Right now I am listening to ...


Got this Navras recording (?) of itunes. The first time I heard any of his songs "properly". Wow.

Any recommendations for good recordings of Rafi's works, Shammi Kapoor hits for instance ?

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'Have Yourself A Jazzy Little Christmas' Jazzed Harp music - Corky Hale


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Some of the best pop music ever... has all of her greatest hits like Circle in the Sand, Heaven Is a Place on Earth, and many more.

Good music and do check her out especially if you are in the mood for some easy listening.
Listening to A.R.Rahman album Introducing A.R.Rahman. I m from north India and this abum is in south Indian language, but tell you brothers this album made me realise the old sayings that music has no language it knows no boundaries or barriers. I do not understand the language but it is awesome the songs have hindi versions also but I enjoyed these throughly like the songs chinna chinna asai, kannaalaney, rasika, yaro yarodi, etc. just superb.

Pure bliss... Roy Orbison - The Soul of Rock and Roll.

I have pretty much all of his albums, but still pure bliss and an amazing selection.
large format compression drivers, 515 RWB woofers, Stephens 10 cell truesonic tar filled horns and my new year gift of SME 3012

LOL... I thought you were talking of equipment onboard the Star Trek Enterprise.

Do share some pics... so we can see the aliens.
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