I am sorry to get between ... Let us not simply pull down any other sets just because we have a liking for a particular set. I am not alleging either avmaxfan or longshanks to be biased - I feel you guys have every right to be passionate about the brands that you like. At the same time, let us not try to completely say that model X is always better than model Y. When one says X greater than Y, then we don't see any specfic details on why that is so, If you look at my earlier posts where comparisons are made between HX950 vs VT50 vs Sharp Elite, I tried to bring out the plus and minus of those individual sets in comparison. As many say, the devil is in the details - Like wise when we compare X and Y on a particular PQ parameter (let's say black level), there could be few scenarios where X will be better than Y and the other way in some other scenarios related to the black level. So let us not bring down or be-little other models in order to glorify the model you like. I agree there are some facts and cases where a particluar model is very distinctly ahead than the others (say Kuro) and there can be no comparisons. At the same time, there are cases where two different models challenge each other and have even points. One simple case is HX950 vs Sharp Elite vs VT50. There are reviews which say they challenge each other very well and they even out. If you are aware, there were even some Panasonic plasma lovers saying that kuro is not untouchable.
What I conclude is that there is no clear winner among the top end LEDs and top end plasmas. Yes - some experts say that X is better than Y, but they will also tell on what specific ground. For example, a reputed expert said that he liked the black levels of SHarp Elite when compared to HX929, but does it mean that as a complete package Elite is far superior than HX929 ? The asnwer is NO. On other grounds like colour accuracy, HX929 is better. So just on a specific parameter or case, let us not generalize or make a sweeping statement that X is superior to Y. So even if a reputed expert makes a statement that X is better than Y, he would have definetly said on what grounds and he himself would agree or know that Y will be better than X on some other parameters.
Guys let us have fun in getting more details about HX950. As I said in one of my earlier posts, I am eagerly waiting for the lauch of HX950 and atleast have a glimpse of it in the showroom. Let;s talk more on that.