the case with such simple common formats i am not very confident if Xt50 will be able to keep up in future...

Hope i could help..
Just bought XT50D and my first impressions on quality: awesome.:yahoo: quality of movies (HD) is so good that it blows LCD, LED of similar or higher configs out of the water. Regular TV (STB - non HD) is OK however they are better than what I have seen on LCDs.

I have one problem though - my 320gb and 1 TB hard disk are stuck with the 'reading...' message and doesn't go forward. Is this because there are many other folders in the hard disks. Simple USB drives work just fine. Anyone can help on this?
Just bought XT50D and my first impressions on quality: awesome.:yahoo: quality of movies (HD) is so good that it blows LCD, LED of similar or higher configs out of the water. Regular TV (STB - non HD) is OK however they are better than what I have seen on LCDs.

I have one problem though - my 320gb and 1 TB hard disk are stuck with the 'reading...' message and doesn't go forward. Is this because there are many other folders in the hard disks. Simple USB drives work just fine. Anyone can help on this?

I have same problem with my 1 TB disk on ST50. It takes ages to read - sometimes as high as 10 mins. Reducing folders and contents does not help much. Basically TV tries to read each file and checks whether it is video, and whether it can be played. This takes a long time. Read my ST50 thread about the issue. Use an hdd of smaller size, if possible or better buy and switch to a media player.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
I have same problem with my 1 TB disk on ST50. It takes ages to read - sometimes as high as 10 mins. Reducing folders and contents does not help much. Basically TV tries to read each file and checks whether it is video, and whether it can be played. This takes a long time. Read my ST50 thread about the issue. Use an hdd of smaller size, if possible or better buy and switch to a media player.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2

Any idea on how GT50 performs in reading 1 TB HDD since it has dual core board ?
Any idea on how GT50 performs in reading 1 TB HDD since it has dual core board ?
Not sure but I am certain that it will not be radically fast. The problem is like this:

- when you select videos or photos from the Viera Tools, the TV looks at the attached USB drive
- it then determines which files are videos or photos as the case may be
- it then determines which it can display
- it continues to do so for all files in the folder

This takes a long time to finish. Even with a dual core processor, it will take time. Not just that, there is no cache. So if you stop and go back to watch TV and then go back to reading USB, the whole process starts all over again.

In the Panasonic BDP, this is not the case. It just goes to the file allocation table (FAT) and then finds/reads all folder/file names. It simply displays the folder and file names and navigates thru the FAT only. If you press "ENTER/OK" on a file, then it tries to determine whether the file is "playable" or not. This method is quicker. I can't imagine why they implemented the wierd logic in TV.

I have long back given up on attaching the HDD to TV. In any case, I don't have much content - just 7-8 3D movies.
I have same problem with my 1 TB disk on ST50. It takes ages to read - sometimes as high as 10 mins. Reducing folders and contents does not help much. Basically TV tries to read each file and checks whether it is video, and whether it can be played. This takes a long time. Read my ST50 thread about the issue. Use an hdd of smaller size, if possible or better buy and switch to a media player.

I've somewhat partially solved the HDD issue. Since the TV only reads FAT / FAT 32, I had my 320gb HDD converted from NTFS to FAT32. And the hard disk is being read now. But, but, FAT32 cannot store individual files larger than 4GB so I only have movies less than 4GB. This is not really an ideal solution but may work in the short term.

I'd like to know if a firmware update helps the TV read NTFS file systems (this is the default for most HDDs).


One more issue: movies look good, maybe too good that it looks like a TV serial:sad:. I did some Googling and this is a universal problem with many TVs (Soap Opera Effect) where the images look smoothened out and make them look unrealistic. I'm currently checking if there are any settings that could fix this. Article about the 'soap opera effect' - The Soap Opera Effect: When your TV tries to be smarter than you | Common Sense Tech - CNET News
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