Samsung Plasma 51F5500 Owners Thread /Reviews/Discussions!!

SD PQ is good enough, and is better than similar sized LEDs (except for few top of the line ones). I liked it very much, considering the input quality the output is acceptable. Don't worry on that front. Of course it will not be like the full HD. Even in full HD channels, I think, the PQ of the sports channels are better and clearer than the regular General entertainment channels like Zee, Sony etc.

PQ from DVDs are really good with a good BD player, with upscaling capability.
went ahead and bought this tv today. this is my second plasma after my Pana 50 UD20. yet to unbox and set it up but i am sure this would a decent job pared with my yama avr.

let me start the real 3d and all and will give a review.

how ever my wife, whose not a geek as i am, that that she enjoyed watching this tv more than any LED 3D.

i also felt the same but my review would always be bias cause i am already a plasma fan.

will soon load up the pics also after my entire setup is done.

till then.... i am loving it
Congrats, Denzong !!

Frankly, I am no plasma fan. I started my search for TV with LED TVs. I looked for buying Sony LEDs, but as I keep reading reviews and started taking demo of various sets, which included last yera's plasmas, I was convinced that Plasma is not a bad choice. Also I decided that my next TV will be a bigger TV (50" or more). 55" LEDs are prohibitively costly at 1.5 lacs and more. Better range of LEDs means even higher at 2 lacs or so. So when I finally I got to see & demo this model, except for the plain looks of the outside panel design, I could not find any other fault (Sound/ speakers are lousy as well, like almost all flat panels). I am terribly happy with my decision and the price I got it, I almost feel as if I got it for next to free.

So I can assure, you, without being biased, it is one of the best TV available, at a price which is easily affordable. For a tad better PQ you can get ST60 (yet to see it anywhere closer to my place), but you need to pay 60-70% more.
As stated this is my second 50incher. I was not sure abt the size but initially was not happy looking for Samsung and was inclined towards Pana. But I am quite happy with this one as well
To all owners, does your tv came with the stand shown in this review > ? Because mine came with different conventional stand. Pls reply asap..

Oh I also asked the installer regarding the stand not being 4 foot star shaped, and he told me that so far he has not seen anywhere that being given. Everyone got the same single flat bed pedestal type stand. Anyway, I never had any intention to keep it on stand, so hardly matters to me.
Oh I also asked the installer regarding the stand not being 4 foot star shaped, and he told me that so far he has not seen anywhere that being given. Everyone got the same single flat bed pedestal type stand. Anyway, I never had any intention to keep it on stand, so hardly matters to me.
You could fix the desktop stand to the wall just below or above the TV and make it a shelf to keep your BDP/Media player, router, etc.
So few queries ( Copied post from my other thread)

1- Logitech K400r Wireless Keyboard and Lenovo N5901 Wireless Keyboard -- compatible with this TV ? Or any other keyboard anyone has tested? Samsung keyboard is too costly. While getting demo I was told that Logitech keyboard is compatible. But i didn't asked the model.

2- How many sets of 3D goggles can be used simultaneously . 1 pairs i will be getting free and want to purchase 2 pairs more from EBAY only if all 6 can work at same time. Does anybody know about this ?

3- I have already started downloading 3D SBS movies. Will they work through pen drive/ hard disk and 1st generation WD Media player ? Obviously original Bluray movies will give better details but I am hoping downloaded 3D sbs movies to give satisfactory results. Please advice me on this!

4- Which 3D Bluray player should I buy ( till year end only) ? Don't want to spend too much on it.

5- Please recommend a budget Sound bar for this! Already have a Sony 5.1 Home Theater for the other setup. Here I just need a satisfactory sound while watching movies. Do keep in mind the connecting options of Sound bar. Specs of TV tell me there is no 3.5 mm jack so wireless headphone can't be connected or there is some other way ?
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Friends. After 6 months of hunt I waited and got the Samsung 51F5500 Plasma TV. The TV has been installed, and the picture quality is great. My set up is as folows: A Videocon d2h HD STB, which is connected to the TV through HDMI slot. A Samsung Home Theater 5.1 (non-bluray) is connected to the TV through another HDMI slot.

What I would like to clarify/understand is this:
1. I am now using my in-built TV speaker when I use STB. What should I do to use the Home Theater Speakers instead of TV Speakers when watching through the STB?
2. I tried to play Avengers BRRip 1080i movie from my Transcend 8GB USB Pendrive connected to my TV's USB slot. Unfortunately, the TV speakers volume is next to nil and I could not hear the sound at all. I am not able to hear anything, which my even my 5 year laptop was able to do so easily? I am also not able to transmit this sound via the Home Theater (external) speakers (with AUX option selected in the Home Theater Player). I am sure this is not the problem with the TV

How can I resolve the above issues?

Experiences shared by owners would help me a great deal. Samsung service guys in my area are unqualified, and unattentive to get hold of them to check on this issue. That is why I am posting it here, as I would also have answers from the technical experts and owners of this product.

Thanks a lot for helping me out in advance.
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@roboro- If your home theatre system has optical audio input then connect it the tv as our tv has only optical audio out at the back. I would have wished for composite audio out or even a 3.5mm audio out but sigh..

Try that and set the speakers as external in the sound menu and it will surely work.

One more solution is to connect the tv to home theatre via HDMI2 port which is ARC - audio return channel and try it.

@vishal2032 - For a low cost blu ray player try this one - OR this new model -
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The direct playback with USB by the TV gives awful sound. Like you, I also experienced the same thing, near negligible sound from the TV. I think there is some issue with the playback which can't reproduce or amplify the sound from movie files. Though I have tewo movies one with a dubbed soundtrack and another with a dual soundtrack. For both Hindi soundtrack, the volume is good, but for English soundtrack, it refuses to amplify.

BTW, the same audiotracks works fine, if you are using a BDP to play it. SO it seems there is some issue with the media player given with the TV.

Another point is that overall the TV sound quality is Average or less than average. In fact my old Sony LCD speakers were better.
So few queries ( Copied post from my other thread)

1- Logitech K400r Wireless Keyboard and Lenovo N5901 Wireless Keyboard -- compatible with this TV ? Or any other keyboard anyone has tested? Samsung keyboard is too costly. While getting demo I was told that Logitech keyboard is compatible. But i didn't asked the model. Have not used any, so no idea. you can refer international forums etc for more info regarding this

2- How many sets of 3D goggles can be used simultaneously . 1 pairs i will be getting free and want to purchase 2 pairs more from EBAY only if all 6 can work at same time. Does anybody know about this ?I don't think there is any limit for this. I have used 4 without any issue.

3- I have already started downloading 3D SBS movies. Will they work through pen drive/ hard disk and 1st generation WD Media player ? Obviously original Bluray movies will give better details but I am hoping downloaded 3D sbs movies to give satisfactory results. Please advice me on this!Pen drive -yes, hard-disk - yes, WD media player-yes. But nothing beats the original 3D content played via a BDP

4- Which 3D Bluray player should I buy ( till year end only) ? Don't want to spend too much on it. Shall not cost anything more than 7K. I think there is a Samy model available at around that

5- Please recommend a budget Sound bar for this! Already have a Sony 5.1 Home Theater for the other setup. Here I just need a satisfactory sound while watching movies. Do keep in mind the connecting options of Sound bar. Specs of TV tell me there is no 3.5 mm jack so wireless headphone can't be connected or there is some other way ?How @ the F&D one costing around 9-10K, it has 2 HDMI and a optical input

My responses for each of the queries in BOLD. Hope it will help you.
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