With these stands, SoundFoundations now joins a select group of manufactures who use custom extrusions in their creations.
We have been lucky to source the customized Aluminum profiles used by B&W in their stands.However we have made a few changes from their design which we believe are for the better.
The orientation of the dual columns are changed for added support.This orientation also allows for concealed wire mgt.
The Oval profile of the columns is widely believed to be one of the better shapes you can use in stand design today compared to flat faces that cause undue reflections.
The custom extrusion apart from being sand fillable , also allows us to directly screw on the extrusion to the top and bottom plates and can be finished in any color or texture.
Top and bottom plates are 1mm thicker than what are used in the original B&w stands and can be made in all grades of steel.
Spikes are stainless steel and are top adjustable.
A single column version is available for those on a budget
We strongly believe that our product is far better than its inspiration.
Currently this design is frozen for direct buyers (not made up my mind fully) and is intended for intrested dealers only.This is because dealers have been asking me to create something unique for them which is not easily replicated in addition to having an aesthetic edge


My next project is also a challenging one
we are now working to fine tune a lossy box design for speakers like Spendors,Harbeths,ATC's etc