Right now I am listening to ...



John Coltrane - Blue Train

Notable tracks, "Blue Train" and "Moment's Notice".

Another audiophile material, a classic from the past...

do concert videos fall in this category ? if they do then i watched this brilliant dvd of deep purple " live in concert 72/73" with the mark II lineup.

Sure, why not!! Anything with regards to music falls in.

Its always great to listen and watch music videos on Bluray's and Dvd's.
Came across this album...

Eric Clapton with Mark Knopfler and Elton John - Live In Japan

When Three Maestros meet together, music created is simply out of this world. A must listen to the already famous songs from these artists. A treat to your ears.
On repeat mode since morning.

Stumbled upon this album and was blown away...

Lindsey Stirling - debut album. Amazing talent with a twist.
The track "Crystallize" is great and doubles up as a demo song for your hifi setup.

Give it a try, you will not regret it.

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