Setting up New Denon X3200 and Buying Monitor audio Bronze 5

Hope you have a lot of fun with your setup

Lets us know about your initial thoughts reg sound etc
Congratulations :clapping:
Have you decided anything on the sofa and speaker positioning?

Yea for the front speakers I think when watch movie I can just Pull them forward.. As you may be able to see in the pic the front speakers stand on a 1inch tall wooden platform. I will have to pull them fwd and place on floor instead.

Do you think keeping the spkr on Wooden platform has any advantage?
After lot of debate for Surround speakers I have finally decided to go for Monitor Audio Bronze FX:cool:

I have gifted myself the same today on occasion of my Bday :clapping: .

Shall run audyssesy again with surrounds installed.

One question Should i run it as bipolar or dipolar:confused:?
After lot of debate for Surround speakers I have finally decided to go for Monitor Audio Bronze FX:cool:

I have gifted myself the same today on occasion of my Bday :clapping: .

Shall run audyssesy again with surrounds installed.

Many more happy returns of the day.. should re-run the Audyssey calibration..

One question Should i run it as bipolar or dipolar:confused:?

Good one.. Here is help from Audyssey Zendesk thread, but this is abt which speaker to use Dipole/Bipole.

Chris Kyriakakis July 05, 2010 22:45
We recommend using dipoles for surrounds for the reasons you mention. They have nothing to do with Dolby Surround--that's just an encoding method for the content. The purpose of dipoles is to reproduce the diffuse ambient sound that one gets in a movie theater with multiple speakers playing the same content (and thus sounding diffuse).

Bipoles are not recommended because they don't really achieve the diffuse sound needed. I guess they are a compromise between dipoles and direct radiators. Yes, some surround music content was mixed with direct radiators as surrounds, but since that is a dead format at this point I would recommend going with dipoles.

So set it to Dipole & run the calibration.. Of course you can switch from time to time after calibration to feel the difference :eek:hyeah:
Get the Wharfedale EVO 4.2 3-Way Standmount Speakers at a Special Offer Price.