Right now I am listening to ...


a rush of blood to the head - coldplay
Last night watched this lady play live with her quartet : Helen Sung Quartet "Armando's Rhumba:

Helen Sung "Armando's Rhumba" Live: Helen Sung "Armando's Rhumba" Live - YouTube

She's a jazz piano virtuoso with a very tight backing band. Awesome is the word to describe the performance, but let down by the bad PA.
Im listening to Salsa music :)


Current song: 'Castigala Remixes' - Maraca
Been tasting lots of new music of late. Two very good jazz albums from the lot:

1) Alex Rostotsky Trio - Boiled Borscht (on Pope Music label) - a jazz trio from Russia, recorded at a huge film studio. Excellent music and sonics.

2) Makoto Ozone - Live and Let Live - Love for Japan, a charity project for victims of earthquake and tsunami in Japan, collaborating with some really big names in jazz (Chick Corea, Christian McBride, etc).
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