I received the headphones last evening, but was a little busy so couldnt post yesterday.
Yes yes its the original item no doubt. in white color with the original sealed packing and good external wrapping by the seller (mobileaccesories). Few pictures here:
Biggest shocker was that these headphones are the ones that were given free with the Nokia 5800 Xpressmusic phones back in the day

see the first and the second snap of the cover, it has a sticker across clearly stating the same.
None-the-less atleast the stuff is genuine and for 1490 i am not complaining. The just loved the box it comes in, quite a classy looking thing and most importantly its perfect for travell, a little big though. The bundling in and out will take some practice to get it faster. All white colour with Sennheiser written in chrome on the front, a classy touch. On the headphones though you see the branding only on the metal strip on the top. the pictures i guess are quite clear.
The plastic quality is top noch but not the finishing and assembly, with little gaps showing in places.
Pulled it out, perfect condition and new. connected it to my iphone and the first gave a try with Midival Punditz Electric universe acoustic version from Hello Hello and the sound was pretty good. The guitar sounded on dot, but the voice sounded a little muddy, the clarity was good for 1490. Next up was bedardi raja grind version from delhi belly and the low freq were outstanding. these HP have a awesome thump and even with the volume turned full there was no distortion at all. Though i always felt the mids and highs a little subdued. but over all a very good sound for the money. Also they are very light and comfortable. You can keep them on for hours without much of a problem.
Now comes another shocker, I was trying to put them back in the case after listening and while doing that i realized that the ear cushions are already torn.! tried to check and found that the cushion material has become very brittle and weak, like it happens after years of usage - both of them. :sad:

sent a email to the seller first thing this morning and received a reply saying i can send it back to the seller or take it to the sennheiser service centre in my city and get it replaced for free.
But, I am getting a minute feeling of being cheated :sad:, one because i have bought something that was being given away for free with something, though i would have had to buy the phone as well to get it free

hyeah: and two because its a very old stock and already showing signs.
On the other hand when i listen music on these and even saw a sci-fi movie last night on my lappy, the feeling is GOOD. overall its a positive feeling.! :clapping::thumbsup: