Peter Aczel: What I have learned after six decades in audio


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2022
Gurugram, Haryana, India

What I have learned after six decades in audio (call it my journalistic legacy):​

I've taken the following 10 items from

1) Audio is a mature technology. Its origins go back to Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Alva Edison in the 1870s. By the early 1930s, at the legendary Bell Laboratories, they had thought of just about everything, including multichannel stereo. The implementation keeps improving to this day, but conceptually there is very little, perhaps nothing, really new. I have been through all phases of implementation—shellac records via crystal pickups, LPs via magnetic and moving-coil pickups, CDs, SACDs, Blu-rays, downloads, full-range and two/three/four-way mono/stereo/multichannel speakers, dynamics, electrostatics, ribbons (shall I go on?)—and heard incremental improvements most of the time, but at no point did the heavens open up and the seraphim blow their trumpets. That I could experience only in the concert hall and not very often at that. Wide-eyed reviewers who are over and over again thunderstruck by the sound of the latest magic cable or circuit tweak are delusional.

2) The principal determinants of sound quality in a recording produced in the last 60 years or so are the recording venue and the microphones, not the downstream technology. The size and acoustics of the hall, the number and placement of the microphones, the quality and level setting of the microphones will have a much greater influence on the perceived quality of the recording than how the signal was captured—whether on analog tape, digital tape, hard drive, or even direct-to-disk cutter; whether through vacuum-tube or solid-state electronics; whether with 44.1-kHz/16-bit or much higher resolution. The proof of this can be found in some of the classic recordings from the 1950s and 1960s that sound better, more real, more musical, than today’s average super-HD jobs. Lewis Layton, Richard Mohr, Wilma Cozart, Bob Fine, John Culshaw, where are you now that we need you?

3) The principal determinants of sound quality in your listening room, given the limitations of a particular recording, are the loudspeakers—not the electronics, not the cables, not anything else. This is so fundamental that I still can’t understand why it hasn’t filtered down to the lowest levels of the audio community. The melancholy truth is that a new amplifier will not change your audio life. It may, or may not, effect a very small improvement (usually not unless your old amplifier was badly designed), but the basic sound of your system will remain the same. Only a better loudspeaker can change that. My best guess as to why the loudspeaker-comes-first principle has not prevailed in the audiophile world is that a new pair of loudspeakers tends to present a problem in interior decoration. Swapping amplifiers is so much simpler, not to mention spouse-friendlier, and the initial level of anticipation is just as high, before the eventual letdown (or denial thereof).

4) Cables—that’s one subject I can’t discuss calmly. Even after all these years, I still fly into a rage when I read “$900 per foot” or “$5200 the pair.” That’s an obscenity, a despicable extortion exploiting the inability of moneyed audiophiles to deal with the laws of physics. The transmission of electrical signals through a wire is governed by resistance, inductance, and capacitance (R, L, and C). That’s all, folks! (At least that’s all at audio frequencies. At radio frequencies the geometry of the cable begins to have certain effects.) An audio signal has no idea whether it is passing through expensive or inexpensive RLC. It retains its purity or impurity regardless. There may be some expensive cables that sound “different” because they have crazy RLC characteristics that cause significant changes in frequency response. That’s what you hear, not the $900 per foot. And what about the wiring inside your loudspeakers, inside your amplifiers, inside your other components? What you don’t see doesn’t count, doesn’t have to be upgraded for megabucks? What about the miles of AC wiring from the power station to your house and inside your walls? Only the six-foot length of the thousand-dollar power cord counts? The lack of common sense in the high-end audio market drives me to despair.

5) Loudspeakers are a different story. No two of them sound exactly alike, nor will they ever. All, or at least nearly all, of the conflicting claims have some validity. The trouble is that most designers have an obsessive agenda about one particular design requirement, which they then inflate above all others, marginalizing the latter. Very few designers focus on the forest rather than the trees. The best designer is inevitably the one who has no agenda, meaning that he does not care which engineering approach works best as long as it really does. And the design process does not stop with the anechoic optimization of the speaker. Imagine a theoretically perfect loudspeaker that has an anechoic response like a point source, producing exactly the same spherical wave front at equal levels at all frequencies. If a pair of such speakers were brought into a normally reverberant room with four walls, a floor, and a ceiling, they wouldn’t sound good! They would only be a good start, requiring further engineering. It’s complicated. Loudspeakers are the only sector of audio where significant improvements are still possible and can be expected. I suspect that (1) further refinements of radiation pattern will result in the largest sonic benefits and (2) powered loudspeakers with electronic crossovers will end up being preferred to passive-crossover designs. In any case, one thing I am fairly sure of: No breakthrough in sound quality will be heard from “monkey coffins” (1970s trade lingo), i.e. rectangular boxes with forward-firing drivers. I’ll go even further: Even if the box is not rectangular but some incredibly fancy shape, even if it’s huge, even if it costs more than a luxury car, if it’s sealed or vented and the drivers are all in front, it’s a monkey coffin and will sound like a monkey coffin—boxy and, to varying degrees, not quite open and transparent.

