I have a obsessive need to remove these plastic coverings on devices. It is so bad that I have even asked check in counter staff at airports why they had not removed the plastic cover on the bezels of TVs displaying flight info (the looks I received probably indicated something uncomplimentary)
I have removed such coverings in my close friends and relatives houses where I felt I would not be abused/assaulted for this. Yes, I have a problem. When I see a car which is a few years old with plastic covering the headrests and sunshades at a traffic stop I can barely control the urge.
But to the REL glass top under discussion … I feel the glass is harder than plastic is more resistant to scratches, is easier to clean and IMO looks better with no covering. (No, I don’t want to draw parallels with smart phones as they are handled differently)
I know this may become an issue that is as divisive as Covid vaccines, but I mean no offense in suggesting the packaging/covering meant to protect the equipment “from factory to home” all be removed once installation is complete.
It was designed to be just like that. Let the REL bask in its full glory and perform!
+1 to the fungus check and cleaning suggestions.