Well, Ahem !
Hmmmmmm. . . .
What do I say here that has already not been said in nearly 19 pages of this thread?
Nonetheless, to sum it all up, here are my observations and comments :-
* It takes considerable knowledge to realize the extent of one's own ignorance.
* Life and hifi are all about extremes
(hot/cold, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, forward-sounding/ laid-back, tubes/solid-state, hi-power/lo-power)
and living/enjoying hifi is all about balancing them.
* Why do people get unduly hostile towards people who obviously know more than them? (Its happened with linuxguru, kanwar and to an extent with Mark of audiocraft, too, albeit in absentia. . .)
* Dont ever feel proud of either your eqpt or knowledge as there is always someone who has more/better of either/both.
* Hi-fi seems to be like city-driving here - Anyone driving slower than you is a NERD and anyone driving faster is a MANIAC.
* I dont understand how, on one hand we can qualify audio eqpt as "bright", "coloured" or "transparent" while on the other we classify photographs as
*Hearing or audio-sensory perception is the most subjective of human senses followed by smell
(scotch lovers are even more vaguely descriptive in this regard - nose, body and finish is described as smoky, citrusy with hints of crushed hazelnut, blah blah. .. Even a dog would get confused inspite of having a much better olefactory senses, eh?)
* The middle path often leads to salvation.
* Nothing kills a new idea worse than a frown.
* Enthusiasm lost due to that frown is seldom regained in the same magnitude.
* To disagree does not mean that the other party HAS to be proved wrong.
* To each his own (Apni apni dafli apna-apna raaga), on one hand, while paradoxically and contrarily, What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
And LAST but far from LEAST
* Nietzsche said, "To do is to be."
Kant said, "To be is to do."
Shakespeare said' "To be, or not to be: that is the question. . ."
And Frank Sinatra sang, "Do be do be do"
And then these guys chipped in with their bit as hereunder:-
"Do be a Do Bee, don't be a Don't Bee" - Miss Connie from Romper Room
"Scooby Dooby Doo" - Scooby Doo
"Yabba Dabba Doo" - Fred Flintstone
"Inka Dinka Doo" - Jimmy Durante
"Boop Boop be Doop" - Betty Boop
"De do do do, de da da da" - The Police
"Doo Wah Diddy Diddy" - Manfred Mann
"Doh!" - Homer Simpson
"D-uh!" - Big Moose
"I am what I do" - Martin Buber
"Cogito ergo sum"(I think, therefore I am.) - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
"I yam what I yam" - Popeye
"I am" - God
"God is dead" - Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead!" - God
Hope it helps this lovely forum . . .)
OMG, Army officer becoming philosophical?
It's high time, Trittya is posted back to more mundane location.hyeah:
Well, Ahem !
Hmmmmmm. . . .
What do I say here that has already not been said in nearly 19 pages of this thread?
Nonetheless, to sum it all up, here are my observations and comments :-
* It takes considerable knowledge to realize the extent of one's own ignorance.
* Life and hifi are all about extremes
(hot/cold, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, forward-sounding/ laid-back, tubes/solid-state, hi-power/lo-power)
and living/enjoying hifi is all about balancing them.
* Why do people get unduly hostile towards people who obviously know more than them? (Its happened with linuxguru, kanwar and to an extent with Mark of audiocraft, too, albeit in absentia. . .)
* Dont ever feel proud of either your eqpt or knowledge as there is always someone who has more/better of either/both.
* Hi-fi seems to be like city-driving here - Anyone driving slower than you is a NERD and anyone driving faster is a MANIAC.
* I dont understand how, on one hand we can qualify audio eqpt as "bright", "coloured" or "transparent" while on the other we classify photographs as
*Hearing or audio-sensory perception is the most subjective of human senses followed by smell
(scotch lovers are even more vaguely descriptive in this regard - nose, body and finish is described as smoky, citrusy with hints of crushed hazelnut, blah blah. .. Even a dog would get confused inspite of having a much better olefactory senses, eh?)
* The middle path often leads to salvation.
* Nothing kills a new idea worse than a frown.
* Enthusiasm lost due to that frown is seldom regained in the same magnitude.
* To disagree does not mean that the other party HAS to be proved wrong.
* To each his own (Apni apni dafli apna-apna raaga), on one hand, while paradoxically and contrarily, What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
And LAST but far from LEAST
* Nietzsche said, "To do is to be."
Kant said, "To be is to do."
Shakespeare said' "To be, or not to be: that is the question. . ."
And Frank Sinatra sang, "Do be do be do"
And then these guys chipped in with their bit as hereunder:-
"Do be a Do Bee, don't be a Don't Bee" - Miss Connie from Romper Room
"Scooby Dooby Doo" - Scooby Doo
"Yabba Dabba Doo" - Fred Flintstone
"Inka Dinka Doo" - Jimmy Durante
"Boop Boop be Doop" - Betty Boop
"De do do do, de da da da" - The Police
"Doo Wah Diddy Diddy" - Manfred Mann
"Doh!" - Homer Simpson
"D-uh!" - Big Moose
"I am what I do" - Martin Buber
"Cogito ergo sum"(I think, therefore I am.) - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
"I yam what I yam" - Popeye
"I am" - God
"God is dead" - Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead!" - God
Hope it helps this lovely forum . . .)
Well, Ahem !
Hmmmmmm. . . .
What do I say here that has already not been said in nearly 19 pages of this thread?
Nonetheless, to sum it all up, here are my observations and comments :-
* It takes considerable knowledge to realize the extent of one's own ignorance.
