Pro-Ject Genie plays through one channel only


New Member
Jul 12, 2013
Ilford, Essex

The problem i have with my Pro-ject Genie MK1 turntable is, it plays through 1 channel (right speaker). In regards to to the left channel the sound is not as clear or as loud as the right channel.
i switched the RCA phono leads at the TT so the red goes in white input and vice versa, but still hardly any souun or clarity in the left channel, what could this mean?
Couple of suggestions:

1. Have you tried using another RCA interconnect
2. Try using the same RCA interconnect on a different source and see if you face a similar issue - If no issue observed, could be an issue with the Cart or the port oxidation on the Amp
3. Also try a complete re-balance of the tonearm and setting the VTF again and also anti-skate calibration

Try the above and see if that helps. You mentioned that even after switching the cables with Red and White only the left Channel is affected, I suspect an issue with the Cart wiring.
My RCA phono has an attached earth cable. What i did was remove just the RCA phonos and attached a different RCA interconnect, but left the earth cable connected to the TT and the pre-amp. The sound was still the same, with the other interconnect, which never had an attached earth,
If the headshell design allows, look carefully to see if all four wires are still properly attached to the cartridge. If the headshell design makes this hard, a pocket mirror might help. If they are, then you might need to rewire your TT. Over to experts on this!

Oh, wait...
i switched the RCA phono leads at the TT so the red goes in white input and vice versa, but still hardly any souun or clarity in the left channel
Do you mean no sound clarity on the left speaker? ie, the problem is not reversed, left to right, when you swap the left/right inputs? In that case, the problem is with your phono/preamp.
Yes thats right when i switched the left/right inputs the sound was still poor on the left channel.
Is the problem with my phono lead or pre-amp. Bearing in mind i have a CD player also connected to this amp and the sound is perfect in both channels.
Different inputs, different paths. The fault appears to be with the phono stage of the preamp. To prove this further, get hold of a stand-alone phono stage, and connect it to one of the line-level (like CD) inputs. Or try an entirely different amp.

(Just looked to see where you are. Ilford, Essex! could have helped out once, but haven't lived in Manor Park since 2005 :))

PS... Harrow may be a bit of a trek, but I wish I'd known about this guy decades ago. If you have a need for repairs, it might be good to know about London Sound, Rayners Lane

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could I connect the TT, through a separate phono stage, plugged into another input stage on the pre-amp, for eg AUX, tape as the CD input stage is already taken
Yes, you can. AUX, CD, etc, etc. are all "Line Level" inputs. As far as I know, the only one that is purpose specific is the phono input. The others are simply to match with the selector switches on the front.

Hmmm... there's the tape loop (in and out) which may have some diffferent behaviour to allow for monitoring, I forget. But its input is still a line-level input.

The problem i have with my Pro-ject Genie MK1 turntable is, it plays through 1 channel (right speaker). In regards to to the left channel the sound is not as clear or as loud as the right channel.
i switched the RCA phono leads at the TT so the red goes in white input and vice versa, but still hardly any souun or clarity in the left channel, what could this mean?

This is an easy. You are likely to have a bust phonostage. You've not mentioned whether the low volume sound is distorted or not. A typical example for a bust transistor is distortion, lower levels and clipping. However, if you notice the same with the other inputs as well, then it can be anything from your inbuilt preamp to poweramp. Switch the speakers as well and try to ascertain if you find a similar observation. For all you know, if you experience this on other inputs, it can even be your speakers. Check the whole lot. You can always use an external phonostage but the right approach to every challenge IMO is to ascertain the root cause and nail it.
i only have a CD connected to this pre-amp as well which works fine through both channels.
Would connecting the left output from TT to the right input on the amp solve the problem if the right speaker does what the left was doing ??
if your cd system works fine on the cd input of your amp with the speakers then it is confirmed that your phonostage may have an issue (based on the observation that you reversed your L & R phono plugs and found the same result with the left channel. There is nothing else that you need to do, but check out your phonostage or how the signal gets to your phonostage from the RCA sockets. There can be issues like dry solder, electrolytic cap problems and even selector switching problems. you'd need to check these in steps (of course, inside the amp)
rubensm, I would like your comment on this before recommending it: how about connecting the TT to a line input? The level will be very low, and the sound will be all-high-and-no-bass, but if it it comes evenly from both channels, that is further confirmation of the problem being in the amplifier phono stage. You'd also get to find out what the RIAA equalisation does!

I don't think it can do any harm --- but I'd like confirmation of that.
rubensm, I would like your comment on this before recommending it: how about connecting the TT to a line input? The level will be very low, and the sound will be all-high-and-no-bass, but if it it comes evenly from both channels, that is further confirmation of the problem being in the amplifier phono stage. You'd also get to find out what the RIAA equalisation does!

I don't think it can do any harm --- but I'd like confirmation of that.

will work, i've just tried in the past and it worked with very very low gain, you'd need to turn the volume control way up. yes, one can judge if the TT's putting out 2 equal channels, smart thinking :)
I have a strong feeling that it could be due to the cartridge. The transformer of the left channel may have some problem. You can check it with a digital meter if you are using MM cart and see if both channels are showing the same value. If they are ok, check all the leads from cart to arm. due to oxidisation, there can be loose contact. Check at every stage and you will be able to ascertain the root cause,
I have a strong feeling that it could be due to the cartridge
But, having swapped left/right inputs to the pre-amp, the problem does not shift from left speaker to right speaker. Thinking so far is that this determines the problem to be on the pre-amp side of the cable and, as other inputs to the pre-amp play fine, the pre-amp phono stage is strongly implicated?
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