I just realized that I had only posted about my concerns and forgotten to post my talk with Vaibhav which led to that.
I called Vaibhav on Sunday and spoke with him regarding the deal and he confirmed the same information about the hyderabad store having extra stock, unable to push through during deepavali etc...
He said that the invoice would be generated in Hyderabad and that it would be shipped here by courier.
At that point I was going to go ahead with buying on Thursday
I wanted to see the set in person to get a final feel for the purchase and to pay more attention to any features/issues.
JD didn't have an open set and I remembered seeing one in Anna Nagar Samsung showroom - and as luck would have it -it was sold and they are expecting quantities only on 30thNov - 2 Dec.
The main reason for hesitation is that the pre july 2010 models had a buzz associated with it and I couldn't know if the newer models had it or if this particular bunch of TVs were from that batch.
No one - I mean - NO One else in Chennai (including samsung showrooms and big chains) has a display set and I don't know anyone in chennai who owns one.
I am planning to ask Vaibhav if he could help me with this ( any customer who has bought this before and could let me know about the buzz)
In spite of all the research and eagerness for this model (especially at this price) , if I am unable to actually view the set before bringing it home, I might have to go with an alternate solution of the 42" Panasonic V20 (which was my previous choice before this price break).