Planning to buy Accuphase E-480

Accuphase and McIntosh both have stupid prices here …. A brand name will only carry you so far …. Having heard the e 480 at home … very average sounding … totally overhyped model at least
Can you name some good integrated that is not stupidly priced?
Inwud call abt 30 percent above dollar price decent. Stupid pricing mostly is double in many brands.
If tubes interest you check the Tektron amplifier. I just heard about these last week from an user and surprisingly they are now available India. Pricing wise not sure how they compare to International prices.
I am not sure if Denon PMA2500NE falls in the same league as Accupahse E480 or entry level Luxman, but I really think that the price to performance ratio is significantly high with 2500NE as compared to many other brands at 3-4 lac price point.
Do give it a thought and keep in the list of audition.
What a co-incidence many forum members looking for Accuphase this week . Without taking names price is going to be much closer to 10 for E-480 than numbers being thrown here. Every time my heart convinces my brain to buy an Accuphase the kind of conversation I have with India based dealers knocks me out of my trance.

I second the suggestion on Denon but I would say it would be the PMA-110 anniversary or the JDM model PM-SX11 that would be a rightful competitor to E-480. Even E-380 won't come in 3-4 lakh range .
Can you name some good integrated that is not stupidly priced?
Gryphon Diablo 300 or 120 (Gives 2Ohm Specs as well)
Luxman Ax590
Hegel H590
Plinius Hiato
Kinki Studio EX M1 ( haven't heard but considering the superlative reviews it's cheapest one)

There are quite a lot of them from 4 to 7L budget (I am Not Sure of Current Pricing) , I'd have looked at possibilities of getting Gryphon Diablo (& even prefer it to Accuphase) For Sure.
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Just curious how are you putting Gryphons in 4-7 L budget ? Even the 120 list price is > 11K USD . Factor in import duty and shipping and we are talking about 10 lakh class amp.
Diablo 120 . Hegel 590 is also in the same ballpark. I don't see these coming under 7 lakhs for sure unless bought used. Would love to be wrong :)
Just curious how are you putting Gryphons in 4-7 L budget ? Even the 120 list price is > 11K USD . Factor in import duty and shipping and we are talking about 10 lakh class amp.
Diablo 120 . Hegel 590 is also in the same ballpark. I don't see these coming under 7 lakhs for sure unless bought used. Would love to be wrong :)
Yes I meant Gryphon Diablo Used ( that's why possibilities of Getting one)
Gryphon Diablo 300 or 120 (Gives 2Ohm Specs as well)
Luxman Ax590
Hegel H590
Plinius Hiato

There are quite a lot of them from 4 to 7L budget (I am Not Sure of Current Pricing) , I'd have looked at possibilities of getting Gryphon Diablo (& even prefer it to Accuphase) For Sure.
I think the Gryphon Diablo 300 will easily better all the others mentioned in this thread. But it’s in a price range of $18000 to $23000 I believe. If lesser power works, the 120 is a good option too. Then there’s the pre owned 250s that pop up for sale once in a while.

The 300 is a beast of an amp with the finesse of a ballerina!
The prices seem inclusive of India-tax, dealer-tax, dealer-mortgage-interest-tax, vat on tax, tax on vat, luxury tax.

Either that, or these are "SRP" and the dealers would make you an offer (that would hopefully be sweet enough) when they sense a real sale opportunity.
I think the Gryphon Diablo 300 will easily better all the others mentioned in this thread. But it’s in a price range of $18000 to $23000 I believe. If lesser power works, the 120 is a good option too. Then there’s the pre owned 250s that pop up for sale once in a while.

The 300 is a beast of an amp with the finesse of a ballerina!
One Diablo 300 was on sale from Kerala for 8.5L recently.
Considering the Specs even 120 should be enough.
I second the suggestion on Denon but I would say it would be the PMA-110 anniversary or the JDM model PM-SX11 that would be a rightful competitor to E-480. Even E-380 won't come in 3-4 lakh range .
one of my friend using an 2011 gyrphon diablo old model. even that sounds stunningly good. so hunt for old diablo amplifier. they doesnt come up frequently for sale.
I am not sure if Denon PMA2500NE falls in the same league as Accupahse E480 or entry level Luxman, but I really think that the price to performance ratio is significantly high with 2500NE as compared to many other brands at 3-4 lac price point.
Do give it a thought and keep in the list of audition.
Denon PMA2500NE may not be compared with E-480 but it is comparable with Accuphase E-2x0 amps and Luxman L505. Current generation Accuphase amps are somehow bit bright sounding. But their older amps are nice sounding ones.
Kinki Studio EX M1 and M1+
No personal experience but read a lot of good reviews of these integrates.

FM @Fiftyfifty has one. Perhaps he can share his impressions.
Apologies for the delayed reply (Cyclone/no power/no internet). Yes, I've been using the kinki ex M1 for two years and the sq really matches the musical genres that I prefer - jazz, classical, soft rock. The Kinki has a very laid back sound, nothing in the face, hence very enjoyable in long listening sessions. However, if your preferred music is mainly Rock or metal, you will probably be disappointed with the lack of grunt and lack of distorted guitar sounds. In the same price bracket, the JOB Int is a great amp that is more forward sounding than the Kinki.

Best wishes
I think this post has been more than fruitful for me. Thank you everyone. It definitely opened up many other choices, but also exposed the distributor as someone not to be relied on for fair pricing. He has quoted highly disparate price to me from what he has quoted to others, within a gap of weeks and sometime days. To top that of, I even had some guy call me up as a stockist (don't know how he accessed my number) and quote me 8.7 lakhs for e-480 and when I declined his offer he said I am not committed to the post I made here and I should buy a Denon . It's pretty creepy, have blocked him. I will probably opt for a MC8900 or Puccini. But first I am going to audition 804 D3 tomorrow.
^ Haha same experience with me as well; it was creepy. It appears that property and land dealer types have gotten into this business. The modus operandi is something that makes me uncomfortable. It looks like Accuphase is JW Black Label of amps, everyone in India thinks of it as some aspirational brand and that explains random pricing. I prefer Hifimart type models that are similar to US/EU type retail shops these leave less to speculation and hence less haggling (those not comfortable with long negotiation cycles) buyers aren't taken for a ride.
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