Sony Bravia HX950 Reviews

What's interesting to note is that the HX950 outperformed the Panasonic VT50, Sharp Elite, and HX929 in all picture quality parameters. Also it set a new contrast ratio record that's quite astounding.

20000:1 +. That's almost 2.5 times the contrast ratio of Sharp Elite, 5 times that of Panasonic VT50, and 3.5 times that of Sony HX850.

And also a perfect 10 for color temperature.

Black Level is also amazing - 0.02 cd/m2, same as Sharp Elite and ST50, and slightly better than VT50's 0.03. Only the Pioneer Kuro Elite has lower blacks - 0.01 cd/m2. But then whites of the HX950 cannot be matched by the Elite. HX950 has peak brightness of 404 cd/m2. Compare that with the peak britghness of VT50 - 102 cd/m2. Four times as bright as VT50 and yet has deeper blacks and MUCH higher contrast ratio.

Also what's noteworthy is HX909/929/950 have a plasma like picture which not many people know.
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Televisioninfo reviews are very flawed..for starters they rate HX850 lower than a lot of leds for being not 'smart'. Panasonic led WT50 model shows very bad black, bad contrast ratio and color accuracy as per cnet and other reputed site..still managed to get very good rating in television info..
wow,,,the TV looks great and also reading the reviews, it seems this TV will be good in terms of contrast ratio and PQ.
What about its launch in India?
Televisioninfo reviews are very flawed..for starters they rate HX850 lower than a lot of leds for being not 'smart'. Panasonic led WT50 model shows very bad black, bad contrast ratio and color accuracy as per cnet and other reputed site..still managed to get very good rating in television info..

Well they do pick HX850 as a picture perfect TV and they have scored it higher than ST50 and all other competing models in PQ parameters.:)

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wow,,,the TV looks great and also reading the reviews, it seems this TV will be good in terms of contrast ratio and PQ.
What about its launch in India?

'Good' is an interesting choice of word right there my friend :p

Anyway, its launching next month. 2.5 lac for 55 inch model and 3.6 lac for 65 inch

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I'm not sure a tv with that exceptional blacks and that high contrast ratio can be interpreted as "good" tv.
Fantastic TV. I wish they had launched it in 46" or 50" sizes also. I am sure that there is market there.

Unfortunately there isn't. :sad: The videophile segment of the market is too small which is why Sony did not launch a 46 inch model this year. The 46 HX929 was a slow mover and hence was discontinued early this year. At such a high price people prefer to buy a bigger 55inch LED than a 46 incher with better PQ.

Sad but true

Anyway, since you live in Pune too maybe you could come over to my home and watch a BluRay of your choice on my 55HX950 after I get it ;)
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Unfortunately there isn't. :sad: The videophile segment of the market is too small which is why Sony did not launch a 46 inch model this year. The 46 HX929 was a slow mover and hence was discontinued early this year. At such a high price people prefer to buy a bigger 55inch LED than a 46 incher with better PQ.

Sad but true

Anyway, since you live in Pune too maybe you could come over to my home and watch a BluRay of your choice on my 55HX950 after I get it ;)
Invitation accepted and reciprocated. You can also come and watch at my home.
What's interesting to note is that the HX950 outperformed the Panasonic VT50, Sharp Elite, and HX929 in all picture quality parameters. Also it set a new contrast ratio record that's quite astounding.

20000:1 +. That's almost 2.5 times the contrast ratio of Sharp Elite, 5 times that of Panasonic VT50, and 3.5 times that of Sony HX850.

And also a perfect 10 for color temperature.

Black Level is also amazing - 0.02 cd/m2, same as Sharp Elite and ST50, and slightly better than VT50's 0.03. Only the Pioneer Kuro Elite has lower blacks - 0.01 cd/m2. But then whites of the HX950 cannot be matched by the Elite. HX950 has peak brightness of 404 cd/m2. Compare that with the peak britghness of VT50 - 102 cd/m2. Four times as bright as VT50 and yet has deeper blacks and MUCH higher contrast ratio.

Also what's noteworthy is HX909/929/950 have a plasma like picture which not many people know.

