Accuphase E-480 retails for 605000yen in Japan = 4.08L INR. See link below.
Say you put 30% markup (customs/shipping/GST) on this, 5.5L should be a reasonable price for this amp. It would be a pipe-dream to imagine a price lesser than this for this amp, anywhere in the world (except Japan of course).
For this price you can get (in India), the Luxman 38 series tube amp and pre combo. Which will probably outperform the Accuphase depending on your wattage needs.
Accuphase is stupidly priced because the US distributor marks it way up, and Indian dealers ape that, and think they can get away with that as well, but they can't. Even in the USA the street price is 20-30% off MSRP because of the inflated markup.
Luxman is a good alternative at this price point, usually 15-20% lower priced. I can't think of any other brand that is not Chi-fi to compete at this level at this price IMO of course. Not that I know much about SS amps been mostly a tube guy. Accuphase is the only SS I have liked (other than Technical Brain which is beyond my pay grade).
Accuphase アキュフェーズ E-480 プリメイン・アンプ 販売価格はお問い合わせください。 オーディオ専門店 サウンドハイツ

Say you put 30% markup (customs/shipping/GST) on this, 5.5L should be a reasonable price for this amp. It would be a pipe-dream to imagine a price lesser than this for this amp, anywhere in the world (except Japan of course).
For this price you can get (in India), the Luxman 38 series tube amp and pre combo. Which will probably outperform the Accuphase depending on your wattage needs.
Accuphase is stupidly priced because the US distributor marks it way up, and Indian dealers ape that, and think they can get away with that as well, but they can't. Even in the USA the street price is 20-30% off MSRP because of the inflated markup.
Luxman is a good alternative at this price point, usually 15-20% lower priced. I can't think of any other brand that is not Chi-fi to compete at this level at this price IMO of course. Not that I know much about SS amps been mostly a tube guy. Accuphase is the only SS I have liked (other than Technical Brain which is beyond my pay grade).