6) Amplifiers have been quite excellent for more than a few decades, offering few opportunities for engineering breakthroughs. There are significant differences in topology, measured specifications, physical design, and cosmetics, not to mention price, but the sound of all properly designed units is basically the same. The biggest diversity is in power supplies, ranging from barely adequate to ridiculously overdesigned. That may or may not affect the sound quality, depending on the impedance characteristics and efficiency of the loudspeaker. The point is that, unless the amplifier has serious design errors or is totally mismatched to a particular speaker, the sound you will hear is the sound of the speaker, not the amplifier. As for the future, I think it belongs to highly refined class D amplifiers, such as Bang & Olufsen’s ICEpower modules and Bruno Putzeys’s modular Hypex designs, compact and efficient enough to be incorporated in powered loudspeakers. The free-standing power amplifier will slowly become history, except perhaps as an audiophile affectation. What about vacuum-tube designs? If you like second-harmonic distortion, output transformers, and low damping factors, be my guest. (Can you imagine a four-way powered loudspeaker driven by vacuum-tube modules?)

7) We should all be grateful to the founding fathers of CD at Sony and Philips for their fight some 35 years ago on behalf of 16-bit, instead of 14-bit, word depth on CDs and 44.1 kHz sampling rate. Losing that fight would have retarded digital media by several decades. As it turned out, the 16-bit/44.1-kHz standard has stood the test of time; after all these years it still sounds subjectively equal to today’s HD techniques—if executed with the utmost precision. I am not saying that 24-bit/192-kHz technology is not a good thing, since it provides considerably more options, flexibility, and ease; I am saying that a SNR of 98.08 dB and a frequency response up to 22.05 kHz, if both are actually achieved, will be audibly equal to 146.24 dB and 96 kHz, which in the real world are never achieved, in any case. The same goes for 1-bit/2.8224 MHz DSD. If your ear is so sensitive, so fine, that you can hear the difference, go ahead and prove it with an ABX test, don’t just say it.

8) The gullibility of audiophiles is what astonishes me the most, even after all these years. How is it possible, how did it ever happen, that they trust fairy-tale purveyors and mystic gurus more than reliable sources of scientific information? It wasn’t always so. Between the birth of “high fidelity,” circa 1947, and the early 1970s, what the engineers said was accepted by that generation of hi-fi enthusiasts as the truth. Then, as the ’70s decade grew older, the self-appointed experts without any scientific credentials started to crawl out of the woodwork. For a while they did not overpower the educated technologists but by the early ’80s they did, with the subjective “golden-ear” audio magazines as their chief line of communication. I remember pleading with some of the most brilliant academic and industrial brains in audio to fight against all the nonsense, to speak up loudly and brutally before the untutored drivel gets out of control, but they just laughed, dismissing the “flat-earthers” and “cultists” with a wave of the hand. Now look at them! Talk to the know-it-all young salesman in the high-end audio salon, read the catalogs of Audio Advisor, Music Direct, or any other high-end merchant, read any of the golden-ear audio magazines, check out the subjective audio websites—and weep. The witch doctors have taken over. Even so, all is not lost. You can still read Floyd Toole and Siegfried Linkwitz on loudspeakers, Douglas Self and Bob Cordell on amplifiers, David Rich ( on miscellaneous audio subjects, and a few others in that very sparsely populated club. (I am not including The Audio Critic, now that it has become almost silent.) Once you have breathed that atmosphere, you will have a pretty good idea what advice to ignore.

9) When I go to Verizon Hall in the Kimmel Center in Philadephia and sit in my favorite seat to listen to the Philadelphia Orchestra, I realize that 137 years after the original Edison phonograph audio technology still hasn’t quite caught up with unamplified live music in a good acoustic venue. To be sure, my state-of-the-art stereo system renders a startlingly faithful imitation of a grand piano, a string quartet, or a jazz trio, but a symphony orchestra or a large chorus? Close but no cigar.

