Should Amplifiers Be Transparent?

Well, Ahem !
Hmmmmmm. . . .
What do I say here that has already not been said in nearly 19 pages of this thread?
Nonetheless, to sum it all up, here are my observations and comments :-

* It takes considerable knowledge to realize the extent of one's own ignorance.

* Life and hifi are all about extremes
(hot/cold, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, forward-sounding/ laid-back, tubes/solid-state, hi-power/lo-power)
and living/enjoying hifi is all about balancing them.

* Why do people get unduly hostile towards people who obviously know more than them? (Its happened with linuxguru, kanwar and to an extent with Mark of audiocraft, too, albeit in absentia. . .)

* Dont ever feel proud of either your eqpt or knowledge as there is always someone who has more/better of either/both.

* Hi-fi seems to be like city-driving here - Anyone driving slower than you is a NERD and anyone driving faster is a MANIAC.

* I dont understand how, on one hand we can qualify audio eqpt as "bright", "coloured" or "transparent" while on the other we classify photographs as

*Hearing or audio-sensory perception is the most subjective of human senses followed by smell
(scotch lovers are even more vaguely descriptive in this regard - nose, body and finish is described as smoky, citrusy with hints of crushed hazelnut, blah blah. .. Even a dog would get confused inspite of having a much better olefactory senses, eh?)

* The middle path often leads to salvation.

* Nothing kills a new idea worse than a frown.

* Enthusiasm lost due to that frown is seldom regained in the same magnitude.

* To disagree does not mean that the other party HAS to be proved wrong.

* To each his own (Apni apni dafli apna-apna raaga), on one hand, while paradoxically and contrarily, What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander

And LAST but far from LEAST

* Nietzsche said, "To do is to be."

Kant said, "To be is to do."

Shakespeare said' "To be, or not to be: that is the question. . ."

And Frank Sinatra sang, "Do be do be do"

And then these guys chipped in with their bit as hereunder:-

"Do be a Do Bee, don't be a Don't Bee" - Miss Connie from Romper Room

"Scooby Dooby Doo" - Scooby Doo

"Yabba Dabba Doo" - Fred Flintstone

"Inka Dinka Doo" - Jimmy Durante

"Boop Boop be Doop" - Betty Boop

"De do do do, de da da da" - The Police

"Doo Wah Diddy Diddy" - Manfred Mann

"Doh!" - Homer Simpson

"D-uh!" - Big Moose

"I am what I do" - Martin Buber

"Cogito ergo sum"(I think, therefore I am.) - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

"I yam what I yam" - Popeye

"I am" - God

"God is dead" - Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead!" - God

Hope it helps this lovely forum . . .)
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Well, Ahem !
Hmmmmmm. . . .
What do I say here that has already not been said in nearly 19 pages of this thread?
Nonetheless, to sum it all up, here are my observations and comments :-

* It takes considerable knowledge to realize the extent of one's own ignorance.

* Life and hifi are all about extremes
(hot/cold, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, forward-sounding/ laid-back, tubes/solid-state, hi-power/lo-power)
and living/enjoying hifi is all about balancing them.

* Why do people get unduly hostile towards people who obviously know more than them? (Its happened with linuxguru, kanwar and to an extent with Mark of audiocraft, too, albeit in absentia. . .)

* Dont ever feel proud of either your eqpt or knowledge as there is always someone who has more/better of either/both.

* Hi-fi seems to be like city-driving here - Anyone driving slower than you is a NERD and anyone driving faster is a MANIAC.

* I dont understand how, on one hand we can qualify audio eqpt as "bright", "coloured" or "transparent" while on the other we classify photographs as

*Hearing or audio-sensory perception is the most subjective of human senses followed by smell
(scotch lovers are even more vaguely descriptive in this regard - nose, body and finish is described as smoky, citrusy with hints of crushed hazelnut, blah blah. .. Even a dog would get confused inspite of having a much better olefactory senses, eh?)

* The middle path often leads to salvation.

* Nothing kills a new idea worse than a frown.

* Enthusiasm lost due to that frown is seldom regained in the same magnitude.

* To disagree does not mean that the other party HAS to be proved wrong.

* To each his own (Apni apni dafli apna-apna raaga), on one hand, while paradoxically and contrarily, What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander

And LAST but far from LEAST

* Nietzsche said, "To do is to be."

Kant said, "To be is to do."

Shakespeare said' "To be, or not to be: that is the question. . ."

