Well-Known Member
Just to throw it in there, I would suggest looking for ZU audio : essence.
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where is ht store..pls give the nos. also whr to aud PSB
Auditioned Q500 today with a variety of music for almost an hour with Denon510 AE...believe the amp isn't that great but the speakers sounded good anyways. Bass was a not so perfect but I m mentally ready that none would be perfect. The dealer said something about the speakers not been run in and a better amp would do wonders, but I rather believe what I hear..isn't it! Was suggested denon 710 AE..but more on the amps later. But let me say the mids and high of Kef are best in the lot and therefore these are very strong contenders still. Comparing these with another speaker with excellent high and mid performance i.e paradigms monitor 7, found kef have a better bass relatively.
Also compared the Focal chorus 716V. Too bright for my taste, though bass was a tad better. But there are better things out there in that range.
@milestone- as I said earlier, did a mistake of hearing jamo d590 and therefore came realize the sonic value add the higher end brings. So I know (sooner than I realized!!) that upgraditis would come! Though i m a relative newbie in this, But guess with so much of physical and mental verification, whichever speaker comes home would be highly appealing to my ears for sure.... I did enjoy kef today as I do my current car, though I know merc and jamo are betterand as with driving pleasure, resale is a factor to pacify mind, but guess heart rules in the matters of love, including cars and Audio, ultimately!
It is debatable if Mercs are better than BMWs but then that is another universe :
Is there a place in Bangalore where we can listen to Heco Victa?
After a short haitus, started the last leg again. Auditioned Tannoy V4 and Monitor Audio br6 and paradigm monitor 7
Tannoy v4- good , open soundstage, but found them tad bright this time. Played with marantz pm7004 (same as first audition). There was no constraints otherwise and it played the highs, the mids and lows nicely. But both me and my better half considered the sound to be bit bright for extended listening.
Paradigm monitor 7-contrast to the tannoys...very subdued...bass was missing, though pleasant overall.But seemed taking away a lot from music to make it more palatable .VVocals seem to be behind the instruments...could be good for easy listening/easy on ears but to my opinion these are not as versatile as others.
MA BR6 - Perfect fit to my ears...not too bright..not too loud..great bass. Highs and mids are clear. Clear winner of the contest till date. Played with Cambridge651
So after the reauditons, the front runners are
1. MA BR6
2. Kef Q500
Now on amps, Need your advise...
Would marantz pm 6004 & 7004 go with BR6? Which is the best option apart from Cambridge audio for them?
Can marantz M cr603 cd receiver be an option instead of an integrated amp to drive either of the above?
(I wish to keep the cost of everything apart from speakers around35k so anything with build in DAC, CD player, Aux, USB is welcome since source would be iPad, laptop,- flac, mp3 and cds)
(Pending for audition Heco, Jamo, PSB)