10) My greatest disappointment after six decades as an audio journalist is about today’s teenagers and twentysomethings. Most of them have never had a musical experience! I mean of any kind, not just good music. Whether they are listening to trash or Bach, they have no idea what the music sounds like in real life. The iPods, iPads, iPhones, and earbuds they use are of such low audio quality that what they hear bears no relationship to live music. And if they think that going to an arena “concert” to hop around in one square foot of space with their arms raised is a live-music experience, they are sadly deluded. It’s the most egregiously canned music of all. (To think that I used to question the fidelity of those small dormitory-room stereos of the 1960s!) Please, kids, listen to unamplified live music just once!

What I have learned after six decades in audio (call it my journalistic legacy):​

I've taken the following 10 items from
100% for the points. To add, I don't think the speaker problem will ever get solved. Maybe it requires a radical new design other than the paper cone, voice coil magnet construction. It is no where near how a vocal chord works, a wind instrument works, percussion instrument, drums. The geometry plays an important role in how sound gets produced and radiated outwords.

But folks who hear things is because the brain being a powerful natural DSP you can't fault them folks for hearing what they hear. Similar case happens with the taste buds.
Valuable insights based on long experience and knowledge.
In my experience significant changes in my home listening comes more from changes in loudspeakers (different topologies, sizes) than from changes in electronic components except for maybe changes in power supply.
Thanks for sharing this article.
Whom are you referring to!?
Peter Aczel - I've read quite a few issues of audio critic and he equivalent to Amir/ASR of the previous era. Some of his reviews are incredibly comical - do try and check out some of them.

Needless to say other than the fact that speakers matter most, I don't agree with any of his positions.
He may have his opinion about many aspect of audio, however, he is spot-on about speakers being the most critical of components including the listening dome.
Peter Aczel - I've read quite a few issues of audio critic and he equivalent to Amir/ASR of the previous era. Some of his reviews are incredibly comical - do try and check out some of them.

Needless to say other than the fact that speakers matter most, I don't agree with any of his positions.
Thought as much but wanted to get clarification nevertheless as someone reported your post as rude and was trying to resolve the issue. Oh yes I'm aware of that controversial character; Peter Aczel.
100% for the points. To add, I don't think the speaker problem will ever get solved. Maybe it requires a radical new design other than the paper cone, voice coil magnet construction. It is no where near how a vocal chord works, a wind instrument works, percussion instrument, drums. The geometry plays an important role in how sound gets produced and radiated outwords.

But folks who hear things is because the brain being a powerful natural DSP you can't fault them folks for hearing what they hear. Similar case happens with the taste buds.
To some extent the problems caused by speaker-room interactions can be addressed by near field positioning of speakers pulling them as far away from the wall as possible…this does not solve the lower frequency issues (reverb and room modes) I think.
With such positioning the sound from the speakers start approximating to an extent, open back headphone listening experience
There is no perfect room proportions that will not have nodes or nulls at some frequencies and square and cubical shapes are said to be particularly challenging.
Room treatment by knowledgeable professionals seems to be one way to go. But finding well informed and skilled professionals who can measure and identify problematic frequencies and wavelengths in a particular room and then calculate the requirements of sound absorbent panels (density of material, thickness, dimensions etc) and install them in a aesthetic way… I think I will just enjoy my imperfect sounding music and continue experimenting from time to time.
One has to be a very dedicated well heeled audiophile living in their owned house to try this, if such professionals can be identified .
Our mans has been popping up since quite some time eg..

A lot of these extreme sounding positions are coming from the context in which different people operate from. Also a lot of it is influenced by the very nature of certain people. If you understand the context, it is easy to understand where they are coming from. In their land, a lot of these principles may have worked really well for them.

For many audiophiles who usually operate from the context of what they actually own “now” and “where they are setup” and then they are trying to introduce a new piece of gear, the context is quite different and also much of it is a story driven endeavor with a lot of “group think” principles at play.

Different types of people trying to get to a similar goal by doing different things. That is how I would look at this.

I agree with him on about 30% of it especially the loudspeaker part of it.

Many years ago I remember asking an audio manufacturer, why he does not use very bespoke quality RCA and IEC connectors on his gear. He said, for the budget I know “where” to put exactly “what” to get the results I am looking for. It is certainly not on these connectors. Let’s say an audiophile buys these gear and changes those parts to some high end ones, will it make a difference in his system?... maybe 2 %.. add the confirmation bias and it will become 10%..that is how it is..
Exactly in the end we form our own experiences.