And Frank Sinatra sang, "Do be do be do"

And then these guys chipped in with their bit as hereunder:-

"Do be a Do Bee, don't be a Don't Bee" - Miss Connie from Romper Room

"Scooby Dooby Doo" - Scooby Doo

"Yabba Dabba Doo" - Fred Flintstone

"Inka Dinka Doo" - Jimmy Durante

"Boop Boop be Doop" - Betty Boop

"De do do do, de da da da" - The Police

"Doo Wah Diddy Diddy" - Manfred Mann

"Doh!" - Homer Simpson

"D-uh!" - Big Moose

"I am what I do" - Martin Buber

"Cogito ergo sum"(I think, therefore I am.) - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

"I yam what I yam" - Popeye

"I am" - God

"God is dead" - Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead!" - God

Hope it helps this lovely forum . . .)

hehe! - trittya - will take me a month to take all this in - and think of what to say!!

interested i am!!:)
God and Friedrich Nietzsche live up in the clouds,but for the rest of us mere mortals,a little humility is essential. Like the pop songs mentioned in trittya's post, all our words,thoughts and opinions are simply yadda,yadda,yadda! They merely add a little more noise to an already very noisy universe.The best we can do,is to acknowledge our essential ignorance,abstain from arrogance or spite,try to cultivate good humour,appreciate human virtue and intelligence and laugh at human follies.
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So the opinion discussion game is running here ..
the best part of AV forums is they contain endless discussions and on your spare time or office you can take sip by sip of these threads .

Most of them are like throwing the ball to other footballer , but very few people know how to really play the game .

I really liked "To each his own (Apni apni dafli apna-apna raaga), " comment by trittya.
But that is the fun part of these threads .
There were good technical threads regarding tweeters /speakers /dac etc but very few people go there .Even some of the real good audio gurus were thrown out of the forum
for speaking the truth ,that no one else liked .

As per as you enjoy such threads its ok .
Problem comes when you implant such opinions and make decisions accordingly .

I have met with one passionate member MR.X a while ago and helped him assemble with Grounded Grid preamp from china. It was not the original one by the designer bruce.
After building the preamp, we connected,it in fact diluted the SQ of the the beautiful sounding setup .

I studied the schematic and saw serious changes in design , and told that it will never sound good as the design was altered.
But MR.X went to some forums and got advice that cryo treated tubes give real audio , internal wires matter , cabinet has to be non magnetic. And he started on a never ending road and spent hefty sums just to get some thing that is not viable .
So to sum up (my opinion) people who dont know what is there in amplifier design (includes me until now)...practical limitations etc should never comment on coloration or transparency .

[i can say ,yes the synthetic screen guard for sell phone should be as transparent as possible ]
Agreed Kaushik. We have practically no knowledge of the technicalities involved. Its pointless discussing measurements and design. I am sure only a handful of members here are competent to discuss this.

The common thread between all of us is the MUSIC. Equipment as i see is a means to the end. As long as one is happy with what one hears, i guess design and measurements do not matter.
Well, Ahem !
Hmmmmmm. . . .
What do I say here that has already not been said in nearly 19 pages of this thread?
Nonetheless, to sum it all up, here are my observations and comments :-

* It takes considerable knowledge to realize the extent of one's own ignorance.

* Life and hifi are all about extremes
(hot/cold, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, forward-sounding/ laid-back, tubes/solid-state, hi-power/lo-power)
and living/enjoying hifi is all about balancing them.

* Why do people get unduly hostile towards people who obviously know more than them? (Its happened with linuxguru, kanwar and to an extent with Mark of audiocraft, too, albeit in absentia. . .)

* Dont ever feel proud of either your eqpt or knowledge as there is always someone who has more/better of either/both.

* Hi-fi seems to be like city-driving here - Anyone driving slower than you is a NERD and anyone driving faster is a MANIAC.

* I dont understand how, on one hand we can qualify audio eqpt as "bright", "coloured" or "transparent" while on the other we classify photographs as

*Hearing or audio-sensory perception is the most subjective of human senses followed by smell
(scotch lovers are even more vaguely descriptive in this regard - nose, body and finish is described as smoky, citrusy with hints of crushed hazelnut, blah blah. .. Even a dog would get confused inspite of having a much better olefactory senses, eh?)

* The middle path often leads to salvation.

* Nothing kills a new idea worse than a frown.

* Enthusiasm lost due to that frown is seldom regained in the same magnitude.

* To disagree does not mean that the other party HAS to be proved wrong.

