Second innings with vinyl

Thanks Denom, Asit, Ajay, Square Wave.

What i love about the player is its ease of operation. Reminds me of the Hero Honda mobike ad, Fill it, Shut it, Forget it.

Its sonics too are very very good. The cables and the cartridge need a little run in but my initial feel is it will be a little better than the Esoteric. Its dead neutral. Doesnt sound like a vintage player at all.
Gentlemen, thanks to you all for this interesting conversation...honestly i had never heard of EMT before but am now intrigued by it...always thought that Garrard 301 was the staple broadcast turntable...terrific information, thanks once again!!

Congratulations Prem.

Would love to listen to your system.

Looking forward to the pictures.

Glad to know it worked out Prem.
Any specific well recorded Indian album you listened to ?
Also happy that Vinyl enthusiasts tribe is growing. :)
Congrats Prem!!
Welcome to vinyl club.
Good to hear you found this table to your liking.
Would love to see some pics of the table.
Congrats Prem. Better than the Esoteric is high praise indeed.

Too early to conclude which is better. State of the art Japanese cdp engineering or German tt engineering! Prem is lucky enough to have both! Let's keep an open mind and wait for a few weeks, to see how the second innings unfolds :)
Congrats Prem!

Waiting to hear full impressions, slurp over pictures when you've had time to play it a bit.

Thanks akd, stevieboy, malvai, myriad, hitensitapara, odyssey, jai1611, rajiv.

My initial impressions have not changed. Looks like the EMT will be the winner. Am already looking to upgrade my Esoteric X03 SE to probably the K01.
Compared to the Esoteric, the EMT sounds a bit more direct and has better dynamics and presence. The Esoteric is a wee bit more refined and sweeter sounding but i think this is a result of some sound shaping in their algorithm. The EMT sound i think is more correct, even though it sounds a bit raw.

Thank you for being so gracious.
Could we make it the week after perhaps? I might have to be out of station starting 10th to 15th?

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