Speaker Stands - SoundFoundations

since removed the putty and have placed the granite directly under the speaker like this: speaker - granite slab - existing speaker base. Will observe the difference and get back, Thanks for your valuable inputs. (will also try to post pics)

this i still dont understand
youll have to send/email me a pic

Below are the new Granito Stands (flush top plate - no skirting)

however the pics below show a Solid Steel base plate only for illustrative purpose
the Real stands will have a Granite base similar to the last pic.This will be added on site in another city.
In this case the member has taken the onus for arranging the granite since it obviously cant be shipped inter city due to breakage risks

Also you see an solid steel top plate.(which will be shipped)
the top plate is screwed onto the Pure solid Statinless Steel column and an an 8mm granite tile will be Superglued onto this Steel top plate on site
(hence no ugly skirting will be required)

Note the large horizontal top plate.
this is because the speakers are to lie horizonally
the stands were made custom for

Bose 301 Series V Direct /Reflecting Speaker System - Stereo Speakers - Bose Speakers

P.S : Modular hifi rack is also ready
will post some modules tomm
Am eager to seem some pics of the racks Ali. Do post ASAP

Also finally got some good quality sand after asking for it in atleast 10 shops. It is almost white in colour. No one here has any idea what silica sand is
hello all

i had been working on a hifirack and had promised it to a couple members

i have taken siddharth's(sidvee's) advice and worked on a modular design
the design is very similar to most atacama and alphason hifi racks

the differnce being that most of these brands use Mild steel and then have it chromed to get the Stainless steel finish
Also most rack makers use 16-14 gauge steel ( 1.5mm thick)

I have on the other hand used 2.5 mm Solid Stainless Steel material itself
The spikes are large(1.5inch dia) and if you see closely have two contours.they curve in before forming an equilateral triangle at the end point
Many spike makers believe this to be the best design
Credit for this design goes to Dinyaar who generously let me copy(and modify a bit) the spikes of His Avalon Ascendo speakers

Following are the pics of the modules of the rack
Completed rack pics in assmebled condition with some glass will be posted later

Also i am trying to go one up on my next design by providing lateral support which most budget (10-20k) modular rack makers dont provide
but thats for later

Current modular rack is to have 4 shelves
Shelves can be of any material and maximum thickness accomodated in 20mm
Bottom shelf ht - 9 inches
2 shelves of ht - 7 inches
1 top shelf

the bottom shelf will be 3inch+1.5inch ( spike ht) = 4.5 inch off the floor

Near the spikes in the 1st pic are Spike feet and PU washers
the other pics show the SS uprights and the 4 top Caps(for the topmost shelf)

All materials used are marine grade Solid Stainless Steel

Edit : forgot to add
Uprights are 33mm in diameter
shelves can be cut to any size (24*18 is good aesthetically and generally fits most equipment but you should choose your own size according to equip)
Holes in the four corners of the shelves could be made 1.5-2 inches away from each edge.( 1.75inch looks good for me)
The upright uses 5/16 " threads- hence an 8 mm hole would suffice . However if you expect inaccuracies you could go for 9-10mm

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Ali - that looks great. An user can supply his/her own shelves which can be - glass, solid wood, veneered MDF, granite, marble or anything else. Usually local carpenters or granite shops can easily make the shelves and when assembled to the excellent hardware illustrated by Ali - it will make a killer rack. Not to mention the ease and economy of shipping just the hardware safely to any part of the country.
Once again an outstanding job. Do u have picture of an assembled rack; If so please post it also.
hi magma,

I was watching this thread closely for your finalised and assembled rack, after seen your speaker stand varaities.
Here are some pics of the Semi assembled racK

Please note
For illustration purposes i did not get 4 glass shelves made
I had only 2 made and have used them on the bottom shelf and top most shelf
Hence you see the middle two shelves empty
You will have toimagine the shleves in between

Also for illustration purposes i have used only 6mm glass
I suggest use of 10-12 mm toughened glas for the bottom two shelves and 8 mm toughened for the top 2 shelves

The middle two shelves you see Black straps
These are 6mm Solid Aluminium straps that i have used only for the sake of stability
Two are horizonatal and two are verticals

