Active Member
What is the amount to be contributed towards the event. Are there any other formalities to be complied with. Please let me know, as I am thinking of joining the meet.
My personal suggestion is to utilise both halls for Music Purpose and also include Analog. I feel there are more options to explore Music compared to HT. One Hall can be used for Entry & Mid Fi and another can be used for Hi Fi and Analog.
+1 to DJ,we have been doing HT at dealer's place(say avenuesound,Cinebels)with proper demo room.Our meet can be limited to Stereo mid/High end setups.Entry levels can easily be auditioned at AV shops,but high end are little difficult.We can request FM to get their quality one stuffs (like Naim,Accuphase) or so as to experience better system.
There can be 2 categories,midend system(30 to 50k), highend(50k & above).
There were uncharitable remarks made about the PMC setup without mentioning the possible reasons and this is unfortunate.
I am still to get a reply from our friends for following:
What is the amount to be contributed towards the event. Are there any other formalities to be complied with. Please let me know, as I am thinking of joining the meet.
I do not agree that room does not contribute, but would rather say that more than the speakers the room is the major contributor to the sonic performance as per my own experience. The rooms contribution is even more than the actual speakers as per my observation and analysis. I can prove thisi to anyone visiting my home with various speaker setups in my modest living room. I have the most challenging room to place the speakers and i have taken more time to find the right speaker placement than to actually design, build and tweak them. I have found various placements quite interesting. At times all at my home call me crazy, which i probably look because the best speaker positions at my home happen to be in the most wierdest location that any one would imagine.Room acoustics HARDLY play a major role in such cases .... hurriedly organized events like such ones ...
My personal suggestion is to utilise both halls for Music Purpose and also include Analog. I feel there are more options to explore Music compared to HT. One Hall can be used for Entry & Mid Fi and another can be used for Hi Fi and Analog.
Since we have both Entry level and Hi Fi in the same meet, we tend to start with Entry level and end up with Hifi for obvious reasons. My past experiences from meet is that we do not maximise time for Hifi. eg. Even in recent Pune meet, I felt we did not pair more speakers with the likes of Pass B1 & Electrocompanient, Emotiva Pre + Rotel Monos, Krell 300, etc.
I have nothing against Entry Level and I also know that most FM's including me look for budget system. Just a suggestion since we have two rooms. As you rightly said, Janata ki choice. Let FM's decide. If FM's really want HT, please go ahead with it.
I will nominate for whatever help I can extend. I also nominate for photography.
Special Thanks to all the Organisers.
+1 to DJ,we have been doing HT at dealer's place(say avenuesound,Cinebels)with proper demo room.Our meet can be limited to Stereo mid/High end setups.Entry levels can easily be auditioned at AV shops,but high end are little difficult.We can request FM to get their quality one stuffs (like Naim,Accuphase) or so as to experience better system.
There can be 2 categories,midend system(30 to 50k), highend(50k & above).
I totally agree with DJ and Spiro. Lessons learnt from previous meets - Not too many people show much enthusiasm and interest in HT. In the end it boils down to a few FM's. The time saved from doing away with HT can be well utilized in more speaker pairings and shootouts to do complete justice to them.
My personal thoughts say that FM's are more interested in listening to Mid End systems (especially those planning for a buy/upgrade) and Hi End setups since most of us otherwise do not have access to listen to them. For that matter there may be FM's interested in entry level systems but then they may be better off having a proper audition at a dealer where they can spend more time than at the meet and also lsiten to music they are familiar with.
But then this is all subjective to the equipment we will have at our disposal. Let FM's fill up the excel sheet and the organizers along with FM's can decide
whats the best course of action.
i had posted this in the Delhi meet thread. Here it is :-
I think we need to possibly understand that there will never be a perfect venue and even at many dealers placed a damped and airconditioned setting is many times not suitable for music because it may not be close to what we are exposed to our home atmosphere.
Future meets incl the planned Mumbai or Chennai one take the following cues from the previous Mumbai meet where i was part of and my observations on this forum on other meets, the good points and the cribs that follow after the event.
1. Instead of having 1 meet a year.. and taking the pain of location, finances etc.. would it not be possible to have 2 or 3 meets per year are 2 or 3 different dealer locations.
