Rupee at closed at approx. 60 to US$!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
Wow! Hope no one was waiting for large upgrade. I just finished one just in the nick of time. Figure prices of imported audio equipment both from Europe and US will cost at-least 10% more if not higher.
I read about the rupee and the various reasons for its weakness, I guess the whole region is effected, but then I think - why do all the reports state that we are the 4th, 5th, 7th (take you pick) largest economy in the world, then when something like this happens we get compared to tiny economies like Phillipines and other south east Asian countries whose currencies are taking a hit?
Just yesterday I read that LG hiked prices of its home appliances by 2-15% because of the weak Rupee. Even for LG products made in India they import components and raw materials, so there is a rise in production costs.

Other companies have adopted a wait and watch approach and if the Rupee continues at these levels then they will also increase prices :o

LG hikes prices as Re fall raises costs - The Times of India
I have seen the $ from 13.72 (1991) to 31.3~35 (1992) to 35-40 (1994-1999), etc. Just two months ago, my order on was at Rs. 55, a month ago at Rs. 57 and today at Rs. 62 (all orders on Amazon inclusive of bank surcharge of 3.5%). Analysts are saying that Rs. 65 level is not too far away. :(
I better buy the computer I have been dithering about as soon as possible too. I am sure all the parts will shoot up in price soon - although in time hopefully cheaper technological advancements will balance the pain out...
Trade deficit at 7-month high | The Hindu
This is the reason why Dollar will always keep rising against the rupee.
No matter what you do ...

Then we are truly doomed, no.1 import petroleum and no.2 gold, both will never reduce at-least in our lifetimes and the way the Govt. encourages industry (no power, no proper laws for manpower (maruti factory strike and killing), no central sales tax - states have a free for all (eg. octroi in maha.), massive corruption (no need to give an example unless one is living under a rock:lol:), Disruptive politics (for instance telangana agitation) - is almost like there will be very little meaningful industrial growth which will translate into low exports (I guess software is a bright spot but it cannot carry the whole country) and constantly high and higher trade deficits, will ensure that our hi-Fi purchase cost is only going to go up. On the bright side, reduced depreciation of our equipment, No:yahoo:. Sorry for the impromptu economics lesson, but i could not resist. Of-course if we buy Indian, we will be all set.
Was planning to order stuff from US, now have dropped the idea as 60 bucks to a dollar is very expensive for now, if it remains that way, then guess would get used to it after a while.
I think it will make sense to hold off all purchases atleast till the dollar gets back to 54-55 levels...We are talking about an increase of a flat 10% in all imported goods....

Of course, those who can afford it should not stop...
Just realised 2 oversized ameriacn booze bottles ( 1.5 L) at my place , got it from cousin when US$ was Rs 45 !!!! Ditto about my Seiko watch , old Dell phone and may things!!
Unfortunately, as opposed to the law of gravity, in the currency market, what goes up, doors not come down that easily.
If such is your respective confidence that it will slide to 53/55 then an opportunity awaits for you to make big money.

You can go short in the currency forward market.


It will come down to a reasonable rate, we have to be patient. It will be around Rs 53-55 again.
Indeed one will get used to higher rate sooner then later. Take the case of Gold, Property etc.

Was planning to order stuff from US, now have dropped the idea as 60 bucks to a dollar is very expensive for now, if it remains that way, then guess would get used to it after a while.
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