People will have different views based on experiences and not everything can be explained by science as we know it since science itself is evolving and will continue to evolve. As per some thinkers we know less than 5% of all there is to know

Peter had his days and his following does not mean he is knows all about all in audio :)

Since audio research has been very slow since the TV came up and currently the greatest minds are making better AI or smaller batteries or in the wall street and its equivalents, lets not expect it to find out new areas much

So I asked Chat GPT on him
Peter Aczel was a well-known audio critic and the founder/editor of The Audio Critic, a magazine that took a highly skeptical, science-based approach to reviewing audio equipment. His views on audio were often controversial, as he strongly opposed the audiophile subjectivism that dominated high-end audio discussions.

Key Views of Peter Aczel on Audio

1.Objective vs. Subjective Audio​

  • Aczel firmly believed in objective measurements (such as frequency response, distortion, and signal-to-noise ratio) as the primary way to assess audio quality.
  • He criticized the audiophile industry for promoting expensive cables, exotic components, and tweaks that had no measurable impact on sound.

2.Amplifiers Sound the Same (If Designed Properly)​

  • He argued that properly designed, solid-state amplifiers (with low distortion and flat frequency response) sound identical when operating within their limits.
  • He dismissed claims that high-end amplifiers with exotic designs provided superior sound unless backed by double-blind listening tests.

3.Speaker Performance Matters Most​

  • According to Aczel, the biggest determinant of sound quality is the speaker and its interaction with the room.
  • He strongly recommended objective testing and blind listening to choose speakers rather than relying on subjective reviews.

4.Expensive Cables are a Scam​

  • He was an outspoken critic of audiophile cables, arguing that well-made, affordable cables performed identically to expensive ones in blind tests.
  • He often dismissed exotic power cords and interconnects as marketing gimmicks with no scientific basis.

5.Bit-Perfect Digital Audio is Transparent​

  • Aczel supported CD-quality (16-bit/44.1kHz) as transparent and was skeptical of high-resolution audio claims when not backed by blind tests.
  • He dismissed the need for super-expensive DACs if they already had low distortion and a flat response.

Legacy and Controversy

  • Loved by Objectivists: Many in the engineering and measurement-based audio community respected him for debunking myths.
  • Hated by Subjectivists: High-end audiophiles often dismissed him as overly rigid and blind to the nuances of listening experience.
  • His magazine, The Audio Critic, remains a cult favorite for those who value science over hype in audio.
The man it seems loved to generalise (as most people do) and state his opinions in print as the editor of a widely read audio magazine.

It’s funny how some of his controversial assertions made decades ago are still being debated today (in the objectivists vs subjectivists discussions)

I recall Alan Shaw of Harbeth writing on the HUG forum:
“ You can drive your Harbeths with any brand, technology, feature set, price, cosmetics and power output that you like and according to your taste and budget. The more you spend, the longer there will be a hifi dealer on your high street.

Tube amplifiers as a class provide a very loose coupling to the speakers that they drive, rather like having a manual car stuck in third gear regardless of whether it is being driven in town, down a steep gradient or up a mountain. This is principally because the output transformer between the tubes and the speakers invokes a two-stage power conversion in the amplifier output transformer as it plays music and delivers energy to the speakers: current to magnetism in the primary from the tubes and then magnetism back to current in the secondary which drives the speakers. Solid state amps do not have this two-step conversion and perform power to the speakers at all frequencies like a silky smooth 10-gear automatic gearbox constantly and invisibly adapting to the impedance of the speaker load i.e. the musical gradient.

This two-step tube drive matter is not at all ideal and introduces numerous insoluble technical limitations, all of which manifest themselves in an unpredictable "suck it and see" relationship between the music, the amplifier and the speakers which I as the speaker designer cannot be expected to know about or even compensate for. You are on your own, in the audio wilderness. I hope that you have time to play and a suitable budget because tinkering over (tube) amps will get in the way of the music - which may be what motivates you anyway.

It seems a pity for the consumer to invest serious money in decent speakers designed patiently and over many long hours for maximum fidelity and then to introduce such massive uncertainty at the point of listening at home about which the manufacturer is powerless to advise.

