ST50 Owners' Thread - First impressions, Reviews, Tweaks, etc.

Firmware update version 2.25 is now available. I have not done the update. But Viera Connect stopped working and says "You need to update to the latest software version ... blah ... blah ... blah".
I just noticed IR after I (finally) added TataSky last week.

In watching 'NeoSports' for 2 days, 2-3hours of ON time per sitting, there is definitely IR of their (toxic) logo. When I run the screen wipe function, under the white bands I can prominently see their logo. The TataSky logo uses muted tones and I don't see any IR from it. Anyone else annoyed with NeoSports for using such a 'neon' colour for their logo :( It's quite noticeable under the intense scrutiny of the screen wipe function.

The good thing is that I noticed that they seem to move their logo every few days. I've been running some dynamic content and the scrolling white/black bars. Let's see if goes away.
I just noticed IR after I (finally) added TataSky last week.

In watching 'NeoSports' for 2 days, 2-3hours of ON time per sitting, there is definitely IR of their (toxic) logo. When I run the screen wipe function, under the white bands I can prominently see their logo. The TataSky logo uses muted tones and I don't see any IR from it. Anyone else annoyed with NeoSports for using such a 'neon' colour for their logo :( It's quite noticeable under the intense scrutiny of the screen wipe function.

The good thing is that I noticed that they seem to move their logo every few days. I've been running some dynamic content and the scrolling white/black bars. Let's see if goes away.

I ran the scroll bar just now but I am happy to report that I don't see any ir our stuck logos. Have you been able to get rid of your ir issues?

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
Nope. Now it's just in both corners; the older less so.

NeoSports seems to be the problem -- their logo is super intense. No issues with an IR on other channels.

Even I have finally experienced the dreaded IR problem! My ST50 has done 110 hours and last night I was watching predators on Movies NOW HD. Just after I switched off the TV, I could see Movies NOW logo at the top right hand corner and Airtel logo at the bottom right hand corner. In the morning I checked for IR again and after running the scrolling bar, I could see the airtel logo in the white background but movies now logo was gone.

Any idea what I can do to get rid of it? Or is it going to bother me forever? Also, I had another query, whats the difference between IR and image burn in?

About my experience so far, I will be honest, I havent really taken full advantage of the set so far. I havent seen any Blu Ray since I dont have a blu ray player. So I am yet to unleash its full potential. I only watch HD channels as of now and occasional DVD.
There are times when I really am blown away by the picture quality, and there are moments when I think I have made a wrong choice and should've played safe with an LED! After seeing the IR last night, I felt the latter!
But as I said, I am yet to take full advantage of the set and plan to buy a PS3 to satiate my gaming hunger and also to get the BR experience!

Will keep you posted!
After over 450 hours of operation, I am happy to report that I have no IR issues. I am still running with low contrast setting. I have kind of got used to this setting and standard factory setting of 50 makes the image too bright.

At this point I would also like to report upscaled DVD performance. Though not strictly related to TV, I thought that I should mention this.

Up till three months ago, I did not have a full HD TV or any FHD display source. My Panasonic projector is native 720p (1366x768). The projector cannot receive 1080p signal - I have to change resolution to 1080i and then the projector can display it. Whenever I watch pure DVD, 1080i upscaled DVD and 1080i BD on PJ, I could very clearly spot the resolution difference. After getting the ST50, I also got a BD player to pair with it (a region free Panasonic DMP-BDT220) and watching various content on this TV. I can now watch content at full 1080p resolution. While I can make out difference between true HD source such as a blu-ray and upscaled DVD, I cannot say the same thing about TataSky HD and upscaled DVD. There is very little difference between TataSky HD and 1080p upscaled DVD. I was very surprised and this makes me think.

  • What kind of compression is TataSky using?
  • All the claim about asli HD ... is this really HD or what?
  • All over the various forums, people are saying that when it comes to PQ, TS is the best. No doubt this maybe true when comparing the various service providers. But ...
  • Is TataSky really providing HD content or upscaling the SD content?
  • Has anyone observed this and can anyone confirm that TS HD content is really different from upscaled DVD?
  • What kind of compression is TataSky using?
  • All the claim about asli HD ... is this really HD or what?
  • All over the various forums, people are saying that when it comes to PQ, TS is the best. No doubt this maybe true when comparing the various service providers. But ...
  • Is TataSky really providing HD content or upscaling the SD content?
  • Has anyone observed this and can anyone confirm that TS HD content is really different from upscaled DVD?

1. Mpeg 2 and 4 ....
2. Asli HD is an initiative by Star network with FHD telecast.. recorded in FHD.
3. A lot of players are sayin true HD and more crap.. but when it comes to HD , its either TS or Airtel...
TS is better with its audio output ...
while airtel claims it gives surround sound.. it aint...considering u have a HT, that can give needed audio...
between airtel n TS its the package that matters...
4.regarding upscaling I would say dishTV is best at it.. crappiest of all...
5. I vouch for TS HD and Airtel HD..
Have both of them :)
I think you misundertood my query motives. I know that TS uses MPEG2 technology for compression. My query was what is the bitrate used? I also know that DishTV is simply upscaling SD channels and calling them HD.

I cannot honestly say that there is much difference between the movie teleccast by TataSky and DVD upscaled by BD Player.

So let me rephrase a bit. The BD player is upscaling DVD 480p to 1080p. TataSky HD is transmitting in 1080i and presumably downscaling from 1080p to 1080i. BDP is probably using the maximum bitrate and bandwidth available via HDMI. TataSky is using MPEG2 compression with unknown bitrate. Further we know that they are severely compropmised because of unavailability of satellite transponders (that is why they are unable to add more HD channels). Realistic result? Upscaled DVD @ 1080p looks no different than TS-HD @ 1080i.