* Life and hifi are all about extremes
(hot/cold, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, forward-sounding/ laid-back, tubes/solid-state, hi-power/lo-power)
and living/enjoying hifi is all about balancing them.
* Why do people get unduly hostile towards people who obviously know more than them? (Its happened with linuxguru, kanwar and to an extent with Mark of audiocraft, too, albeit in absentia. . .)
* Dont ever feel proud of either your eqpt or knowledge as there is always someone who has more/better of either/both.
* Hi-fi seems to be like city-driving here - Anyone driving slower than you is a NERD and anyone driving faster is a MANIAC.
* I dont understand how, on one hand we can qualify audio eqpt as "bright", "coloured" or "transparent" while on the other we classify photographs as
*Hearing or audio-sensory perception is the most subjective of human senses followed by smell
(scotch lovers are even more vaguely descriptive in this regard - nose, body and finish is described as smoky, citrusy with hints of crushed hazelnut, blah blah. .. Even a dog would get confused inspite of having a much better olefactory senses, eh?)
* The middle path often leads to salvation.
* Nothing kills a new idea worse than a frown.
* Enthusiasm lost due to that frown is seldom regained in the same magnitude.
* To disagree does not mean that the other party HAS to be proved wrong.
* To each his own (Apni apni dafli apna-apna raaga), on one hand, while paradoxically and contrarily, What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
And LAST but far from LEAST
* Nietzsche said, "To do is to be."
Kant said, "To be is to do."
Shakespeare said' "To be, or not to be: that is the question. . ."
And Frank Sinatra sang, "Do be do be do"
And then these guys chipped in with their bit as hereunder:-
"Do be a Do Bee, don't be a Don't Bee" - Miss Connie from Romper Room
"Scooby Dooby Doo" - Scooby Doo
"Yabba Dabba Doo" - Fred Flintstone
"Inka Dinka Doo" - Jimmy Durante
"Boop Boop be Doop" - Betty Boop
"De do do do, de da da da" - The Police
"Doo Wah Diddy Diddy" - Manfred Mann
"Doh!" - Homer Simpson
"D-uh!" - Big Moose
"I am what I do" - Martin Buber
"Cogito ergo sum"(I think, therefore I am.) - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
"I yam what I yam" - Popeye
"I am" - God
"God is dead" - Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead!" - God
Hope it helps this lovely forum . . .)
So to sum up (my opinion) people who don't know what is there in amplifier design (includes me until now)...practical limitations etc should never comment on coloration or transparency .
OMG, Army officer becoming philosophical?
It's high time, Trittya is posted back to more mundane location.hyeah:
Can we send a memorandum to the Chief of Staff?![]()
Well, Ahem !
Hmmmmmm. . . .
What do I say here that has already not been said in nearly 19 pages of this thread?
Nonetheless, to sum it all up, here are my observations and comments :-
* It takes considerable knowledge to realize the extent of one's own ignorance.
* Life and hifi are all about extremes
(hot/cold, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, forward-sounding/ laid-back, tubes/solid-state, hi-power/lo-power)
and living/enjoying hifi is all about balancing them.
* Why do people get unduly hostile towards people who obviously know more than them? (Its happened with linuxguru, kanwar and to an extent with Mark of audiocraft, too, albeit in absentia. . .)
* Dont ever feel proud of either your eqpt or knowledge as there is always someone who has more/better of either/both.
* Hi-fi seems to be like city-driving here - Anyone driving slower than you is a NERD and anyone driving faster is a MANIAC.
* I dont understand how, on one hand we can qualify audio eqpt as "bright", "coloured" or "transparent" while on the other we classify photographs as
*Hearing or audio-sensory perception is the most subjective of human senses followed by smell
(scotch lovers are even more vaguely descriptive in this regard - nose, body and finish is described as smoky, citrusy with hints of crushed hazelnut, blah blah. .. Even a dog would get confused inspite of having a much better olefactory senses, eh?)
* The middle path often leads to salvation.
* Nothing kills a new idea worse than a frown.
* Enthusiasm lost due to that frown is seldom regained in the same magnitude.
* To disagree does not mean that the other party HAS to be proved wrong.
* To each his own (Apni apni dafli apna-apna raaga), on one hand, while paradoxically and contrarily, What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander
And LAST but far from LEAST
* Nietzsche said, "To do is to be."
Kant said, "To be is to do."
Shakespeare said' "To be, or not to be: that is the question. . ."
And Frank Sinatra sang, "Do be do be do"
And then these guys chipped in with their bit as hereunder:-
"Do be a Do Bee, don't be a Don't Bee" - Miss Connie from Romper Room
"Scooby Dooby Doo" - Scooby Doo
"Yabba Dabba Doo" - Fred Flintstone
"Inka Dinka Doo" - Jimmy Durante
"Boop Boop be Doop" - Betty Boop
"De do do do, de da da da" - The Police
"Doo Wah Diddy Diddy" - Manfred Mann
"Doh!" - Homer Simpson
"D-uh!" - Big Moose
"I am what I do" - Martin Buber
"Cogito ergo sum"(I think, therefore I am.) - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
"I yam what I yam" - Popeye
"I am" - God
"God is dead" - Nietzsche
"Nietzsche is dead!" - God
Hope it helps this lovely forum . . .)
Hope it helps this lovely forum . . .)
@Gobble, Having read so many of your oh-so-witty & tongue-in-cheek comments, I half expected you to say-
Amplifiers should not always be transparent because then the cabinet would have to be made of glass/perspex/acrylic