Sony Bravia HX950 Reviews

Quite a lot of people here think that it's only now that top end LCD sets can challenge top end Plasmas in PQ. But that is not true. Even when Pioneer Kuro Elite was at its prime in 2008, there was one LCD set that almost gave it a run for its money - the Bravia XBR8.

Quoting a few lines from CNET review and comparison with Pioneer Kuro Elite 111FD.

The short story is that the Sony KDL-55XBR8 is the best-performing flat-panel LCD we've ever tested, earning the category's first-ever "9" we've awarded for performance. It delivers picture quality that's nearly as good as the Pioneer PDP-111FD, the best flat-panel performer period. Black level and color accuracy were superb, there's a cornucopia of video processing choices including the best dejudder mode we've tested, and bright-room picture quality was best-in-class. Our only gripe, and it's enough to cost the Sony the title, was its tendency to fade when seen from off angle.

Black level: It quickly became apparent that the Sony was a serious challenger to the Pioneer as black-level champion. In dark areas of dimly lit scenes, such as the cave sequence in Chapter 3, it was almost impossible to tell which one came closer to the ideal of absolute black. The Sony displayed an inky depth in dark areas that lent superb punch and realism to the image, and easily outclassed the rest of the non-Pioneer sets in this regard, including the updated Samsung LN46A950.

The Sony's shadow detail was also superb, nearly as good as the Pioneer was and better than the rest of the displays in the room.

Color on the Sony KDL-55XBR8 is nothing short of superb. As we mentioned above, its grayscale variation and primary and secondary color points hewed as close to the standards as any display we've tested, including the Pioneer.

Overall, between the two, color was pretty much a tie.

Verdict: Although not quite the best HDTV we've tested so far, the wallet-busting, LED-powered Sony KDL-55XBR8 comes mighty close.

P.S. I know this is slightly off topic, but the reason I posted this is one member made a post in a closed thread ( I believe rangan or shanmune) that only now LCD's can challenge Plasma in terms of PQ and that Kuro had no challenger. So just wanted to let them know that there were LCD challengers to top end Plasmas even 5 years back. :)
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This pointless debate of plasma vs. LED must stop now. Buy what you like.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
You misunderstood bro. I was just stating that TVs like HX950 have existed since a long time. :) That's it.

Ok. No problem at my side. Just that there will be more comments and then more comments.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
Quoting a few lines from CNET review and comparison with Pioneer Kuro Elite 111FD.

Verdict: Although not quite the best HDTV we've tested so far, the wallet-busting, LED-powered Sony KDL-55XBR8 comes mighty close.

:eek: Sony KDL-55XBR8 is a super expensive LED. Sony's XBR8 series consists of two models: the 46-inch KDL46XBR8 priced at $4,999 and the 55-inch KDL55XBR8 priced at $6,999. That is what is the state of affairs. It will take time even for super expensive LED tvs of any brand to come close to PQ of mainstream plasma tvs.

But there is no point in comparing these two technologies. Some people like the bright LED tvs and find the Plasma dull in comparsion. Some people who can control the lighting in their room will not settle down anything less than a good plasma tv.

Not sure what CNET reviewers smoke during review sessions, comparing a $7000 55" tv with sub $3500 46" Samsung tv. Also their reviews of the same tv changes with time (look for editors review in the review below)

"CNET Editors' note: The rating on this review has been lowered because of changes in the competitive marketplace.

Among LCD heavyweights, Sony and Samsung have been trading blows for the last couple of years at the top of the standings. This bout involves cutting-edge, top-of-the-line LED-backlit models most of us can't afford, but it's entertaining nonetheless. In this corner is the Sony KDL-55XBR8, the most-expensive flat-panel HDTV we've ever tested at CNET and possibly the worst deal per square inch since Sony's own XEL-1. In that corner is the Samsung LN46A950. In case you don't have time to read the complete blow-by-blow, we'll cut to the chase: the Sony XBR8 won. It delivered deeper black levels than the Samsung, along with less blooming and off-angle fade, two issues you'll have to read about below.

