Review of Sharp AH-XP18MV 1.5Ton Eco-Inverter Air Conditioner

Snapdeal quote for
Sharp 1.5 Ton Inverter AH-XP18PHT Split Air Conditioner Silver
(not Rs 54990; but) Rs 42618

But one of the dealers in Chennai is quoting 55k with installation & stabilizer. Dealer says that online sale is without any tax; so no warranty. Is it so?

P.S: However, for O General 1.5 Ton Inverter ASGA18JCC Split Air Conditioner
(not Rs 57240) Rs 54883
But the dealer quote is 54290. Dealer's quote is reasonably below the snapdeal's quote.

@susa got for him. ..

SaMSUNG AC AR12HV5NBWK 1.0 TR is available at 37,000 Rs.
Will it be better than Sharp 1 ton inverter PMT which is also at 37000 ???

Samsung for ac ??? Its more like asking katrina kaif to do acting... stay away as far as possible. ..

Samsung did very good job in display and mobiles but ac's are a blunder...
Or PMT? Confused now

The PET models I am getting for 36000 & 46000 with installation, stabilizer, wall bracket etc.

Room size is

1) 120 sft, all boxed in, no direct sun. 3rd floor of 4 floor apartments building in Jaipur.

2) 155 sft, east wall with about 18-20 sft window, otherwise all boxed in. Same flat as above.

Have ducted air cooler in all rooms. Will probably go with a 1.1 tonner in both rooms.

Later another 1.1 tonner for a 140 sft room and 1.5 tonner or 1.75 tonner for a 250 sft room. Both totally boxed in, 0 exposure to direct sun.

The flat probably is not used even 30 days total in a year. Except continuous usage till 11th May this year by my wife and daughter.

Is this plan OK?
I am getting Sharp inverter-
With installation & 12 feet piping-

Without installation from another dealer

Daikin inverter FTKE with installation & 12 feet piping -38000

Will Daikin better than Sharp ???

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A comparison of 2 Ton Inverter models:

Make - Model - Price(Rs K)- EER(W/W)-Amps- dB -Airflow (CMH)

Sharp -XP24MV - 63.8 - 3.32 - 8.9 - 45 - 936
LG -Q246C8R3 -76K - 3.52 - 9.1 - 30 - 1081
Panasonic-CS-S24PKYP -73K - 3.3 -8.2 -45/36/33 -1088

1.5 Tonne model:
Whirlpool -Fantasy (1.5T) -58.8K - 3.45 -6.7 - 37.6 - 906

Prices taken from the Internet/MRP - so actual will be slightly off.

I am not giving any weightage to other features which I feel are more to do with marketing talk rather then actual performance. To me the most important criteria will be EER and Noise (dB). I am discounting LGs claims as 30 dB seems to be too low and unattainable for domestic A/Cs. Given the above first preference is Sharp. Panasonic looks good except for the price. ( The dB is given for different settings)

Whirlpool does not have a 2.0 Tonne Inverter model.

Can you all give your preference,experience with any of the A/Cs?

PS: Apologies for the bad formatting. I am unable to copy paste in a tabular form.
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I am getting Sharp inverter-
With installation & 12 feet piping-

Without installation from another dealer
By the way, Sharp inverter models come with 3m copper pipe by default. Anyways, the Chennai price is (including premier 4KVA stabilizer & installation)
1.1 T 13PET: 39 k
1.1 T 13PHT: 42 k

1.25 T 15RET: 46 k (white) & 47 k (Siliver)

1.5 T 18PET: 49.5 k
1.5 T 18PHT: 54.5 k

I'm not able to source 1.5T PHT sub 50 k. :(

Daikin inverter FTKE with installation & 12 feet piping -38000

Will Daikin better than Sharp ???


Please check if Daikin comes with R410 gas. (If R32 is used, it's inflammable & banned in US & Europe)
A comparison of 2 Ton Inverter models:

Make - Model - Price(Rs K)- EER(W/W)-Amps- dB -Airflow (CMH)

Sharp -XP24MV - 63.8 - 3.32 - 8.9 - 45 - 936
LG -Q246C8R3 -76K - 3.52 - 9.1 - 30 - 1081
Panasonic-CS-S24PKYP -73K - 3.3 -8.2 -45/36/33 -1088

1.5 Tonne model:
Whirlpool -Fantasy (1.5T) -58.8K - 3.45 -6.7 - 37.6 - 906

2T is a whole another ballgame. These are commercial grade or near commercial grade. I think this is where brands like Daikin and Hitachi do well in India.

Up to 1.5T, I would go with Sharp PET/PHT. If you look at their brochure, Sharp specs seems to taper off at 1.5T with EER of 4.18.

