Can somebody give me step by step for PVR recording.I have enabled the PVR function ,iam not able to follow the video posted by Markross, what should i do after enabiling the PVR function? I have a USB plugged in already.
can anyone please help me out with the service menu code and how to check viewing hours? pressing mute 1 8 2 power didnt work..thanks
hi i'm new to this forum and in the short time i have been really impressed by the amount of information one can get by going thru it. i wanted to buy a PS50C6500 and booked one from vaibhav. But the problem is that i have to use it in my hometown (karaikudi - some 400 kms from chennai). vaibhav said he will not be able to arrange the transport there. so, is there any safe ways of transporting the television by surface.I am considering the blue dart. i am yet get a reply from them regarding this. kindly help me out as there are no dealers for plasma tv at my place (leave alone the price).