2. This way there will be active participation from the dealer too..
3. We can pre-select the brand and the gear we want to hear
4. The dealer is saved the expense of lugging his gear around. last Mumbai meet Designer audio and the PMC gentleman had brought their gear all the way to Navi Mumbai to expose their brand to a more knowledgable audience in the hope for more sales. Maybe let the dealer select the venue ( maybe his showroom ) and maybe say 20 or 25 of us can participate for a few hours ( not the whole day )
There were un-charitable remarks made about the PMC setup without mentioning the possible reasons and this is unfortunate. The dealer may have gone thru a lot to get the gear over and possible we need to understand that the setup the dealer got may be better suited for a different ambience. The dealer too should be encouraged to bring resources which are compatible with the meet and not get something over the top.
Possibly one lesson for the organizers for future meets.
5. FM's who want to demo their gear can get it along too and with the consent of the dealer do the demos too..
6. Possibly the dealer can sponsor the event for us for a couple of hours of brief but fun listening.
For folks who want to listen to particular setups.. it may be better to form friendships with FM's and go to their homes to listen. I have had now i think thrice that FM's have come home and it was good fun.
7. Regarding the ambience and the room.. it will be upto the dealer to make the event informative by having a good demo room..distributing literature etc..
Most of the dealers like Lakozy etc.. can accomodate a limited crowd too..
8. Other dealers who may want to demo gear can similarly be introduced. I suspect most of them know each other and even share a beer sometimes though there may be bit of professional rivalry and stuff.
9. Let the reviews be written be 1 or 2 more experienced members ( which is happening in most cases ) to get a fair perspective.
just a few things from my end..
Room acoustics HARDLY play a major role in such cases .... hurriedly organized events like such ones ...
1. Who is asking for 'blowing a trumpet hard'? If room dimensions are small, operate at moderate volumes. Whats the point of raising up the volume to 'mad' levels?
2. SELF-DISCIPLINE is the key ... repeat .. key! Period. The same was written thread-bare a day prior to the Delhi meet. No talk, means .. no talk. It was, if not a 'fish-market' but pretty close off and on. Now, thats irritating for the serious few. I DID NOT see this conduct from the 3-4 military personnel amongst us, neither from the lone Korean gentleman!!!
3. What was the NEED to socialize when the session is on? Clearly means, you are there to 'have a gala time', giving a damn to the learning-interest of others. Why may I ask? For basic interactions ... making new friends etc etc, could you not wait till a break is announced??? PLEASE, such guys are NOT welcome who can't maintain voluntary silence for a couple of continuous hours.
4. Yes, some makes were shot down. They were, since they were indeed bad for that location. But, the location is NOT to be blamed for that, since the REST of the equipments had performed either admirably or satisfactorily. The PMC model would have been ok for an auditorium! Blame for this has solely to rest on the dealer's shoulders and not the PMC brand.
5. For Mumbai and the rest of the places, try going in for ONE or max. TWO equipment dealers ... AT A TIME. Too many cooks would spoil the broth. Also, 'your own' goodies would not get a chance to get paired with other equipments. THIS excitement is far more than getting to hear 'new' offerings from the dealer's stables.
I do not agree that room does not contribute, but would rather say that more than the speakers the room is the major contributor to the sonic performance as per my own experience. The rooms contribution is even more than the actual speakers as per my observation and analysis.
My guess would be speakers - 50% and room 50% to the overall sound signature. I would go ahead to say that if the 50% of the room issues are tackled atleast till 35% to 40% then you can live with a 40% performance speaker and not otherwise.
hi hari
Can you start a new thread on your viewpoint. Because it deserves a new thread since this is the most ridiculous post I have ever come across on this site (sorry to say so). So much so that I cant believe it is from you (having listened to your TL FS in your living room)
Please do a favour and start a new thread. Let this thread be for the members to sign up for the Mumbai meet 2013.
Hey, great to hear from you! Fingers crossed you will be part of the meet, especially w r t the photography partHi all,
Denom, Santy, Spiro, Hemant, Darshan great to see you guys back in action. Im still reeling from the effects of the Pune meet. For a noob like me it was mostly greek and latin. This time I will be able to follow a bit more.
Count me in.
I would like to volunteer for Photography again.
There is a remote possibility of something coming up though, but for now I'm totally IN.
My small view-
Home audio should sound good at Home without needing special treatment.Else call it professional audio system which need a special room treatment.
Let's get back to the original subject.
Great going guys! Have fun![]()
Thanks Ranjeet, I hope we have a good turnout of people & some unusual / exotic gears too to get a brief impression on them!
Count me in. I have my car and I can pool - three more with ease and even a fourth one in my Civic.
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