< Shaizada > : Lovely system out there! Great pictures and a truly wonderful setup you have out there. Just shows your immense love for this art along with your deep understanding of the subject...
Ok - this is what I see in these pictures.
Speaker system: Omega Super 8 Alnico Monitors in Ebony, Omega Deep Hemp (pair) in Ebony
Main Rack
Preamp - ?
Digital Processor - Reimyo DAP-777
Other items - ?
Power amps - Consonance Cyber-800 Monoblocks
Phono Rack
Arm - ?
Cartridge - ?
Cassette Decks - Nakamichi Dragon & RX-505
Would be wonderful if you'd list down all the items.
Once again - a fantastic setup and well - just W O W !!!
No problem

Let me put fill out the blanks. There is other stuff such as particular racks, platforms, cables and other details (such as I am floating the whole audio rack on Symposium Rollerblock ball bearings), but no point going into the intricacies right now. Here is the system pretty much:
Speaker system: Omega Super 8 Alnico Monitors in Ebony, Omega Deep Hemp (pair) in Ebony (rewired with Furutech OCC Copper Cable)
Main Rack: Stillpoints ESS Rack, VPI Turntable Rack for turntable
Preamp - Ray Samuels Audio B-52
Digital Processor - Reimyo DAP-777 (modified by David Schulte of the Upgrade Company)
Other items - Sistrum SP1 and SP4 platforms, Symposium Ultra Shelf with symposium Super Couplers, Mapleshade Maple Blocks, Symposium Rollerblock Jr.'s and Series 2+, Silent Running Audio platforms for preamp, Solidtech Feet of Silence under DAC, Exactpower EP15A Regenerator and Exactpower SP15Ax4 Balanced Power unit, Oyaide R1 Power Outlets, Richard Gray 400s Power Distributor, Oyaide XXX Outlets, Oyaide WPC-Z Carbon Fiber Receptacle Cover for Power Outlets
Oyaide WPC-Z
Power amps - Consonance Cyber-800 Monoblocks (EL34 Push Pull, 78 watts)
Cables: Furutech Audio Reference III Power Cables, Furutech Audio Reference III Speaker Cables, Furutech Audio Reference III RCA Interconnects, Harmonix Golden Performance HS101GP RCA, Harmonix Golden Performance Studio Master Power Cable, Starsound Sonoran Power Cables for Monoblock Amplifiers.
Phono Rack: VPI Turntable Rack with VPI MDF Platform
TT - VPI TNT-V "Hot Rod" with VPI HRX Dual Motor and VPI HRX Platter
Arm - VPI JMW 12.5 Arm
Cartridge - Clearaudio Accurate Moving Coil Cartridge
Phono Amp: Einstein "The Turntables Choice" Phono, Ray Samuels Nighthawk F117 (is on order and will receive it in about 2~3 weeks)
Cassette Decks - Nakamichi Dragon & RX-505 (Nice you were able to spot those!)
There is other stuff, but I'm getting a little tired of writing and remembering
Here are a few more pictures others took at a meet last Saturday at my house: