If you insist on comparing them, use the same cartridge and the same electronics chain to make the comparison.
Bare minimum fettling/tweaks to be undertaken on the 401: high-mass plinth, a good tonearm in good working condition, correctly set up tonearm with respect to VTA, tracking force, anti-skate (and azimuth too, if possible), correctly aligned cartridge to nulls and correctly set overhang, and correctly set speed.
Bare minimum tweaks to 1200: correctly set up tonearm with respect to VTA, tracking force, anti-skate (and azimuth too, if possible), correctly aligned cartridge to nulls and correctly set overhang, and correctly set speed.
Have fun:licklips:
I have done my share of comparing, trying as much as possible to take away the dissimilarities. But my results and opinions are strictly confidential at this time so as not to bias you in any way. All the same, I would advise everyone to keep an open mind and not preempt or guess an answer, if at least to keep the comparo least biased.