Simple LM3886 Amplifier

Where did you source these mkp's of solen?
And what other 4.7uf did you have, i mean brand?
I need to purchase two three, can you direct me? Can you sell me some?
Hi saheb, these were given to me by my friend who works in All India Radio. you can get good quality caps from - hi-fi audio diy kits,parts and components and from Audiograde Electrolytic Capacitors . Ha Haa the caps I have with me you dont need to buy brother, just PM me your address and one pair will be with you.

You mean to say there are bulky?
And what about sourcing?

Normal fan motor caps available in any electrical shop about the size of a "D" torch battery.
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Lifewater , i'll take you up on your offer...
I will experiment with these and if it suits me then well and good i'll keep em, or i'll help some other chap with these, sounds good?
I have been using the 0.47uf hovland caps for sometime now, the most change that I noticed was the soundstage. Previously a cheap chadni local cap was fitted of 10uf value.

Now using the hovlands the sound is much richer, though there is a significant lack of bass, but I have been reading the diyaudio site and there in the "begginers gainclone" thread the op suggested to making the speakers sound efficient but using small caps for smaller speakers and large for larger. My speakers are small 2 way speaker, do i need to put a bigger cap and bypass it by the hovlands?

@linuxguru suggest please
Use the Brown ones, you will not regret. Sourced from Indian Air Force maintenance guys.



Received the package bro...
What are the values of the caps, the brown ones as per your saying i will experiment with first...

Thanks and regards
So I have upgraded the caps to the ones I received from FM jai and FM lifewater.

Current input caps are 1uf polyprolene+ 0.47hovland + 0.01 bypassed.
SoundStage aww man no definition didn't expect from this speaker.

On another note FM subhro99 , subrato da ashonkho dhonnobad dada , I don't have anything to say.

Please make some time this sunday even if you don't i will still go to your home, "dhakka marte" .

I meant to say, the soundstage and performance that I'm getting is not expected from the speakers that I use, and I couldn't even dream of having this performance possible from just implementing the caps.

PS :Sorry for the bad implementation of words

I have upgraded from local components to some fine nichicon fg for local decoupling and nichicon muse for input. Its time for burn in for components, can then post listening impressions.

A question for the guru's : Is upgrading from normal resistors to dale resistors or holco makes difference in audio quality?
Question is,can you hear the difference,on that setup?Is the step up in price be going to equal the benefits?You are following the law of diminishing returns,so,how much difference could YOU hear?Are your speakers that good?If you are willing to go the extra mile,you might as well go for better made amps right?

To me,a very well filtered supply made more of a difference in a certain amp make than putting dales in the signal path.
Yes thank you.
I was thinking the same thing, you just spoke my mind. Saw several threads about putting dale's holco's in signal path etc etc. I have holco's as feedback resistor from the beginning so I can't make a A vs B comparison.
besides I get what you are saying..

Now to your second opinion about the power supply, I would need some advice on that, i have a 20-0-20 traffo 5amps going into 4 mur860 giving out the +/- rails , i have two caps each of 15000uf for each rail, now what guideline do i need to follow (the mur860 are on a veroboard and the caps are not snap-in).
Yes thank you.
I was thinking the same thing, you just spoke my mind. Saw several threads about putting dale's holco's in signal path etc etc. I have holco's as feedback resistor from the beginning so I can't make a A vs B comparison.
besides I get what you are saying..

Now to your second opinion about the power supply, I would need some advice on that, i have a 20-0-20 traffo 5amps going into 4 mur860 giving out the +/- rails , i have two caps each of 15000uf for each rail, now what guideline do i need to follow (the mur860 are on a veroboard and the caps are not snap-in).

What about this condencer
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.