Speaker cables - Bare copper vs. tinned copper

Rethm AFAIK, till a couple of years back used flat ribbon cables. They were made in-house and looked like Goertz cables. Initially he used copper ribbons. Later he moved to silver ribbons and then for a long time he used copper ribbon for signal and silver ribbon for return. He uses these same cables for internal wiring to the single driver. If he’s changed his cabling now, I wouldn’t know.
My Experience is during 2016, when he was using these kind of slightly more transparent desktop wire organizer over solid core copper wire , I can't be sure, because I could barely see what's inside,

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Yes. This is what he’s been using since 2002. But what’s inside is according to me flat ribbon cable. Not magnet wire or some other solid core rounded cable.
Also try 12 awg copper cables. Presently in my system I use basic Radio Shack ic and 12 awg Radio Shack Auvio speaker cable. These are copper cables. It works very well.

Until such time that I can source Auvio, I am going to try Euroclear 12 AWG. These are the specs:
D.C.R. 7.98 ohm/km
Capacitance 110 pF/m
Area 2.5 mm²
Strand 80 x 0.193 mm
Insulation material PVC TI2
Insulation thickness > 0.7 mm
Material Elettrolytic bare copper

Any thoughts?
I don’t understand specs. I only go by listening. If it’s not expensive buy and see.
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Until such time that I can source Auvio, I am going to try Euroclear 12 AWG. These are the specs:
D.C.R. 7.98 ohm/km
Capacitance 110 pF/m
Area 2.5 mm²
Strand 80 x 0.193 mm
Insulation material PVC TI2
Insulation thickness > 0.7 mm
Material Elettrolytic bare copper

Any thoughts?
Check if they have fewer strands.
Typically choices are 80/0.20, 50/0.25, 36/0.30 for electrical wire 2.5 sqmm.
Other specs are pretty much the same as electrical wire.
May be the same for these too, if these are branded as speaker cables.

Auvio speaker cable weave is different. It has seven sets of strands interwoven very tightly with each other. I have no idea what this does to the sound. But it’s easily the best speaker cable I have owned till date. And I have owned in the past speaker cables from Cardas Golden, Kimber Select, Transparent Ultra, JPS Aluminata, ASI Reference Liveline to name a few.
Yes Multi Stranded Copper brings sweetness and warmth, but loses on PRAT in my experience, music sounded slightly crying... Like Walkman days when Dry cells are just losing their potency.

The tinned didn't appeal me anything extra over my basic bluejeans ten white, so I never used them again.

Silver Mixed Cu Cables corrected the PRAT issues instantly but adding a bit brightness or edginess depending upon the blend and quality. By far the best choice among these.

Uniform Solid Core Copper (1 sqmm x 8) was Far better than regular multi Stranded Copper as far as tonality, imaging and holographic presentation is concerned, but still the correct PRAT I felt missing slightly, like pure copper.

Multiple Solid Core Copper with Silver with Irregular core Thickness was the best I could experience, before I switched to the expensive Transparent Audio speaker cables with Network Box in between. Multiple solid core wire with irregular thickness like Kimber 12Tc had extraordinary control over Prat without adding brightness. The braided geometry has its own advantages. This has been strictly my experience YMMV.
That's a good summary. Thanks for sharing
I have used copper- multi-strand, copper-single/solid core, copper-twisted, silver-plated with copper core, silver-shielded with copper core. Haven't heard tip-plated copper yet.

I found copper to be most neutral as a conductor to my ears. I always felt silver or other material introduced some colorations to the sound regardless of the speaker.
+1 to Belden 8477. I'm currently biwiring with Belden 8477 for bass (12awg tinned copper) and Klotz S215 (16awg bare copper, Rs.70/m) for mid /treble.

I'll be happy to try Auvio if there's a source in India or abroad

Where do you get 3m or 5m lengths of Belden cable, either terminated or unterminated? I am only finding spools of 50m or more online. Appreciate your help.

Where do you get 3m or 5m lengths of Belden cable, either terminated or unterminated? I am only finding spools of 50m or more online. Appreciate your help.


Kiran Sales, Mumbai. They will courier to you. Call Biren Sheth +919322235353
Until such time that I can source Auvio, I am going to try Euroclear 12 AWG. These are the specs:
D.C.R. 7.98 ohm/km
Capacitance 110 pF/m
Area 2.5 mm²
Strand 80 x 0.193 mm
Insulation material PVC TI2
Insulation thickness > 0.7 mm
Material Elettrolytic bare copper

Any thoughts?
I received this cable a couple of days ago and it has made my jaw drop in amazement. Every aspect of the sq is so much better. At last, my Kinki has a hint of the Swiss sound that Srajen speaks about and my Spendors the warmth and richness that I had only dreamed of. Of course, YMMV, but at Rs.120 a metre, you will not regret trying it. If you do, let me know how it sounds in your setup.
I couldn't find any reviews on the net, but bought it merely on the basis of the specs and the dealer's recommendation.

I received this cable a couple of days ago and it has made my jaw drop in amazement. Every aspect of the sq is so much better. At last, my Kinki has a hint of the Swiss sound that Srajen speaks about and my Spendors the warmth and richness that I had only dreamed of. Of course, YMMV, but at Rs.120 a metre, you will not regret trying it. If you do, let me know how it sounds in your setup.
I couldn't find any reviews on the net, but bought it merely on the basis of the specs and the dealer's recommendation.

Where did you source this from?
If local please share dealer/distributor contact
I received this cable a couple of days ago and it has made my jaw drop in amazement. Every aspect of the sq is so much better. At last, my Kinki has a hint of the Swiss sound that Srajen speaks about and my Spendors the warmth and richness that I had only dreamed of. Of course, YMMV, but at Rs.120 a metre, you will not regret trying it. If you do, let me know how it sounds in your setup.
I couldn't find any reviews on the net, but bought it merely on the basis of the specs and the dealer's recommendation.

Where did you source it from?
Where did you source it from?
The same Kiran Sales, Lamington Road, Mumbai. +919322235353.
They also sell a range of Belden and Klotz cables, all very affordable.

Without going into the brand name or the twisting pattern or no. of strands, I feel there is such a big big difference between tinned copper and bare copper.
Tinned cables work very well with high efficiency speakers, especially single drivers. Tinned copper cables is very musical and alive with the right speakers. I especially love the WE 16 awg speaker cable and the Belden 8402 ic. One of my favourite combos, irrespective of price. You can add the WE power cable to it to complete the sound. I like the 18 awg WE and the 10 awg WE power cable here depending on power requirements.

would tinned copper work better between my Bhaava's and EAR 890 amp?
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