Should Amplifiers Be Transparent?

Re: Puriss A1000A. Class A amp for serious listening

See my post , what is the proof that your "transperant taste" is pure ,right and devine?

The equipment should add LEAST possible coloration to the music reproduction and should be transparent to maximum extent. To measure the degree of linearity i have already stated the known standards of measuring the amplifier in my previous posts such as TIM and Slew Rate which are highly technical in nature to understand.
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There are enough and more ways to measure musical content across the spectrum- in a non pink noise manner. And when you talk of your ear as the ultimate measuring instrument, that is flawed too- the ear is far less accurate than measuring equipment used in the lab.
And there are neutral components available that don't act as expensive EQ units. It's a different matter (and possibly valid, too!) that you may not like that sound.

Well said.....
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Re: Puriss A1000A. Class A amp for serious listening

Its not "MY" transparent taste, What I said is that the equipment should add LEAST possible coloration to the music reproduction and should be transparent to maximum extent. To measure the degree of linearity i have already stated the known standards of measuring the amplifier in my previous posts such as TIM and Slew Rate which are highly technical in nature to understand.

Many times strict measurement does not prove anything. Why you are ignoring my query --- what is your Live studio listening experience and how your amp performs vis - a - vis it? And is this vetted by anyone?

What about live experience of listening any international rock star?( Not in a concert , as concert experience is not "real" experience - as per some audiophiles...( Not Me!)
Guys lets not mix things here. As far as I know personal taste and audio amplification are different thing. Some enthusiasts revel in audio design, topology, measurements. I am not a technical person but when audio people design an amp they depend on measurements. Some measurements are proven necessity for a good design and audio amplification. If they are met then they move forward. To add to confusion there are different classes, topology, components used and some technical things I don't understand. I am noob's noob so if I am wrong kindly correct me. :)
Re: Puriss A1000A. Class A amp for serious listening

Many times strict measurement does not prove anything. Why you are ignoring my query --- what is your Live studio listening experience and how your amp performs vis - a - vis it? And is this vetted by anyone?

What about live experience of listening any international rock star?( Not in a concert , as concert experience is not "real" experience - as per some audiophiles...( Not Me!)

If you think measurements don't prove anything then you should not bother if an amplifier is transparent or not, simply enjoy it.

Regarding my live sound listening experience, then i have plenty of it because of my field of working and setting up professional outdoor installations and designing the equipment suited for that very application only. You need not to worry about it. But there are many technical aspects related to designing of an equipment which is not well understood by laymen.

Guys lets not mix things here. As far as I know personal taste and audio amplification are different thing. Some enthusiasts revel in audio design, topology, measurements. I am not a technical person but when audio people design an amp they depend on measurements. Some measurements are proven necessity for a good design and audio amplification. If they are met then they move forward. To add to confusion there are different classes, topology, components used and some technical things I don't understand. I am noob's noob so if I am wrong kindly correct me. :)

Well said,

Designing amplifiers is a science and as well as an art, but you have to measure the amplifier to some known reference standards in order to make sure that the equipment is TECHNICALLY RIGHT also.
Kanwar is right.
1. Only measurements will tell the truth.
2. The human ear is flawed too. What I hear may not be what you hear.
3. As for vetting: Vetting by ear? Go to #2.

And, I don't know if it's just me but I sense the responses to Kanwar getting hostile and overly sarcastic. Not sure why. Chill guys!
There are enough and more ways to measure musical content across the spectrum- in a non pink noise manner. And when you talk of your ear as the ultimate measuring instrument, that is flawed too- the ear is far less accurate than measuring equipment used in the lab.
And there are neutral components available that don't act as expensive EQ units. It's a different matter (and possibly valid, too!) that you may not like that sound.

The Ear is definitely not a "measure" as each individuals ear is different and so is the interpretation of the content by an individuals brain..So the exact same sound is "Heard" differently by different people.

..And then there is the case of the recordings that you are hearing also being "coloured" as they do not use "neutral" or standardized recording components.

So whats the use of hearing a coloured source into a coloured ear using "neutral" components are anyway hearing only the colour.

the only true neutral sound is unamplified live music.
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Kanwar is right.
1. Only measurements will tell the truth.
2. The human ear is flawed too. What I hear may not be what you hear.
3. As for vetting: Vetting by ear? Go to #2.

And, I don't know if it's just me but I sense the responses to Kanwar getting hostile and overly sarcastic. Not sure why. Chill guys!