So is 1080i so inferior that upscaled content looks same? My answer would be a vehemant "No". Because "Planet Earth" blu-ray is 1080i content and it looks fabulous and only the strongest videophile may be able to tell it apart from 1080p. So, what gives? Duh? :confused:
Hi just4kix,

I had gone to Baner's shop on weekend and checked ST50 and GT50. couldn't find much difference in them. I am also now inclining towards 50" ST50. Might buy it by this weekend. I remember you mentioned that you bought your TV from Rajesh Trading Company, will check the price with them on Wednesday.

Thanks for your help.

Need to find out in the forum if anyone else is also planning to buy ST50 in Pune, can get some additional discount if we go in the group.
Yes I am planning to Buy but 50UT50. I am from Baner only.
Wow thats good offer I am too from Baner and planning to purchase either 50UT50 or E550. lets see. Bye the way do you have AirTel DTH? I read it has MPEG4 with DVB S2 which has better quality SD channel also.

With regards to above ...

I had only heard about blacks and the magic thereof. I was simply a paper believer till this point. I watched the movie again yesterday. The performance simply blew me away. The movie is not something great and would not even be in IMDB Top 200 or anything. But when it comes to referencing black levels, I am sure that it will be in contention.

The question on most people's mind will be "What so great about black colour? Isn't black simply absence of colour?". I won't blame you. I also thought that black colour in TV was something of an overstatement until I had a projector. I then began understanding its importance. Afterall, true black is a colour that is impossible to produce (because it means total absence of light), just as absolute zero cannot be achieved. But with the performance of yesterday, I would say "phenomenal".

Now I am not just trying to praise my own TV. Perhaps there are a few models such as GT50 or VT50 that maybe better; at least on paper they are. Maybe some top LEDs also can match this. I do not have any real reference and would like to see this on LED some day before I can make an honest comparison.

Anyone (from Pune or nearby) who wishes to see ST50 and how it looks at home, is most welcome to my home (just PM me). This will probably give a true feeling on its general performance because showroom conditions simply cannot be compared to home. And perhaps you will also understand why I am so overboard at this point.
Hi just4kix,

I had gone to Baner's shop on weekend and checked ST50 and GT50. couldn't find much difference in them. I am also now inclining towards 50" ST50. Might buy it by this weekend. I remember you mentioned that you bought your TV from Rajesh Trading Company, will check the price with them on Wednesday.

Thanks for your help.

Need to find out in the forum if anyone else is also planning to buy ST50 in Pune, can get some additional discount if we go in the group.

Hello VMJ,

Please update me as well. I am planning to buy 50UT50 or E550. I am also staying at Baner.

Please let me also know the price comparison, I am planning to buy 50UT50 or E550. I also stays at Baner.

Hi just4kix,

I had gone to Baner's shop on weekend and checked ST50 and GT50. couldn't find much difference in them. I am also now inclining towards 50" ST50. Might buy it by this weekend. I remember you mentioned that you bought your TV from Rajesh Trading Company, will check the price with them on Wednesday.

Thanks for your help.

Need to find out in the forum if anyone else is also planning to buy ST50 in Pune, can get some additional discount if we go in the group.
Did any one notice 2012 range specs...

St50 contrast is in native contrast terms while st30 is in terms of dynamic.

Would this mean xt50 got better contrast thn st30....
St50 contrast is in native contrast terms while st30 is in terms of dynamic.

Would this mean xt50 got better contrast thn st30....

Native contrast can never be anything like 5 mil:1. Such values refer to dynamic contrast. Native congest will be more like 5000:1 to 10000:1. By adding infinite black pro filter and stuff like that black levels are increased and thereby inflating numbers. Besides none know how the dynamic numbers are calculated.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
If you know the Restaurant " Way down To South " which is next to D-Mart on Baner Road, has Samsung Plasma TV I dont know the model Number which has AirTel Connection. It would be great if you visit and see the picture quality of Sports/NG/discovery channel there. He do not have HD but yet some of the SD channels of AirTel are very good as AirTel do not compress them by lowering the base quality. Also AirTel has Couple of Transponders yet to used hence in near future they will add much more channels without quality degradation I guess.

It will be really great if you manage time to visit that as it will also help me for your views on Samsung.


I have Tatasky.

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
I am aware of the d-mart at Aundh. But why not check tv at the Samsung plaza on Baner Road?

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
Samsung Plaza at Baner do not have AirTel connection hence I suggested for you as well as for me to check the Plasma with AirTel with SD channel is available at said Restaurant.

I am aware of the d-mart at Aundh. But why not check tv at the Samsung plaza on Baner Road?

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
Samsung Plaza at Baner do not have AirTel connection hence I suggested for you as well as for me to check the Plasma with AirTel with SD channel is available at said Restaurant.

What is it that you wish to test? Samsung plasma or Airtel HD?

Sent from my GT-I9100G using Tapatalk 2
I think you misundertood my query motives. I know that TS uses MPEG2 technology for compression. My query was what is the bitrate used? I also know that DishTV is simply upscaling SD channels and calling them HD.

There is not much info available on the bit rate used by various service providers. If you go for web sites like LyngSat, you can see the symbol rate of transponder and no of channels in each transponder. Even then different channels within the same transponder have different bit rates.

Following link has more info on some European channels including bit rate, resolution etc. I am yet to find such info on asian/ indian satellites.,Hot-Bird-13A-13B-13C,130E.html
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