Right now I am listening to ...

Beethoven piano trio (no. 6). New stuff to me. In fact I have never, even in the days when I was much more into Western classical listened to trios and quartets and that sort of thing.
Greek Progressive Black Metal with 70's psychedelic tinge. Their second album is also similarly good.


Next in playlist - just to change things up!


Aside, why doesn't youtube links automatically resolve into titles?
Oh! Great! :D

I saw them in London, in 1974, and had tears rolling down my face as they came on stage singing We are going. I saw them again, in Chennai, a year or two ago. Hey, both they and I have aged! But they still sound great :)
1) Didn't like the movie as much (standard Disney). But, I liked this song: Disney's Frozen "Let It Go" Sequence Performed by Idina Menzel - YouTube. Didn't know it won the Oscar for best song until this morning (don't generally care for academy awards anyways).

2) German Neo-folk band. A lot different from my normal music, I loved listening to this with eyes closed: NEBELUNG 'Mittwinter' (official music video) on Vimeo

From Full Album Stream: Nebelungs Palingenesis | Decibel Magazine

What musical, emotional or narrative ideas drive the creation of Nebelungs music?

The main inspirational moments for Nebelung have always been those rare moments in nature, where the interior monologue suddenly falls silent, and you find yourself in speechless awe before natures beauty. Always in search for these rare moments, Nebelung songs circle around the attempt to name the unnameable, and put into music what words cant express.
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Beethoven 6, Mahler 1, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Manassas...

All old, regular favourites, but after making some system change, I was getting a new view of them. Sometimes, I could not even keep my eyes open to llok at the internet!
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