I agree with you Keith,
Measurement is basis of an engineering, when you make something which involves physics and mathematics you obtain factual valid information and then you compare it with the known standard reference set to evaluate it.:)

Kanwar :D
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..And then there is the case of the recordings that you are hearing also being "coloured" as they do not use "neutral" or standardized recording components.


Many electric guitarists use valve based guitar amps, tuned to the kind of sound that they desire... Amps that definitely are NOT TRANSPARENT and hence DO NOT amplify the true tone of the guitar in question.

The fact is that EVERY piece of equipment is coloured. At the end of the day, it about which colour does the buyer like!

One can only ensure that the component has low noise thresholds. The rest is all upto how it comes together.
Kanwar is right.
1. Only measurements will tell the truth.
2. The human ear is flawed too. What I hear may not be what you hear.
3. As for vetting: Vetting by ear? Go to #2.

And, I don't know if it's just me but I sense the responses to Kanwar getting hostile and overly sarcastic. Not sure why. Chill guys!

I agree with Kanwar's views and the fact that he designs amplifiers obviously means he is knowledgeable.....The replies are actually a little hostile even though whats he states is very general and makes sense....
a man who has holistic knowledge about the work he does does not attract hostility.

instead, people feel comfortable around that person.
Not always true. Case in point - look at LinuxGuru's posts in the MyRef C thread over at diyaudio. The reactions to him were initially hostile and for no reason. All credit to him - he never lashed out at any and doggedly persevered posting. They came around eventually. :D
Everyone please do not misunderstand me. But shouldn't audiophile* approach be that an amp should do its job faithfully ? If recording is bad it should not be ok for an amp to be 'little' bad sounding ? An amp shouldn't know recording is bad or what is the source and ones perception of sound. It should kind of like aim for the truest form of amplification.

* I am not an audiophile but I love this as a hobby and want to learn. I have heard only few high end system. So till Goddess Laxmi blesses me with her two hands I have no option but to listen to my 30 year old ordinary system. :lol:

Why not to tell
how to got transparent amplifier
remove metal casing and making full glass casing
again to tell
transparent can tell for vision
cannot telling for sound
for sound telling fidelity/claritiousness

hehehe. No ... No.... Glass/Acrylic molecules no good. Shattered can be by naughty kids while playing. transparent speakers also no no, as they include resonating atoms.

Warmest regards :)
Mr. Kanwar,
I don't know you from Adam. And I have met Mr. Akshay Jha only once in my lifetime.

And so I may assume that you do not know the etiquette of a forum...

So, If i may let me tell you what you did wrong:

1. When a fellow member shares his DIY, do not try and hi-jack it with negativity.
2. If you can;t appreciate it, don't comment.
3. If you can help in improving it, do so in a more relaxed manner.
4. Don't assume that you know it all. Even Nelson Pass doesn't.
5. Ask relevant questions instead of airing un-founded opinions.

Believe me, if you do this, you will make friends.

There is still no harm done. Bury the hatchet. This is a lovely place. Everyone here is willing to have you here.
Mr. Kanwar,
I don't know you from Adam. And I have met Mr. Akshay Jha only once in my lifetime.

And so I may assume that you do not know the etiquette of a forum...

So, If i may let me tell you what you did wrong:

1. When a fellow member shares his DIY, do not try and hi-jack it with negativity.
2. If you can;t appreciate it, don't comment.
3. If you can help in improving it, do so in a more relaxed manner.
4. Don't assume that you know it all. Even Nelson Pass doesn't.
5. Ask relevant questions instead of airing un-founded opinions.

Believe me, if you do this, you will make friends.

There is still no harm done. Bury the hatchet. This is a lovely place. Everyone here is willing to have you here.

I think i have been misunderstood, maybe my way of writing is not good.
If you guys think that my behavior was not good, then i really apologize for that, because i am not here to create rifts or negativity of any sort.

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No harm done bro.

There are A LOT of DIY ENTHUSIASTS here, they could all benefit from your knowledge and vice-versa.

Keep writing.
Thanxz bro,

Indeed learning is 2 way process like give and take. :)



Well said.

And in the past year and a half that I have been here, I have personally experienced that when you give a little here, you get a LOT more back in return.

You'll find selfless people like Santhol2, madbullram and Kapvin.
You'll find repositories of 2 channel knowledge like Dinyaar, Abhijeet Pani, Sridhar (Odyessey)
You'll find tube guru's like Viren of Lyrita.
You'll find superb hidden gems like Shershah.
You'll even find a (grouchy but) super amazing and knowledgeable mod called venkatcr! (Don't ban me Venkat, I meant this from the heart!)
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