They need not be used.Atleast many modular racks ive see do not use them

The first pic shows the top shlef with the SS caps
Also please excuse the second pic which got blurred due to my shaky hand ( you may refer the earlier spike pics for detail)

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Gorgeous stuff magma! Another one added to the list of wants!:lol:

Magma, why not beautiful 2U/3U chassis designs (with a brushed aluminium faceplate option) next? The diy community would love them!
Magma, why not beautiful 2U/3U chassis designs (with a brushed aluminium faceplate option) next? !

i did not understand
do you mean chasis designs for per amp and power amps?

if yes
then well those are not so difficicult to execute at all
but the problem is everyone needs the thing as per their specs and everything is cutom orders

you give me the link / schematics ill execute
Hi Magma,

One of our forum members has modded a well documented diy kit by a guy named Mauro Penasa. Some of our forum members are committed to making this amp and are looking for a chassis. The link to the thread is here: -


It would be great if you could make a good looking Chassis and Face Plate for the Amplifier.


i did not understand
do you mean chasis designs for per amp and power amps?

if yes
then well those are not so difficicult to execute at all
but the problem is everyone needs the thing as per their specs and everything is cutom orders

you give me the link / schematics ill execute

magma, yes i meant for pre/power etc. Maybe HTPC cases as well. A lot of threads are discussing requirements for a chassis and lots of people are building HTPCs as well. With the kind of equipment you are building, im sure you can do these as well.

For ideas, you can take a look at Hi-Fi 2000 contenitori per l'elettronica, case modding HTPC, Galaxy, rack, DIYaudio, computer cases, front panel express, knobs,milled Handles, milled fronts, hi-end, For customization, maybe you can offer special drilling services etc.

Hope you dont mind my suggestions.
Hi Magma,

In addition to the said amp, I'm also looking for a quality chassis for my class D Amp. I can give you the dimensions if you are interested.:)


Hi Magma,

One of our forum members has modded a well documented diy kit by a guy named Mauro Penasa. Some of our forum members are committed to making this amp and are looking for a chassis. The link to the thread is here: -


It would be great if you could make a good looking Chassis and Face Plate for the Amplifier.



will work on this
but it will take some time espcially due to the month of Ramazan where i get a bit more busy
i like to research extensively before i build
members might either have to wait or make do with another cabinet temporarily if intrested

magma, yes i meant for pre/power etc. Maybe HTPC cases as well. A lot of threads are discussing requirements for a chassis and lots of people are building HTPCs as well. With the kind of equipment you are building, im sure you can do these as well.

For ideas, you can take a look at Hi-Fi 2000 contenitori per l'elettronica, case modding HTPC, Galaxy, rack, DIYaudio, computer cases, front panel express, knobs,milled Handles, milled fronts, hi-end, For customization, maybe you can offer special drilling services etc.

Hope you dont mind my suggestions.

Hi saikat thanks for the encouragement

but you should note

HTPC cases have various provisions for MOBO,power supplies and various PCI cards etc
Custom making these is not feasible especially since PC cases nowadays go as low as for 1000rs
Hence i have never considered these

Also the silverstone cases are excellent
i dont think i can better them.In all my builds i beleive i offer something BETTER than what is already out there
and once i beleive i cannot better an already existing VFM product in the market i dont bother building

on another note
the link you sent me about the chasis is bloody brilliant
thank you very much for that
i think ill use them for reference

Hi Magma,

In addition to the said amp, I'm also looking for a quality chassis for my class D Amp. I can give you the dimensions if you are interested.:)



can be done no problem

Hi magma........where do you get these metal spikes?

Hi prakash
the very first spike is actaully made on a lathe by ME personally
then i give that as a sample to a lathe operater ( one of my vendors)
All spikes are Stainless Steel

Nice looking stand Ali. Great job.

thanks sid
your encouragement always helps
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will work on this
but it will take some time espcially due to the month of Ramazan where i get a bit more busy
i like to research extensively before i build
members might either have to wait or make do with another cabinet temporarily if intrested

can be done no problem

That is great news Magma. Going by the quality & finish of your stands and rack, I'm sure of what to expect. Will be in touch.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Red Mahogany finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.