Philips 3571 HTIB Vs Onkyo HTIB

Finally got myself a philips 3571 ...

2. The bass was a little overpowering for some of the songs i played. i could not find any audio adjustments for the controlling the sub or individual speaker volumes (I only found the speaker distance adjustment in the setup). If nothing works might need to find a better sub placement


Hi Arvindraj,
1. There is a feature called "Double Bass" in 3571. Try disabling that feature and see if it serves your purpose.
2. In case you find that present bass quality is satisfactory for 90% music /movie cases, then I don't think there is any need to change the subwoofer location permanently. Just fiddle with Bass Tone control to reduce it in the remaining 10% cases.

Hi Frinds
i m looking to buy a home theater soon, i have almost finalised Onkyo-s3300(it will cost arnd 24-25k in delhi)

but today i read this thread and got confused of wehter i ll go for onkyo or Philip 3571( it ll cost arnd 15-16K in delh)

there is price diffrence of arnd 10k so is onkyo is worth it or i can get the good sonud from philips also
my usage are
75% movis
20% video songs
5% audio songs
My room size is 18*12

i have panasonic plasam C10D, Tata Sky HD and WD TV Media player

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