Of course, our transaction with the consumer is ended - he's paid - and how he subsequently choses to use or misuse the product is of no concern to us excepting that we rely on word of mouth for sales, and demonstrating a system which is below, possibly far below the standard that we have built in does us no favours at all.

If the music is your thing and the equipment (incl. the speakers) just an inconvenient necessity, then you would do very well to take note of the gear that we associate ourselves with at UK hifi shows to demonstrate our speakers and consider that to be an apolitical, pragmatic, cost-conscious solution - and clone it into your own homes. Actually, we are obliged to 'put on a decent show' to minimise know-it-all visitors who about turn when they see what they consider to be ludicrously offensive sub-fi equipment in a demo room; if we could keep those nuisances away we'd be happy to assemble an entire electronic package for the price of a decent suit and a pair of Barkers shoes just to prove a point. There would be zero pride of ownership, it could go bang! at a moment's notice, but it would make music.“ (end of quote)

I would be doing the man a gross injustice if I tried to generalise and misrepresent his above explanation to a social media headline grabber statement (eg: Alan Shaw says all amps sound the same or something more silly)

The older I get; the more I am reminded of how little l know…As the old saying goes “All generalisations are untrue, including this one
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I recall Alan Shaw of Harbeth writing on the HUG forum:
“ You can drive your Harbeths with any brand, technology, feature set, price, cosmetics and power output that you like and according to your taste and budget. The more you spend, the longer there will be a hifi dealer on your high street.

And this is the problem with harbeth speakers, their polymer based driver smoothens the sound so much that the sound signature is one of harbeth than of any other amp :D

Instead of a “manual car stuck in third gear,” a well-designed tube amp can be more like a well-tuned manual transmission, where the driver (the amplifier circuit) actively interacts with the road (the speaker impedance) for a more engaging ride :D

also a high damping factor isn’t always better, just like an overly stiff suspension on a car can ruin ride comfort and handling on rough roads. with lighter paper cone drivers, which i have found to be the most engaging, you need a lower damping else the sound will be sharp.
With thicker and newer materials you do need high damping and its a personal preference on liking the sound signature, while many do like it , i never enjoyed it as much
And this is the problem with harbeth speakers, their polymer based driver smoothens the sound so much that the sound signature is one of harbeth than of any other amp :D

Instead of a “manual car stuck in third gear,” a well-designed tube amp can be more like a well-tuned manual transmission, where the driver (the amplifier circuit) actively interacts with the road (the speaker impedance) for a more engaging ride :D

also a high damping factor isn’t always better, just like an overly stiff suspension on a car can ruin ride comfort and handling on rough roads. with lighter paper cone drivers, which i have found to be the most engaging, you need a lower damping else the sound will be sharp.
With thicker and newer materials you do need high damping and its a personal preference on liking the sound signature, while many do like it , i never enjoyed it as much
So if I understand it correctly there are:
1. Neutral amplifiers that don’t color or modify the sound in any way (not tubed designs); they just amplify whatever signal they receive
2. Neutral speakers that just reproduce the audio signal they receive as much as possible without imposing their personality (?) on the output, (at least in an anechoic space)
3. Assuming both the above are likely to sound boring most audio enthusiasts seek amps and speakers that lend a particular flavour or character that will suit their unique tastes, music, in their own listening spaces.
4. Since I (possibly others?) can’t really define the SQ I prefer clearly as I like music across several genres, styles and cultures, my quest for the perfect speaker and amp for me is doomed.
So if I understand it correctly there are:
1. Neutral amplifiers that don’t color or modify the sound in any way (not tubed designs); they just amplify whatever signal they receive
2. Neutral speakers that just reproduce the audio signal they receive as much as possible without imposing their personality (?) on the output, (at least in an anechoic space)
Yes the proverbial Wire with gain is what they can be and exist only in theory

3. Assuming both the above are likely to sound boring most audio enthusiasts seek amps and speakers that lend a particular flavour or character that will suit their unique tastes, music, in their own listening spaces.
Not really amps are supposed to be neutral and the colour is supposed to be added by the speaker ,,like the same apple being painted by different painters or shot by different photographers.

Assuming you are seeing the true apple, in most cases the apple itself has been modelled on an Audio engineers version of what he wants you to see but being original to the apple ;)
4. Since I (possibly others?) can’t really define the SQ I prefer clearly as I like music across several genres, styles and cultures, my quest for the perfect speaker and amp for me is doomed.
There Is no perfect speaker and amp..but there are lots of very very good speakers and amps which one can enjoy and they are all specific to you
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