Speaker system choice for a starter


New Member
Oct 13, 2015
Hello friends,
I am new to home theatre systems. I was planning to have a ht set up at my home. I have a dedicated 12/ 25 ft room for home theater. I have been studying about ht systems for the last three months from various sources and learnt a lot in this forum. I have got an Epson powerlite home cinema 2030 projector from US (through my brother ). Now, about speakers: I had almost finalized on PIONEER AJ237ZXT Andrew Jones 7.1 speaker system with pioneer 7.1 av receiver for 69000 rupees on Snapdeal. I tried to purchase, but due some technical error, I could not. Next day when I tried, it was out of order. I started researching about following
1. Energy take 5.1
2. Boston acoustics a se xs 5.1
3. Definitive technology procinema 400.
4. Pioneer Aj series
5. paradigm ct series
6. Wharfedale movie star ct 65, hcs 100, and dx-1 hcp
7. Audiopro avanto 5.0 black
8. Jbl cinema 300

After extensive reading, I opted out of energy take and definive technology series since I felt there were better options at the same pricegreat. although they had greatsh expert reviews, user reviews we're not showing exemplary sound. An series is not available as a pack and is slightly confusing. Boston acoustimas xe 5.1 looked impressive but very small satellites is very difficult to handle. Paradigm cinema ct series are very expensive . Now I am left with

1. AUDIOPRO AVANTO 5.0 . Looks great. Only few reviews. No user reviews on hifivision forum. It's available for 42,000 on Amazon and snapdeal
2. Wharfedale hcs 100. Great reviews. Great user experience. Lots and lots of positive opinions.
3. Jbl cinema 300. No proper expert reviews. Some user reviews on hifivision revealed exceptional and truly amazing sound for movies as well as music.

Since I am not sure of complete and quality sound by ' audiopro avanto 5.0, I have to choose between JBL home cinema 300 and wharfedale Movie star 100 hcp. Movie star 100 is available for 29000 rupees, jbl 300 is available for about the same price. Forum members please help me understand the difference between these two systems. Avr system, I will take up later.
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