* To each his own (Apni apni dafli apna-apna raaga), on one hand, while paradoxically and contrarily, What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander

And LAST but far from LEAST

* Nietzsche said, "To do is to be."

Kant said, "To be is to do."

Shakespeare said' "To be, or not to be: that is the question. . ."

And Frank Sinatra sang, "Do be do be do"

And then these guys chipped in with their bit as hereunder:-

"Do be a Do Bee, don't be a Don't Bee" - Miss Connie from Romper Room

"Scooby Dooby Doo" - Scooby Doo

"Yabba Dabba Doo" - Fred Flintstone

"Inka Dinka Doo" - Jimmy Durante

"Boop Boop be Doop" - Betty Boop

"De do do do, de da da da" - The Police

"Doo Wah Diddy Diddy" - Manfred Mann

"Doh!" - Homer Simpson

"D-uh!" - Big Moose

"I am what I do" - Martin Buber

"Cogito ergo sum"(I think, therefore I am.) - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

"I yam what I yam" - Popeye

"I am" - God

"God is dead" - Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead!" - God

Hope it helps this lovely forum . . .)

Wow,i am impressed,loads to think and take from that,being a novice , my opinion is that amp shouldn't be like air ,if its transparent(odourless) it will be just another amp nothing to get attracted ,u can buy it like a tomato,tomato is a tomato anyday ,if the air fragranceed, then only it makes the difference,i like lavender ,u may like rose or strawberry.i gonna pick what I like ,if there is nothing different one to another then life will get will be like drinking same old red wine daily than going for spinoff and black dog.options keeps life exciting.....last but not least opinion and taste differs ;-)
Well, Ahem !
Hmmmmmm. . . .
What do I say here that has already not been said in nearly 19 pages of this thread?
Nonetheless, to sum it all up, here are my observations and comments :-

* It takes considerable knowledge to realize the extent of one's own ignorance.

* Life and hifi are all about extremes
(hot/cold, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, forward-sounding/ laid-back, tubes/solid-state, hi-power/lo-power)
and living/enjoying hifi is all about balancing them.

* Why do people get unduly hostile towards people who obviously know more than them? (Its happened with linuxguru, kanwar and to an extent with Mark of audiocraft, too, albeit in absentia. . .)

* Dont ever feel proud of either your eqpt or knowledge as there is always someone who has more/better of either/both.

* Hi-fi seems to be like city-driving here - Anyone driving slower than you is a NERD and anyone driving faster is a MANIAC.

* I dont understand how, on one hand we can qualify audio eqpt as "bright", "coloured" or "transparent" while on the other we classify photographs as

*Hearing or audio-sensory perception is the most subjective of human senses followed by smell
(scotch lovers are even more vaguely descriptive in this regard - nose, body and finish is described as smoky, citrusy with hints of crushed hazelnut, blah blah. .. Even a dog would get confused inspite of having a much better olefactory senses, eh?)

* The middle path often leads to salvation.

* Nothing kills a new idea worse than a frown.

* Enthusiasm lost due to that frown is seldom regained in the same magnitude.

* To disagree does not mean that the other party HAS to be proved wrong.

* To each his own (Apni apni dafli apna-apna raaga), on one hand, while paradoxically and contrarily, What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander

And LAST but far from LEAST

* Nietzsche said, "To do is to be."

Kant said, "To be is to do."

Shakespeare said' "To be, or not to be: that is the question. . ."

And Frank Sinatra sang, "Do be do be do"

And then these guys chipped in with their bit as hereunder:-

"Do be a Do Bee, don't be a Don't Bee" - Miss Connie from Romper Room

"Scooby Dooby Doo" - Scooby Doo

"Yabba Dabba Doo" - Fred Flintstone

"Inka Dinka Doo" - Jimmy Durante

"Boop Boop be Doop" - Betty Boop

"De do do do, de da da da" - The Police

"Doo Wah Diddy Diddy" - Manfred Mann

"Doh!" - Homer Simpson

"D-uh!" - Big Moose

"I am what I do" - Martin Buber

"Cogito ergo sum"(I think, therefore I am.) - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

"I yam what I yam" - Popeye

"I am" - God

"God is dead" - Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead!" - God

Hope it helps this lovely forum . . .)