No doubt XBR8 is a good tv (albeit an expensive one) and KDL-55XBR8 won over LN46A950. But Comparing a $7000 tv with sub $3300 tv :confused:

But as good as the Sony is, it still couldn't knock out the champion of the superheavyweight plasma division, Pioneer's Elite Kuro, which still reigns supreme as the best HDTV overall and it costs less, even at 60 inches, than the 55-inch KDL-55XBR8. "
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Well I request all members not to start a fight again. :)

Anyway, back on topic.

Anybody have any updates on HX950 launch ? Also aks316, is the HX950 available via grey market ?
It's obligation of some person to post tiny one-liner from sites to belittle sony...and eventually start fighting cause they either don't own sony/ got a grudge against sony for no reason/got a sony tv and not satisfied with it/ have to post anything cause they got lot of time to waste...

So please disregard those comments/don't post reply to it and proceed with your reviews.
:eek: Sony KDL-55XBR8 is a super expensive LED. Sony's XBR8 series consists of two models: the 46-inch KDL46XBR8 priced at $4,999 and the 55-inch KDL55XBR8 priced at $6,999. That is what is the state of affairs. It will take time even for super expensive LED tvs of any brand to come close to PQ of mainstream plasma tvs.

But there is no point in comparing these two technologies. Some people like the bright LED tvs and find the Plasma dull in comparsion. Some people who can control the lighting in their room will not settle down anything less than a good plasma tv.

Not sure what CNET reviewers smoke during review sessions, comparing a $7000 55" tv with sub $3500 46" Samsung tv. Also their reviews of the same tv changes with time (look for editors review in the review below)
Sony Bravia KDL-55XBR8 Review - Flat-panel TVs - CNET Reviews

"CNET Editors' note: The rating on this review has been lowered because of changes in the competitive marketplace.

Among LCD heavyweights, Sony and Samsung have been trading blows for the last couple of years at the top of the standings. This bout involves cutting-edge, top-of-the-line LED-backlit models most of us can't afford, but it's entertaining nonetheless. In this corner is the Sony KDL-55XBR8, the most-expensive flat-panel HDTV we've ever tested at CNET and possibly the worst deal per square inch since Sony's own XEL-1. In that corner is the Samsung LN46A950. In case you don't have time to read the complete blow-by-blow, we'll cut to the chase: the Sony XBR8 won. It delivered deeper black levels than the Samsung, along with less blooming and off-angle fade, two issues you'll have to read about below.

No doubt XBR8 is a good tv (albeit an expensive one) and KDL-55XBR8 won over LN46A950. But Comparing a $5000 tv with sub $3300 tv :confused:

But as good as the Sony is, it still couldn't knock out the champion of the superheavyweight plasma division, Pioneer's Elite Kuro, which still reigns supreme as the best HDTV overall and it costs less, even at 60 inches, than the 55-inch KDL-55XBR8. "

Nice post :cheers:, not to forget there were a huge list of known issues reported on the XBR8 at the time in many forums.People can search for XBR8 in Audio and Video related forums to know what i am talking about.

The successor XBR9 was rated the worst television in value electronics shoot out so if you like the XBR then go ahead buy and enjoy the same, no one stopping any XBR buyers :), but don't try and frame it as a match for top end plasma because Cnet said

btw i thought this thread was about HX950 so what is the review of a 4 year old television doing here?

I assume you have bought the TV, so it would be great if you could post your impressions here :)

As for settings PM Imrizzio and Flavius at avsforums and get their settings.
Quite a lot of people here think that it's only now that top end LCD sets can challenge top end Plasmas in PQ. But that is not true. Even when Pioneer Kuro Elite was at its prime in 2008, there was one LCD set that almost gave it a run for its money - the Bravia XBR8.

Quoting a few lines from CNET review and comparison with Pioneer Kuro Elite 111FD.

The short story is that the Sony KDL-55XBR8 is the best-performing flat-panel LCD we've ever tested, earning the category's first-ever "9" we've awarded for performance. It delivers picture quality that's nearly as good as the Pioneer PDP-111FD, the best flat-panel performer period. Black level and color accuracy were superb, there's a cornucopia of video processing choices including the best dejudder mode we've tested, and bright-room picture quality was best-in-class. Our only gripe, and it's enough to cost the Sony the title, was its tendency to fade when seen from off angle.

