Petition to re-launch Technics SL1200/SL1210 series turntables!

On topic : It would be wonderful if Technics people come out with only motor drive unit with isolated power supply (like SP10) so people can add Tonearm or plinth of their liking.
Preferred the old look which had some parts in black. This looks too 'silver'. Hopefully they come out with an all black version like the Pioneer PLX-1000.
I also got the update from the page.
Although the special edition is only 1200 Nos limited release, it appears from the review that more of the normal one will release later. Don't know how many will be available here. I doubt that with the high import duties price will remain prohibitive though it would be good to get an authentic genuine one from the company.
The standard version SL1200G is listed at US$650.
It will just scrape through the Rs 45,000/- limit for duty free hand carried luggage. Many should be able to bring it in duty free I think.
Since this is the SMRP, there is a possibility of reduced prices later on.

I wonder if the SL1200GAE will sound any different from the G model apart from becoming a collectors item ! It may have some additional special features in construction but will that translate into an improvement worth the much higher price ? We will not know until the end of the year I think. Audio Technica's ATLP-120 turntable looks good and costs almost half of the G model I think ( US $250 selling price) . I saw one is Singapore. "Looks" very nice. Never heard one playing an album.
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thats SL-1200 GAE, limited edition collector's item, the regular one SL-1200G will probably come later in 2016, I do not think Panasonic will keep the bar at $4000 for the regular, in that case I bet it will be grand flop show, in that price bracket there are TTs which are miles better than 1200, I wonder at INR 2,50,000/- how many Indian will buy a technics turntable! Clear audio, VPI will be much better choice.
Coz it's not SP10:)

Incidentally, I read that article today. Technics claims that the 1200G is a loss leader for their new line of "Technics" branded products. So I guess it's more of a halo product than an actual bread and butter offering.

But considering the price points of most of today's turntable offerings, $2800 isn't a whole lot.
The new SL1200 is not like the older ones, infact it incorporates many steps over the older ones. If you check out the youtube video titled "A New Generation of Craftsmanship - Technics" you will get to realize why. The turntables motor assembly has been completely re-designed and looks more like the one that features on the SP10 Mk2. The tonearm of the turntable is literally handmade/assembled. It would be hard for Technics to match the legendary SP10 but they have come closer with the new SL1200.

Some reviewers suggest that Technics has incorporated the design elements of the SP10 in the new SL1200 but honestly, the SP10 MK2 is still miles ahead (price-wise as well) :)
New Technics prices are out of reach for most people. Though not in the same league as SP-10 and SL-1200, mere mortals can take comfort in knowing that Technics with green stator coils are three phase very well made motors with sufficient torque and speed stability. For Example SL-Q2 shown here.

Tonearm are also good quality.
Coz it's not SP10:)

well, at least its priced like one. The SP10 cost 2K usd back then, while the SL1200 cost 500 odd USD, and was at the 700USD when it was discontinued recently.

The SP10 was known as a cost no object audiophile TT, while the SL1200 was its mid fi equivalent using some of the tech at a high but still affordable price point. The positioning of both products was well defined from a branding/marketing standpoint. Now you take one product and try to position it at the other (especially when you have another product which used to occupy that space) it makes no sense. It's like fiat discontinuing maserati, and then relaunching a lancia or an alfa romeo at a maserati price/performance point.
For my ears all Technics 'S' arm direct drive TT's including SL-1200 are more or less sounding same. In the paper it may be n number of Technical differences.

Yes, there may be marginal sound difference if we do side by side comparison with same cartridge. But I noticed this kind of marginal difference even in different copies of same origin same album still both copies looks sounding good.
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