Whirlpool is ranked even lower than Samsung and LG in India for consumer electronics.
I am getting Sharp inverter-
With installation & 12 feet piping-

Without installation from another dealer

Daikin inverter FTKE with installation & 12 feet piping -38000

Will Daikin better than Sharp ???


Ultimately it's your call. I gave you a hint a few posts ago :)

If you do follow my suggestion, just make sure it is from this year's stock as the pricing looks unusual.

Daikin has some 20 models like FTKE, FTXG, etc., each with 5 or more capacities, and the models range from pedestrian to hi-tech. The FTKE unfortunately sits right at the bottom among all their inverter splits. It runs on something even older than R-32 gas. R-22 gas, which has been phased out of the US since 2004.

PS: The second dealer's price is similar to what I got from the biggest Sharp distributor in Bangalore. Sharp will do installation themselves for Rs. 1,200 to 1,500. 4m (~13 feet) piping/wiring is included in Sharp Installation Kit, so it is free. This kit is supposed to be among the best in India. My gut feel tells me the first dealer is not reliable. I couldn't get PMT in Bangalore, perhaps he is selling old stock?
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Ultimately it's your call. I gave you a hint a few posts ago :)

If you do follow my suggestion, just make sure it is from this year's stock as the pricing looks unusual.

Daikin has some 20 models like FTKE, FTXG, etc., each with 5 or more capacities, and the models range from pedestrian to hi-tech. The FTKE unfortunately sits right at the bottom among all their inverter splits. It runs on something even older than R-32 gas. R-22 gas, which has been phased out of the US since 2004.

PS: The second dealer's price is similar to what I got from the biggest Sharp distributor in Bangalore. Sharp will do installation themselves for Rs. 1,200 to 1,500. 4m (~13 feet) piping/wiring is included in Sharp Installation Kit, so it is free. This kit is supposed to be among the best in India. My gut feel tells me the first dealer is not reliable. I couldn't get PMT in Bangalore, perhaps he is selling old stock?

You are right, the first dealer has some bad reputation of selling unpack/little damage/demo pieces & so friends are telling me to avoid him.
Most probably i am going for pet model.
Which one?

1.1 ton

LV or PET or PHT?

And 1.5 ton
PET or MV?

And what best expected price?

Or PMT? Confused now

The PET models I am getting for 36000 1 ton, & 46000 2 ton, with installation, stabilizer, wall bracket etc.

Room size is

1) 120 sft, all boxed in, no direct sun. 3rd floor of 4 floor apartments building in Jaipur.

2) 155 sft, east wall with about 18-20 sft window, otherwise all boxed in. Same flat as above.

Have ducted air cooler in all rooms. Will probably go with a 1.1 tonner in both rooms.

Later another 1.1 tonner for a 140 sft room and 1.5 tonner or 1.75 tonner for a 250 sft room. Both totally boxed in, 0 exposure to direct sun.

The flat probably is not used even 30 days total in a year. Except continuous usage till 11th May this year by my wife and daughter.

Is this plan OK?
The flat probably is not used even 30 days total in a year. Except continuous usage till 11th May this year by my wife and daughter.

Don't you think 4 ACs for a flat you are using for less than 30 days a year is extreme?

Usually in vacation or seasonal homes, one room with AC is enough to provide relief and get by.
For my sister i am suggesting her following model for her 90 square feet bedroom-

Sharp 0.8 Ton Inverter AH XP10LV (i guess should be under 30k)

It has all the features of 1 ton PMT/PHT model except Micro-computer control (i think not required as it is already lowest 0.8ton), led digital display, 4way auto air swing.

Am i right or am i right ?
That is why I said later. If we probably start using it longer, then we will install more. Also there are certain other personal reasons. :-)
For my sister i am suggesting her following model for her 90 square feet bedroom-

Sharp 0.8 Ton Inverter AH XP10LV (i guess should be under 30k)

It has all the features of 1 ton PMT/PHT model except Micro-computer control (i think not required as it is already lowest 0.8ton), led digital display, 4way auto air swing.

Am i right or am i right ?


Honestly, I haven't looked into the LV as its EER for 1.1T was lower than PET/PHT. I was hoping that someone else would reply to your post.

If you are getting both, perhaps you can educate us?
But do please tell me

1.1 PET or LV

I am finalizing 2 PCs. 1.1 LV. Same price as PET.

Looking at only the specs for 1.1T, I would go with PET because of higher EER (4.01 vs. 3.63), microcomputer control & LED display. I think PET has 60% ECO mode because theironhorse mentioned he uses it.
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