I too have exchanged a couple of emails with Peter. He is prompt,and I think the dac are affordable. The only issue was - if you want both USB and optical/ coaxial inputs - then you have to buy 2!
I was about to order, but then I came across the lampucera dac
CD DAC Lampucera lampizator . The DAC kit used there costed me $99 incl shipping (later realized it should have been $77 - I had already made the purchase and Lawrence has promised some compensation in my next purchase).
I got the dac in 1 week from HK, along with 2 USB to spdif convertors (I got both of them as usb=>optical, I would have preferred one of them to be coax)
The kit is easy to assemble, came with power supply and transformer. I took it to Viren and he was kind to fix it atop a wooden board, solder the rca females and it was ready to rock. We listened to it for a few mins, with optical out from his marantz 5001 cdp, and output (from the opamp) fed to valve amp (I think the one that Mahiruha owns now :licklips: ). Couldn't fault the DAC in that small listening session. It is still with Viren for him to do some listening sessions, and experiment with a tube output stage.
I am anyways not getting much time to listen to my recently acquired nad 542 CDP (purchased from Ramesh hifipal4all, and recommended by Asit). I hope I would be able to compare both soon on my humble system of hk+jbl. May not be of much value as hk+jbl is supposed to be much lo-fi here
Edit - if you use a usb-> spdif converter, you won't need 2. But I think (and IIRC, Peter also suggested the same) if your source is primarily a comp, then you should buy USB dac to get the best quality, and spdif conversions.