Active Member
Sachi - with all due respect I have gone through that thread and read what Dan Lavry has to say. While I am no match for his sound engineer skills, this is what Peter - the developer of the XXHighEnd player has to say. Regardless of what the measurements say, it cannot be disputed that the NOS implementation provides euphonic sound. Importantly more natural sounding than other implementations.
Why that is so may be as yet unexplained. But what the human ear is hearing may not be disputed. I have experienced the same thing with tube amps which of course do not have the specs that my solid state NAD amp does. Just my 2 rupees
More discussion on this can be found in the Computer Audiophile forums as well.
Hi Vortex,
I too was a NOS believer once upon a time. I thought the world of my Scott Nixon USB Chibi Saru DAC. To me it sounded better than the Bel Canto DAC 2 (this was before I came to realize that the Bel Canto isn't all that good of a DAC implementation in the first place). I had the Scott Nixon for over two years before I came upon the Parasound DAC-1100H/D which totally annihilated it. And the Scott Nixon is quite similar in implmentation of the analog stage whcih is passive I/V , filterless and unbuffered and ses the same DAC chip as the PD NOS one does.
I am not making a generic statement across all current generation DACs. My opinion was limited to some CDPs/DACs I have heard incl some high end ones. I will concede that my inherent taste/bias will also have something to do with it .
Which DACs are you referring to, perhaps you can list a few, if I have access to them, I can listen to them. On the new generation, I have the ESS Sabre DAC which I quite like, however I still like the PD NOS DAC better.
Sridhar..some good DACs IMO, Spectral SDR-2000 Pro, Assemblage DAC 2.0, 2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, SF TransDAC, SFD MK1, SFD MK2, Parasound DAC1100HD, DAC-1600HD, Pacific Microsonics Model One, Model 2, the DCS stack, Esoteric D70..the legendary ML 30.6 and the list goes on.
The ESS sabre (TPA Buffallo 24 and 32 bit ones) aren't anything special. I have heard them both.