Hi avmaxfan,

Just some clarifications required. Regarding the black level figures you have put, can you please let me know the website which has put that data ? The reason is I found those results not matching with other test reviews. For example, the Pioneer Kuro has a black level of 0.002 cd/m2, where as Panasnoc VT50/ST50 were able to reach 0.009 cd/m2. In fact when the Panasonic models were subjected to true stress tests to see how they produce black levels consistently, they got around 0.011 cd/m2.

Also regarding the contrast ratio, many experts believe that there is no correct or standard test procedure to measure the contrast ratio. So I am not sure how the contrast ratio was compared between different models. So we can ignore the contrast ratio claims if any tests puts the data. In fact we can wven ignore the data provided by the manufacturers.
Also, the only guy who actually produces the true black level is pioneer kuro and even the latest Panasonic models are yet to overtake that. Let me state one more fact. WHen the entire screen goes dark/black, the HX950/HX925 models almost produce 0 cd/m2 which means a true black level. In that case, it even beats Pioneer kuro and Panasonic Plasmas. That's where the local dimming comes to play. So on a complete black screen, these Local dimming models outshine any Plasmas on the earth. AT the same time, when ANSI chequered tests *having multiple black and white chequered boxes, these local dimming models retuned black levels of 0.05 cd/m2. These details are available in UK based hdtvtest.
Just one more point. VT50 blacl level cannot be less than ST50. In fact in bright rooms, VT50 can produce a true black level and ST50 is no match for that. I guess the website you referred may not have the right test data. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Well of course I was talking about the data available on that particular website alone since they have tested all TVs in the same manner so we can compare the figures they got while testing all the TVs.

Also they do not test contrast ratio in the way you are thinking - Full White screen for whites and Full black screen for blacks. More details on contrast measurements can be read on their site.

Also the reason why there is inconsistency in data across websites is because of the different equipment used. Only the most expensive luminance meters can accurately measure black levels on TVs like Kuro. And most meters cannot read black level value that is beyond 0.005 or so.

In any case its the flagship XBR Bravias that have come closest over the years to match Kuro black levels. You can check CNET where they mentioned HX909 in 2010 and HX929 in 2011 produced deeper blacks than any other LED/Plasma TV apart from Kuro. And the Sharp Elite too came close to matching Kuro black levels. Both the HX929 and Sharp Elite beat VT50 in terms of black levels and contrast ratio but unfortunately not the Kuro Elite. Only the OLED sets may be able to beat the Kuro. :)

Also the LG LHX55 Local Dimming LED. That was also another stunning TV that came close to Kuro blacks. And also the Korea exclusive LEX8 3D model.

As for ST50/VT50 the difference was just 0.001 so it may be due to calibration variations. Also I don't agree with the statement you made about the ST50 being "no match" for VT50 blacks. They are both very very close and no review states that VT50 has much deeper blacks than ST50. Overall ST50-GT50-VT50 are closer to each other in overall performance with the difference being maximum 5% over each other in order of price. ST50 almost matches VT30 and VT50 isn't a HUGE upgrade over VT30

EDIT: Just checked a few professional reviews and as I said, the ST50 and VT50 have similar black levels. No discernible difference in black depth for the most part. VT50 is just a shade darker. Put the ST50 against GT50 and VT50 and I doubt most people can tell VT50 has darker (very very very slighty) blacks.


Kindly add your input as well about Kuro vs Local Dimming LEDs ;)
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Thanks avmaxfan for sharing your thoughts.

With respect to ST50 vs VT50, I agree both produce similar black levels, but in brighter rooms, VT50 is able to retain the same black level and ST50 couldn't. This seems due to the presence of a high quality screen filter which is designed to retiain the black levels even in brighter rooms. So it was from that context I said that ST50 is no match for VT50 in brighter rooms. In darker rooms, we won't be seeing any difference between ST50 vs GT50 vs VT50 as you said.