Black level: It quickly became apparent that the Sony was a serious challenger to the Pioneer as black-level champion. In dark areas of dimly lit scenes, such as the cave sequence in Chapter 3, it was almost impossible to tell which one came closer to the ideal of absolute black. The Sony displayed an inky depth in dark areas that lent superb punch and realism to the image, and easily outclassed the rest of the non-Pioneer sets in this regard, including the updated Samsung LN46A950.

The Sony's shadow detail was also superb, nearly as good as the Pioneer was and better than the rest of the displays in the room.

Color on the Sony KDL-55XBR8 is nothing short of superb. As we mentioned above, its grayscale variation and primary and secondary color points hewed as close to the standards as any display we've tested, including the Pioneer.

Overall, between the two, color was pretty much a tie.

Verdict: Although not quite the best HDTV we've tested so far, the wallet-busting, LED-powered Sony KDL-55XBR8 comes mighty close.

Sony Bravia KDL-55XBR8 Review - Flat-panel TVs - CNET Reviews - page 2

P.S. I know this is slightly off topic, but the reason I posted this is one member made a post in a closed thread ( I believe rangan or shanmune) that only now LCD's can challenge Plasma in terms of PQ and that Kuro had no challenger. So just wanted to let them know that there were LCD challengers to top end Plasmas even 5 years back. :)

I wanted to maintain that I should not post anything on very highly emotional threads, but I am forced to put this clarification since I was brought in to this.

Hi avmaxfan - With due respect to you, I would like to disagree when you mentioned "( I believe rangan or shanmune) that only now LCD's can challenge Plasma in terms of PQ and that Kuro". I never said that. I still maintain that neither Sony nor Panasonic nor Pioneer nor Samsung is absolutely superior. My personal opinion is I will be a fool if I am too much passionate about these companies or even about the technologies because none of them are doing a human service on this earth. This is my personal opinion only and so let's not pick any fight on this.
Let me clarify what I used to write

1. I only said and still beleive if you want to buy a LCD with PQ equivalent to that of a Plasma, you need to shed additional money. Even there is a difference in the price range between the top end plasma of Panasonic/Samsung (except for Kuro) and a top end LCD of Sony/Samsung/Sharp. So I never said that LCD is inferior to Plasma.

2. I only said Kuro is still the king, but it is not an untouchable. But I would still keep Kuro in high regards compared to others only for the reason that it is still kept as the reference moderl even after 3 years. At the same time, I will never say that Kuro is in a different league when compared to the current 2012 models (be it LED or Plasma). There are some crazy fans of Kuro who wants to show that it is untouchable, but they are living in a fools paradise. This applies to anyone who says that 'a particular model' is the ultimate. Even one of the greatest gurus like D Nice ( a greatest fan of Kuro) was made to say that VT50 is almost identical to Kuro in PQ. I even read that Sharp ELite/HX929 beats Kuro when the screen is completely black. AGain - let's not pick any fight on this. There will be a never ending fight as long one says "I am the BEST".

3. Last, but not the least - I am not a fan boy of any brands or technology. I am still a proud owner of the old Sony trinitron CRT (having it for 12 straight years with no repair till now) and I really love it, but I will not workship Sony as it is not the only company producing great TVs. Its not that I saying this because someone accused me of a crazy fan of Sony, but wanted to make clear where I stand. I just love my CRT and that's it and nothing beyond to it.

Finally this would be my last post in this thread since I am very much frustrated to see people becoming either so passionate/dis-passionate about a particular brand and in the event they go to an extent of being too sarcastic and disrespect to others.
avmaxfan, I am not saying you have been disrespectful to me, but I am talking in general. I have a tremendous respect for your knowledge in this subject, but sometimes I do feel that you are becoming more vulnerable to an accusation of being too crazy about a brand/technology. Again, it is your right to feel good about a brand, but you will be best judge of yourself to know if you are being too passionate or mad about a brand/technology. I am not accusing you and finally who am I to take such a high moral ground ? I am nothing, but I only spoke honestly on what I felt.

At last, we can respectfully agree to disagree on certain things, but I personally cannot tolerate if unwanted frictions bad blood exists.

With due respect, I am signing off from this thread.
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