LMAO! Well said Trittya!
well.. after reading all of it.. i dint even touch this thread as its outta my reach..

m not an engineer and a basic diy guy.. not into this stuff..

i might not be an audiophile as i really cant make diffrence in those minor things..

yes i can do make diffrence in speakers, tone, mid and highs and diffrent speakers..

but rather than getting expert in all these feilds and be sad for the ultimate equipment.. i rather enjoy the sound my ears say is good..

but lots of discussion here. .and hats off to all the guys who enlightened me.. as m still in kindergarden.. yet to grow...

My amp is not perfect. I use different tubes and capacitors to tailor the sound,to my liking.

My turntable has a lumpy mid bass and the tonearm has an upper mid glare(so say the experts).

My speakers use horns and compression drivers designed and made in the middle/early part of the last century,and they certainly do not do 20hz-20khz.

But, my system makes Music :yahoo: to my ears,and that is what matters .

yes music all it matters , i still miss my first diy amp with TDA810 , i enjoyed all music that time being zero at technical stuff
You hit the nail right on the head, mate and twice, at that. Bravo!
I do wish we could get FM entsurgeon to comment on the aural/audio-sensory aspects dwelled upon in this thread. Methinx nobody is better suited to comment on these than a audiophile who happens to be an ENT surgeon by profession.
@Gobble, Having read so many of your oh-so-witty & tongue-in-cheek comments, I half expected you to say-
Amplifiers should not always be transparent because then the cabinet would have to be made of glass/perspex/acrylic(btw, quad did that with a power amp loooong ago) which are significantly more expensive than contemporary amp cabinet materials plus, of course, that not everyone would like the electronic innards to be in full view. Therefore, it is opined that amplifiers should be opaque and not transparent.
Missing you here, Gobble.
Regards, All
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Well, Ahem !
Hmmmmmm. . . .
What do I say here that has already not been said in nearly 19 pages of this thread?
Nonetheless, to sum it all up, here are my observations and comments :-

* It takes considerable knowledge to realize the extent of one's own ignorance.

* Life and hifi are all about extremes
(hot/cold, rich/poor, beautiful/ugly, forward-sounding/ laid-back, tubes/solid-state, hi-power/lo-power)
and living/enjoying hifi is all about balancing them.

* Why do people get unduly hostile towards people who obviously know more than them? (Its happened with linuxguru, kanwar and to an extent with Mark of audiocraft, too, albeit in absentia. . .)

* Dont ever feel proud of either your eqpt or knowledge as there is always someone who has more/better of either/both.

* Hi-fi seems to be like city-driving here - Anyone driving slower than you is a NERD and anyone driving faster is a MANIAC.

* I dont understand how, on one hand we can qualify audio eqpt as "bright", "coloured" or "transparent" while on the other we classify photographs as

*Hearing or audio-sensory perception is the most subjective of human senses followed by smell
(scotch lovers are even more vaguely descriptive in this regard - nose, body and finish is described as smoky, citrusy with hints of crushed hazelnut, blah blah. .. Even a dog would get confused inspite of having a much better olefactory senses, eh?)

* The middle path often leads to salvation.

* Nothing kills a new idea worse than a frown.

* Enthusiasm lost due to that frown is seldom regained in the same magnitude.

* To disagree does not mean that the other party HAS to be proved wrong.

* To each his own (Apni apni dafli apna-apna raaga), on one hand, while paradoxically and contrarily, What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander

And LAST but far from LEAST

* Nietzsche said, "To do is to be."

Kant said, "To be is to do."

Shakespeare said' "To be, or not to be: that is the question. . ."

And Frank Sinatra sang, "Do be do be do"

And then these guys chipped in with their bit as hereunder:-

"Do be a Do Bee, don't be a Don't Bee" - Miss Connie from Romper Room

"Scooby Dooby Doo" - Scooby Doo

"Yabba Dabba Doo" - Fred Flintstone

"Inka Dinka Doo" - Jimmy Durante

"Boop Boop be Doop" - Betty Boop

"De do do do, de da da da" - The Police

"Doo Wah Diddy Diddy" - Manfred Mann

"Doh!" - Homer Simpson

"D-uh!" - Big Moose

"I am what I do" - Martin Buber

"Cogito ergo sum"(I think, therefore I am.) - Rene Descartes (1596-1650)

"I yam what I yam" - Popeye

"I am" - God

"God is dead" - Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead!" - God

Hope it helps this lovely forum . . .)

Hey man !!!

Hats off to you !!
@Gobble, Having read so many of your oh-so-witty & tongue-in-cheek comments, I half expected you to say-
Amplifiers should not always be transparent because then the cabinet would have to be made of glass/perspex/acrylic

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