ALso I went through the CNET review which only says that HX929 is almost to the level of the Plasmas and where ever the author wants to bring in kuro, he explicitly states that. So I haven't found where he explictly says that HX929 black levels were better than any high/midend plasmas (barring kuro). Of course HX929 may exceed the low end plasmas from Panasonic and Samsung.
Am I reading it differently ? May be ... :)

When I say about black level measurements, I didn't mean about taking measurement with full screen white and another screen black. That is, true capability of an HDTV to produce true black level comes out only when there is a combination of both bright and black spots staying closer together on the screen. That's where HX929 might still be behind the best plasmas (again not including kuro). This could due to the fact that local dimming LEDS are arrainged only in zones. So the outer edge of the zones, there could be still some decrease in black levels when the adjacent shades are bright. Here is a sample snip from the CNET review.

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Comparing the HX929 to the plasmas we also noticed that black areas brightened somewhat when they were surrounded by lighter areas, such as the dark space under the bridge (15:09). This effect was a more subtle form of blooming, but its result was that the plasmas showed better contrast, with a bit more pop, in many mixed scenes. We doubt the difference would be visible outside a side-by-side comparison, though.
--------------- snip start -------------------

The reason why I am pointing out these is that in more than one review websites, information says that HX929 is almost coming to the terms of the best plasmas and it is yet to catch up with the colour accuracy, shadow details, motion handling.

Any way I think we both are interpreting things on our own and that's what happens unless there is a direct shoot out between HX929 and VT50.

At the same time, I agree Sharp Elite is an exception which is slightly better than any other plasmas (barring kuro).
I would also end up saying this - If I have the budget to buy either HX929 or VT50, I would happily go for HX929. What ever the reviews says, I get a feeling that HX929 is almost on par with VT50 that too without any issues like IR, power consumption issues and buzzing sounds.
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The CNET review of HX929 in the pros first point - The Sony XBR-HX929 series produces deeper black levels than any current LCD or plasma TV

The same can be verified by comparing black level values of HX929, VT30, VT50 or any other set.

HX929 vs VT50 according to Chad B, a top US ISF calibrator who has reviewed and calibrated both sets numerous times using high quality equipment

"Sonys HX929, also unchanged from last year, remains my favorite current LED LCD, with excellent color and overall picture quality. As with the Elite, the HX929s black levels and contrast can beat the VT50, though the HX929s blooming and off axis degradation are enough to at least even the score."

And according to him as well HX929 has as accurate colors(if not more) than VT30/VT50. Shadow detail is also excellent and so is motion handling without soap opera effect. Most LEDs cannot come close to a VT50 but Sony HX929/Sharp Elite/LG LEX8/ are different beasts altogether ;)

So the main problem with HX929 was the blooming, which has been fixed in the HX950 and also HX950 has even deeper blacks than HX929, and whiter whites. You should go see a HX950 in action once it launches in November and post what you feel about its black levels/overall PQ compared to VT50 or any other TV. Haha also why would you pick HX929 when HX950 is better than HX929 or in other words it is the HX929 minus its problems + deeper blacks and whiter whites (milkiest purest white of ANY TV will date)

Also interesting to note most buyers of HX950 seem to be ex VT50 owners over at US forums and all of them are as pleased as they can be with it

At the end of the day, both VT50 and HX950 are brilliant sets - two of the best sets in the world today. And its all down to Plasma or LED, pick whichever technology you prefer more.

P.S. I am not saying this to you, but there are a few people here in this forum as well as other similar forums who are such die hard fans of Plasma that they just cannot miss any chance of demeaning sets like HX929/Sharp Elite and others because for them it's just unacceptable that a LED set can even come close to their fav Plasma. And they will argue till world's end how their Plasma set is the best and the best thing since Kuro.

But I really wonder what's the harm in accepting simple facts, a fact is a fact at the end of day. Even the HX929/Sharp Elite cannot match Pioneer Kuro Elite and there is no shame in admitting that. The Kuro is in a league of its own and is unrivaled, but plasmas like VT50/E8000/GT50 are not in the same league and not "untouchable".
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Once again there is a great chance that this will erupt into a typical debate. And I promise that if someone responds to my post in a challenging manner, I shall not respond.

Indeed the hx929 is a great tv. I an eagerly waiting for the reviews of hx950 from multiple sites. For that matter, the hx850 is a great tv also. All these models are neck on neck with plasma and perhaps exceed them at black levels. But these tvs come at a stiff price, especially the hx9nn series. When price is put into perspective, the plasmas such as st50 edge ahead.

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